Once A King (Lavery and Griffiths) You're a neurotic and paranoid king, transported to the future.... START: Throne Room Get crown, N, get potato, S, S, W (ignore wombat), U, get hamlet, D, D (your servant Jacko gives you a CD), S (Laundry with some servants), give CD (the servant gives you a copy of a magazine in exchange), N, U, E (Bedroom, with a door), open door (locked!), use magazine (you slide it under the door), use potato (you move it round the keyhole; a key drops onto the magazine and you pull it through), unlock door, open door, S (Bathroom). D, E, E (your path is blocked by some policemen), wear crown (despite your protests, you're locked up as a lunatic), inventory (you've gained a crayon), eat crayon (it makes you sick, you're taken to a hospital). Give crown (to a patient, who gives you a walkman), S, D, E, N (Hospital Garden with a warden), give walkman (you get a binbag in exchange), S, wear binbag (or you'll die in the next move!), D (A Sewer), E (a ladder leads up), U, N, N, W, S (A Shower), get soap, shower (you wash off the stink of the sewer), N (TV Reception with producers, cameramen etc), perform (you impress the Commissionaire and get a pass to the studio), N (The Set of Wogan)...... On seeing your entrance, Ronald Reagan is so perturbed he starts World War 3 and you are hit by a ballistic missile which effectively blasts you back into the past. You're surprised to find the walkman in your pocket and the discovery cures your neuroses, but the realisation that cassettes haven't been invented yet drives you completely insane!