Roal's Tale (Part 3) As told by the Rochdale Balrog In less than the length of one stride, Roal crossed the divide between bright sunlight and cold green darkness to find himself in the chilly confines of the great forest that marked the outer boundary of the realm of the Grundars. For just a moment his short little legs seemed to take on a will of their own and threatened to bring Roal to a sudden halt, but with the taste of fear still sour in his throat, the small halfling clenched his fists and plunged onwards into the waiting unknown. Meanwhile in a small hollow tree stump, a tiny surrel tentatively rubbed the 'ourat' it now clutched in its paw and trusted in the ancient powers contained in this legendary sacred object to guard his new-found friend from danger. Perhaps one day they would meet again and Roal would relate to him the tale of his journey to his people ... but then again, perhaps not! Brushing aside the overhanging branches that threatened to bar his progress, Roal sped on through the dank green forest, his eyes darting this way and that in an attempt to ensure that nothing was following him. Now and then a dark shadow fluttered into his vision but a small change of direction and a quickening of pace soon caused him to breathe a little easier. Roal glanced upwards but the overhanging canopy was too dense to allow more than just a hint of sunlight through and what did descend towards the forest floor quickly darkened in hue, casting a strange green tinge over all that it touched. 'How far had he come?' he wondered. 'How far is it to go?' Such thoughts as these flitted through his head like small, dark butterflies, each one adding its own pinch of doubt to the worries that were already clogging Roal's mind. 'Where were the Korats now? Had they outflanked the realm of Grundars or was there a chance that their intense loathing of all that was 'Grundar' still burnt brightly enough to ensure that they gave the forest as wide a berth as possible?' With that, Roal paused for a moment, his breath rasping warmly in his chest and took stock of his situation. 'It is no good just blundering blindly on, I have to make sure that I am going in the right direction or else I could end up running in circles until either my legs give way or my heart bursts with exertion and then who will save my people?' panted Roal, quickly glancing around for some sign to guide him in the direction of his destiny. As a child Roal had often spent time in the company of Kacj, an old and wizened halfling who dwelt on the outskirts of the village, listening to his tales and learning of the ways of his people. It was Kacj who had taught him to fish for the brown trout and Kacj who had shown him how to bait traps to catch the small blue creatures that lived in dark burrows in the meadowlands ... strange little creatures with long ears and even longer back legs. But most of all Kacj had taught him how to survive and to adapt to whatever his situation was; how to use every means at his disposal to ensure that he always found his way home again ... it was this knowledge that was to serve him well now. Peering at a tall tree Roal noticed that one side was thick with a covering of moss and that the back of his mind nagged the words ... 'The north side of the trees always protect themselves from the cold winds of winter with a layer of moss.' Hopefully Kacj would be right and now was the time to put this knowledge to the test. So armed with this information Roal quickly took stock of his bearings and then, taking one deep breath, struck out in the direction he hoped would take him to his village ... With his sturdy little legs striding out for all they were worth and his arms pumping away by his sides, Roal sped though the forest, occasionally leaping over fallen branches and side-stepping the large rocks that littered the path. It was one of these that was to prove his downfall. For as he stepped around the next one to cross his path his foot slipped on some rotting leaves and he pitched forward on his face. Some seconds passed whilst Roal gathered his wits and then, looking up, he was terrified to see the talon of a Korat dangling only inches from his nose ...