Might and Magic II - a warning sent in by Ron Rainbird @~This was part of a letter I received from Ron recently. We had @~both been playing M&M2 and his characters were a lot more @~advanced than mine so he was well ahead of me in the game. The @~information he gave me in the letter might be worth reading if @~you are also playing the game. I've finally put Might and Magic II away with no hope of a reprieve for it. I got to the final dungeon - Square Lake Cavern which cannot be entered until you have done things with Time Travel, Discs and talons. Getting the items was most enjoyable if a bit hair-tearing, but upon entering the aforesaid Cavern I could have bounced the machine in frustration. I'll try to do a reasonably short explanation. The location consists of roughly 16 upward sloping corridors, running parallel to each other. At the end of each corridor you meet a horde of monsters - and I mean a HORDE - never less than 250 in number. The first group waited until I had reduced it to 60 or thereabouts when it called up reinforcements of another 100. This rather depressed me. Anyway I forced myself to continue for another 3 (I think) corridors, stopping for ages at the end of each to fight ridiculous numbers of creatures, when I found that just to do these encounters had taken me more than 2 hours with no way of saving without going back to an Inn and starting again. Purely by chance (this was several weeks ago) I met an RPG enthusiast in Northwich who had completed this game and he told me that he had sat up half a night to complete this Cavern and that nothing would ever induce him to either repeat the performance or play a game that included a similar situation. So there you have it. If you are carrying on with M&M2 I wish you good luck. @~... and so do I. I have also put my disks away for the time @~being. Why do they have to make some end-games so infuriating to @~complete and thus spoil the enjoyment of the whole game?