Fool's Errand - X-Or Puzzles X-Or puzzles present you with a blank screen at the top and a series of buttons along the bottom. If you click on a button, you turn it on (or click again to turn it off), making a pattern at the top of the screen. Clicking on the correct buttons will reveal a word or series of letters which have some revelance to the Fool's Errand story. The Moon: -------- Turn on: MUCHtoACCOMPLISH xx xx xx xxxxx giving the letters AIH. Judgement: --------- Switch on: gazeINTOtheSANDS xx xxxxxx xx giving the letters EZC. The Singer: ---------- This time switch on: areYOUReyesBLIND x xx xx x xx to reveal BOW. Despair: The final X-Or puzzle, and (not unexpectedly) the most ------- tricky. Switch on: TENglowingSWORDS x xxxx xxxxx xx to reveal the word PUS.