Secret of Monkey Island 2 - Lucasfilm (Part 2) Solved by The Grue! @~Continued from Issue 18. Part Three - LeChuck's Fortress Once out of the crate, open the ju ju bag to find the matches and love bomb. Then make your way to the passage at the top far right. You end up at the Sign O Splinters. Wally the cartographer is in LeChuck's jail but you can forget about him for now. From the Sign O Splinters, take the back passage and look at the ugly bone things. Now if you look at the spit-encrusted paper you will see the words of the song that your parents sang to you after you fell near the big tree. By using the first two lines of each verse you will know which ugly bone things to push. So find the first ugly bone thing and push it, go through the opening and press the next ugly bone thing that corresponds. Do this with all four verses until you reach a huge door. Push the huge door to find a small doggie door. Go through it to reach LeChuck's voodoo throne. If you look at the throne you will find the voodoo key to the jail. Take it and you will be captured by LeChuck. Note - the verses of the song are random each time you play. You are now in LeChuck's torture chamber and he is describing how he is going to kill you. Once he has gone, use the crazy straw with the green drink and spit on the shield. This will put out the candle. Note - the actual spit command is random each time you play. All you have to do is try each one until you find the right one. You escape and end up in a dark place. Use the matches. Unfortunately you are in a room full of dynamite and you drop the match. The explosion not only destroys LeChuck's fortress but sends you flying across the ocean where you land at Dinky Island. Part Four - Dinky Island Once on Dinky Island, pick up the bottle from the ocean, the crowbar and the martini glass. Then open the barrel to find a cracker. Use the martini glass with the ocean, then use the glass with the still to remove the salt from the water. Give cracker to the parrot then walk into the jungle and when you reach the first junction go west. Keep travelling in this direction until you reach a tree with a bag hanging from it. Use the crowbar with the bottle and then use the broken bottle with the bag. Once the bag has been ripped open, a box of instant cracker mix falls to the floor. Take the box of cracker mix. Go back to the junction and this time go east until you reach the pond. At the pond you find a box with a rope around it. Take the rope and then use the crowbar to open the box. You find and take some dynamite. From the pond go east until you reach the dinosaur, then use the distilled water with the instant cracker mix. Give another cracker to the parrot who will give you further directions. Follow the directions and give the parrot another cracker. Eventually you end up at a Big X on the ground. At the Big X, dig with the shovel until you hit cement. Now light the dynamite and use the dynamite with the hole in the ground. Following the explosion you find yourself down the hole standing on a pillar of rock and can see a treasure chest and another pillar. Use the crowbar with the rope and then use the crowbar 'n' rope with the twisted metal rods near the top of the hole. As you swing across, both pillars collapse, leaving you hanging from the rope. Elaine appears and as you start to explain the rope snaps and once again you end up in a dark place. In this dark place you have no more matches but there is a light switch just to right of centre of the black screen. Use light switch. Once the light has been turned on, you will be confronted by LeChuck. It really doesn't matter what you do at the moment. You find out LeChuck has a voodoo doll of you and is intent on giving you a taste of your own medicine. From now on LeChuck keeps appearing at random and giving you what for! In between all this you must find a way of stopping him. Maybe a voodoo doll of LeChuck will do the trick. The first time LeChuck appears, use hanky with LeChuck, who will blow his nose on it. Note - you need to be quick. Go to the first aid room and get the surgical gloves from the trash can. Take the syringe from the medical drawer and take the skull from your father's remains. Go to the room full of boxes. Take the balloon from the box and the kewpie doll of LeChuck from the other box. Go to the room full of junk and fill the surgical gloves and balloon with helium. This will allow you to use the lift later. Still in the room full of junk, use the coin return on the broken grog machine. A coin rolls across the floor. Wait for LeChuck to come. When he does, he will turn around and bend down to pick up the coin. Now pick up LeChuck's underwear which is just visible as he does so. Note - again you need to be quick. Go to the lift and stand near the lever. Wait for LeChuck to appear and then use the lever. As the lift doors shut, they trap LeChuck's beard in them. Pick up LeChuck's crispy beard bits. Note - once more you need to be quick. Before you go back down in the lift you can make your doll of Le Chuck. Use Dad's skull, crispy beard bits, underwear, used hanky, kewpie doll in ju ju bag. Go back down in the lift and wait for LeChuck. When he appears, use syringe in doll. LeChuck runs off so follow him. When you find him again, pull the leg off the voodoo doll. After he has fallen over, go over and remove his mask. Then he asks you to put his leg back on. You agree if he stops picking on you. Finally you end up in an Amusement Park (Big Whoop). The End!