Willy Beamish (Sierra) Solution by Brian Burke and Carl Dove GENERAL RULES 1. If Mum or Dad asks you to do something you are better off doing it as you will earn cash needed later on. 2. When playing with the toy trains don't crash them. 3. Always walk and feed the dog otherwise your 'trouble meter' goes up. DAY 1 Not much to do in class except look around and take the items out of your desk. When you get home help Mum with the vegetables. When you cut yourself go to the bathroom and put on iodine and a plaster from the cupboard. At dinner remember to mow the grass and feed the dog if asked. Before going to bed take Tiffany's diary from her room. DAY 2 At breakfast give Tiffany her cereals and wash the car. Go to the tree house further down the road where you meet Dana and Perry. Take the comic and talk to Perry. Swap him the diary for the baseball card. Go with your friends to the Pizza Parlour. Buy the photograph. When the youth comes over to you give answer 1. Inside the toilets take the No Smoking sign and when the youth comes in give him the comic to let you go. Go to the park and buy a bottle of SlamDunk Cola. Put your frog down and let him jump. Give him some cola and watch what happens. Be back home by 5pm, when you will meet Alicia the baby sitter. Go with her into the kitchen and then the dining room once the meal is ready. At dinner something very strange will happen. Dash up to the bathroom and get the hair spray from the cupboard. Use it on Alicia. Go to your young sister's bedroom and take the mouse. Go down to the living room put the mouse on the coffee table and as Alicia swoops down use the vacuum cleaner on her. DAY 3 Go to the tree house and take the jar of fire ants. Go to the Old Town via East Frumpton and buy the T-shirt from the kiosk. Take the ticket from the lottery machine. Take one token from the fountain to buy a ferry ride to West Frumpton. Go to the Tootsweet office and get an entry form. Go to the bar and try to get in. The bouncer will throw you the wrench. When the mob arrives first throw the smoke bomb then use the wrench on the water hydrant. Quickly run to the office and ask the Japanese family for help. You will be taken home and you should go straight to bed. FINAL DAY Take the jar of flies from your bedroom and go to the tree house, Give the T-shirt to Dana and go to the jumping competition. You can make sure that Horny wins by giving the flies to the big frog before the contest starts. On winning the contest follow Horny into the building. You will be captured by the guard. Get away by hypnotising him using the chain with the Nantari key and the phrase in the documentation. Go to the water where your boat will be waiting. Go to the house on the island and talk to the bird. Be very careful not to upset him with your answers. Go into the dining room and listen to the conversation. Remove the goblet from the table and then take off the tablecloth. Pick up the goblet. Go back to the hall and put the cloth in front of the armour. Knock the armour over and pick up the helmet and the map. Go into the kitchen and throw the goblet at the cook. Go behind her and pour the butter from the pan on your left onto the floor. Slide the large pot closer to the cook. Go back to the kitchen entrance and jump onto the conveyor. When you get off put the helmet on cook's head. Operate the control panel to release the frogs and then leave. You will be captured but someone should help you. Go back to West Frumpton and remove the cassette recorder from the boat. Go to the phone box at the Union office and place the receiver onto the recorder. Dial 432 7446 and record the horoscope. Press the phone hook then dial 342 3403 and play the recording to Ray. Go to the bar and give the lottery ticket to the barman. Take the calendar from the top of the counter. Go to the Union office and enter through the window. When you are disturbed throw the plunger on the floor to your right and take the security pass from the table. Go to the Works and give the calendar to the men at the gate. Show your security pass to enter the building. Go to the control panel and switch it on. Press the coloured buttons in the order brown-mauve-green-mauve and turn the switch to the right when the guards are on the bridge. Escape right and turn on the panel. Type TRAM to go to the conveyor. The man will try to kill you with his hat. Duck at the right time, pick up the hat and throw it back at him. Jump onto the piston as soon as it rises and leap onto the train. Go ahead, right, left, ahead, left. Use the yo-yo to knock Lou and Lorna into the vat. This needs to be done very quickly. Make sure you aim the yo-yo by clicking the right mouse button and using the crosshairs. YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE GAME!!