Sales, Wants and Swaps ------------------------------------------------------------------ Amiga Adventures for Sale Wishbringer œ4 Mean Streets œ4 Personal Nightmare œ4 BAT (RPG) œ7 Hardware - Half Meg upgrade for Amiga 500, œ15 ono Contact Steve McLaren, 6 Mere Gate, Margate, Kent, CT9 5TR ------------------------------------------------------------------ Loads of Atari ST Software For Sale Over 50 adventures including: Dungeon Master (+ maps/soln) œ8, Demoniak œ8, STAC œ8, Ooze œ5, Jinxter œ4, Gnome Ranger œ4, Ingrid's Back œ4, Uninvited œ4, Shadowgate œ4, Deja Vu œ4, Lancelot œ3, Pawn œ3, Amazon œ3, Fahrenheit 451 œ3, Perry Mason œ3, Bards Tale 1 œ3, Hacker œ2.50, The Blag œ2, Mindshadow œ2, The Jade Stone œ2, Shards Of Time œ2, Blackscar Mountain œ2, Slaygon œ2, Trials Of Kronos œ1.50. Prices include Postage & Packing. Send SAE for complete list. Also, some PC Software and a Mouse For Sale Are We There Yet? (3.5") and Puzzle Gallery (3.5") - œ12 each or both for œ20 Fancy Mouse - PC/Microsoft 3 button variable resolution - œ15 Neil Shipman, 1 Heath Gardens, Coalpit Heath, Bristol BS17 2TQ. Tel: 0454-773169 ------------------------------------------------------------------ SAY GOODBYE TO DULL DIRTY MILK BOTTLE TOPS! WITH...MILK-AGLEAM In handy spray-on container. Press the nozzle `n` brush off. Hey Presto! Your milk top is shining bright! One can contains spray for 1000 bottles. Absolutely safe! A bargain at 45p. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Wanted. Text Adventure Games. I have the following text games which I am now finished with. ZORK 1. ZORK 2. ZORK 3. SORCERER. I am willing to swap these games for any of the following. LEATHER GODDESSES OF PHOBOS. HITCHHIKERS GUIDE TO THE GALAXY. LURKING HORROR. DEADLINE. SUSPECT. The games I have for sale are all boxed and contain both 3.5 and 5.25 disks suitable for IBM and compatibles. I am also willing to sell the games for œ5 each. Contact: Tom Lorimer. Phone 0592 771583 [evenings] My computer takes 5.25 disks only. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Sue's clearout For the PC on 3.5" disks: Are We There Yet? - puzzle game, œ12 For the ST, all in original Infocom packaging, not Virgin re-releases. œ7 each. Witness, Lurking Horror, Ballyhoo, Plundered Hearts, Infidel, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Enchanter, Nord and Bert, Spellbreaker, Stationfall, Moonmist, Sorcerer. Contact me at the usual address or ring to reserve. ------------------------------------------------------------------ @~If you have any items for sale, or you want to try to find an @~elusive piece of software and you want an ad included in the @~next issue of SynTax, just let me know. There's no charge to @~individuals. Please, no pirated software!