Cadaver - Mirrorsoft (Part 5) Solution provided by John Barnsley LEVEL FIVE You have now reached the final level of Castle Wulf. Dianos is waiting for you in the final room! The aim here is to collect the necessary items for his destruction and to reach that final room. Dianos has left a profusion of traps and puzzles to stop you. You will need all the skills that you have gained in the previous levels. You start this level in the Great Tower. Quickly, COLLECT the MARBLE GEM STONE and go EAST to the North Bridge. COLLECT the second MARBLE GEM STONE and locate the PRESSURE PAD which is close to the South wall. Walk over it to reveal a SKULL LOCK. INSERT the two MARBLE GEMS into the SKULL LOCK and go EAST to the Ward Room. JUMP up on the posts and COLLECT the POTION BOTTLES (do this quickly as the effect of the gems is damaging your health!). Go EAST to Helm's Bridge. PULL the FIRST LEVER and go UNDER the WOODEN BLOCK when it raises. PULL the SECOND LEVER and RUN to the EAST door. Stand as close as you can get to it and WAIT. The two FLAILS that appeared will not harm you. RUN back, PRESS the HOLE and COLLECT the FLASK that appears. Finally, PULL the THIRD LEVER, WAIT a few seconds until the door unlocks, then go EAST to Helm's View. COLLECT the EMERALD GEM and go EAST to the Great Chamber. OPEN the CHEST (READING the BOOK for more clues) and COLLECT the DISPEL TRAP, SCROLL and CURE POISON FLASK. Go DOWN the stairs to the Cellar Stair. OPEN the CHEST and COLLECT the MIND BLAST ORB and GREEN GEMS (the gems you collect are powering up your Mind Blast Spell in readiness for the final conflict!). Go EAST and SOUTH to the Main Cellar. OPEN the CHEST and COLLECT the BLESS POTION SPELL and URN, then return to the Cellar Stair. PLACE the URN UNDER the STEAM HAMMER and then PULL the LEVER. The urn will smash and you should COLLECT an EMERALD. Go to the Great Cellar and OPEN the CHEST. COLLECT the MAGIC MISSILE SPELLS (however, these are bit of a 'red herring' and almost useless!). Go SOUTH to the East Cellar. OPEN the CHEST and COLLECT the TWO RED POTIONS. AS the note says, you can only pick up ONE of the BLACK POTIONS. They are both STAMINA - one has a single dose of 200 and the other has 10 doses of 20. Get the 10 and 20 STAMINA POTION and CAST the BLESS POTION SPELL on it - this provides you with more Stamina than casting it on the other potion. Return to the Great Chamber. You have now been teleported back here! You must quickly jump for the posts that have caskets resting on them, getting the caskets as you go. OPEN the GREEN CASKET and COLLECT all the GEMS. OPEN the RED CASKET and COLLECT the DISPEL TRAP SPELL then go SOUTH to the East Passage. You must now get all the gems, but beware of the floor! There are FOUR PRESSURE PADS that transport you to one of the confrontations with Dianos! The EAST side of the passage is safe apart from the last tile but one. Go SOUTH to the Separator. Avoid touching the BLACK SPHERES as these will explode and harm you! COLLECT the KEY, PULL the LEVER and USE the KEY in the KEYHOLE. Return to the Great Chamber and USE STRENGTH to PULL BACK the WOODEN BLOCK from the door. Go EAST to the Oubliette. SEARCH the SKULL, COLLECT the TOKEN and TIGER'S EYE GEM, READ the BOOK and return to the Separator. Go SOUTH to the High Passage. PULL the MIDDLE LEVER. CLIMB the wooden LADDER and trigger the wooden BLOCK by standing in the corner. You must avoid the flail, COLLECT all the GREEN GEMS and finally the KEY. Go SOUTH to Axel's Leap. COLLECT the MONEY BAG and the RED ORB. As soon as you go round the far side of the pit, you will trigger the flails. JUMP to avoid them and go SOUTH to Sea Watch. DISPEL the TRAP on the wooden CHEST, OPEN it and COLLECT the extra-strong SPIDER POISON and the MONEY SACK. INSERT the KEY in the KEYHOLE and go WEST to Axel's Fall. Time the moving of the wooden block and INSERT the TWO EMERALDS onto the EYES of the SKULL LOCK (stand on the edge of the FIRST floorboard to do this). JUMP across the CENTRAL block of the wooden floor and go WEST to Brokson's Hall. OPEN the wooden CHEST and COLLECT the PIECE OF LEAD and all the COINS. PULL the UPPER LEVER and get onto the elevator. DROP the POISON on the floor and the SPIDER should drink it. After a few seconds the Spider will die, leaving behind a KEY. PULL the UPPER LEVER and go DOWN to COLLECT the KEY. Now PULL the LOWER LEVER to make the bars disappear. PULL the LOWER LEVER on the West wall and CLIMB onto the elevator and go to the Upper Level. USE the KEY in the KEYHOLE and then return to the Lower Floor. Go WEST to the Void. You cannot collect the flask or the money sacks - just yet. The exits to this room are located about halfway along the North wall and at either end of the West wall. Go NORTH and DISPEL the TRAP on the STRONG BOX then OPEN it to COLLECT the COINS. COLLECT the MAGIC SHIELD POTION, stand on the STRONG BOX to PRESS the SECRET PANEL and COLLECT the RUBY that falls from it. Return to the Void and then exit using the LOWER of the West wall doors to enter the Lord's View. TOUCH the NUMBERED PANELS until they are set at 7-4-1. This will unlock the door to the South. Go SOUTH then SOUTH again to the Lord's Watch. PRESS the TWO SECRET PANELS to COLLECT a RED CASKET (be sure to READ THE NOTE!) and the TWO KEYS. Go NORTH to the Side Room. OPEN the CHEST and COLLECT what MONEY you can. Return to the Void and exit through the UPPER of the West doors to the Great Bridge. INSERT the TWO RUBIES into the FIRST SKULL LOCK, then INSERT the KEY into the LOCK and INSERT the TOKEN into the SLOT. Go WEST to the West Ward. COLLECT the AMETHYST and the GREEN CASKET. OPEN the GREEN CASKET and COLLECT all the GEMS. Now DRINK your STRENGTH POTION and SLIDE the wooden BLOCK so that you can reach the door and lever. PULL the LEVER and go WEST to Magnus's Watch. Avoid the steel shots and INSERT the AMETHYST into the appropriate SKULL LOCK. You can now OPEN the RED CASKET and COLLECT the LEAD. Go NORTH to the High Parapet. PULL the LEVER and CLIMB onto the elevator. JUMP over the WOODEN PLATFORM with the BOOK on it. OPEN the CHEST and COLLECT the STAMINA POTION. Return to the Lord's Watch via the Void. At the Void, COLLECT the TWO MONEY SACKS and the TURQUOISE WATER POTION. At the Lord's Watch, DROP the TWO LEAD PIECES and RAGNAR'S BOTTLE into the BOWL. The bowl should bubble for a while and then reveal TWO PIECES OF GOLD. Return to Magnus's Watch. INSERT the TWO PIECES OF GOLD into the SKULL LOCK. Go NORTH and NORTH again to the Inner Watch. COLLECT the KEY and then OPEN the CHEST. COLLECT all the GREEN GEMS, the TWO JADES, the RED CASKET and the FLASK OF BLOOD. Go EAST to Caliban's View. DROP the RED CASKET and return to the Inner Watch. OPEN the GREEN CASKET and INSERT ONE of THE JADES. Return to Caliban's View and OPEN the RED CASKET - but DO NOT COLLECT THE BLOODSTONE! Return to the Inner Watch and repeat the process with the SECOND JADE. Go back (again!) to Caliban's View. There should now be TWO BLOODSTONES on the floor. COLLECT the BLOOD KEY and return to the Inner Watch. PULL the LEVER and go SOUTH to the High Parapet and throw yourself down the pit to arrive in the South Cellar. PULL the LEVER and face the consequences! Go NORTH to the Main Cellar and UNLOCK the DOOR USING the BLOOD KEY, then go WEST to Caliban's Cellar. COLLECT the PIECE OF JET, OPEN the SECRET PANEL and COLLECT the BANISH SCROLL (this is to defeat Dianos). STAND on the CARVED SKULL and THROW the FLASK OF BLOOD at the PENTANGLE. You will then be transported back to Caliban's View. COLLECT the TWO BLOODSTONES and go EAST to the Inner Ward. COLLECT the PETRIFY SPELL and CAST this on the TURQUOISE GEM that results. Go NORTH onto the Open Bridge. PULL the LEVER and go NORTH and then WEST and descend the revealed stairs. You should now be downstairs. COLLECT the DISPEL MAGIC SPELL. OPEN the RED CASKET and COLLECT the SECOND PIECE OF JET. OPEN the STRONGBOX and COLLECT all the GREEN GEMS. Return to the Ward Room. CAST the DISPEL MAGIC SPELL on EITHER of the POWER GEMS. This should provide you with the final PIECE OF TURQUOISE. Go back to the Inner Ward and then go EAST to Axel's Stand. COLLECT the ORB, OPEN the SECRET PANEL and then COLLECT all the GREEN GEMS. Return to the Inner Ward and then descend the stairs to the Cellar Stair. PLACE the TWO RED ORBS UNDER THE HAMMER (one at a time!) and PULL the LEVER. You should now be able to COLLECT TWO OPALS and then return to Axel's Stand. INSERT the TWO OPALS into the SKULL LOCK and go EAST to the Last Watch. DROP the IMMORTAL POTION and DRINK it while it is on the floor - then RUN across the WOODEN SPIKES to the South door. Go SOUTH to the Last Bridge. The three Skull Locks accept the following gems:- From LEFT to RIGHT - TURQUOISE, TIGER'S EYE and JET. INSERT ALL SIX of these GEMS and go SOUTH to the Guard Post. TOUCH the SKULL LOCK and let your energy drain until it stops. You can then INSERT the TWO BLOODSTONES and proceed WEST to the Inner Chamber. OPEN the STRONGBOX and INSERT the BANISH SPELL and the ORB OF KAMUL. DRINK the STAMINA POTION to recover all your lost energy from the previous room. Go NORTH and then WEST to Dianos' Lair. This is the main chamber where you will confront Dianos! Remember it well!! Exit through the MIDDLE of the West doors to emerge in the Great Cellar. COLLECT all the GREEN GEMS and return via the Cellar stairs to the Last Watch. COLLECT the IMMORTAL POTION, DRINK ONE DOSE and then RUN across the spikes to return to the Inner Chamber. INSERT the IMMORTAL POTION into the GREY STRONG BOX and then return to Dianos' Lair. OPEN the GREY CHEST COLLECT all its contents (BANISH SPELL, IMMORTAL POTION and MIND BLAST ORB). WAIT until Dianos appears, CAST the MIND BLAST SPELL. DRINK the IMMORTAL POTION. Approach Dianos and CAST the BANISH SPELL on him REPEATEDLY until he explodes!! COLLECT his HEAD and exit through the MIDDLE door ... you have now completed CADAVER!!!! In the last room, your STATUS will be displayed.