Infidel - Hieroglyphics Half the fun I got from Infidel was from trying to translate the hieroglyphics found through the game. Some are given to you at the start, others during the game eg on the beam and the scarab. However, I didn't work out all of them - can you fill in the gaps? ON THE TOP OF THE PYRAMID !-! !-! -> #. ! ! - # ! ! / Below this door lies the entrance to THE STONE CUBE # !@! :: (()) !@! //\\ The Queen and all Queen treasures Use both of these together to learn the meaning of a few symbols in the second message. IN THE NARROW HALLWAY . = - - !@! ...> - # * = :: <... ; Queen is the and ON THE PANEL IN THE CUBE ROOM <.> <:> <:.> <::> <::.> <:::> <:::.> <::::> <::::.> This gives you the number of each brick. Use in conjunction with the Papyrus scroll. THE PAPYRUS SCROLL *-> <.> <:.> ... <::.> :: : ** --->> -) (*) Get first third fifth and thro' ON PLASTER WALL AT BOTTOM OF STAIRS *-> # !!! :: ---> .- Destroy the plaster and thro' ON THE PLASTERED DOOR IN NARROW PASSAGEWAY . <-* # /!\ - # (= =) *-> # !!! Put the beam in the niches destroy the plaster IN THE GOLDEN ROOM -!- # !* :: # *! Balance the silver chalice and the golden chalice :: *-> # !@! >*> and get the Queen scarab ROOM OF ISIS (@@@) / )) / # . :: <-* (@@@) =!= / * to the and put to There are similar hieroglyphics in the Rooms of Neith, Selkis and Nephthys. ON THE WALL IN THE ANTECHAMBER _ !=! <-* # /!\ . # ! ! :: *-> # !!! Put the beam under the entrance and destroy the plaster ON THE WALL IN THE SOUTH ANTECHAMBER BY THE DOORWAY _ _ <-* # /!\ (.) # !_! :: ( # !_! Put the beam across the door and open the door IN THE BOOK = . ! ! . <-* # = - # !@! !--! :: # >*> = # Put the book in the large recess and the scarab in the ! ! !@! !-! small recess