The Mysterious Realm - Getting You Started Sent in by John R. Barnsley START: On a country road beside a log cabin INVENTORY - (wearing street clothes) - EXAMINE CLOTHES - EXAMINE MONEYBELT - (this will automatically hold any gold that you collect; "EXAMINE GOLD" to see current count) - ST - (this shows your current strength; "REST" several times to replenish this figure to 75 when told "you're feeling tired") - (The cabin is locked so....) - LOOK THROUGH WINDOW - (H-m-m-m....the first priority is to accumulate some gold by selling unnecessary 'finds'). W - N - (the brass grate here leads to the mine and we will unlock it shortly) - W - W - SW - GET BOOTS - NE - N - GET AXE - (the tree hollow here leads directly down to the Royal Hall of the Forest King but we are not prepared for this yet) - E - E - S - S - S - GET ROCK - REST - E - E - N - E - E - S - EXAMINE HANDBILL - (note that anything you sell here re-appears in the Secondhand Shop across the road for twice the price!) - SELL AXE - SELL ROCK - SELL BOOTS - EXAMINE GOLD - (should be 16) - N - E. READ ADVERTISEMENT - (short term hire means just must return the cabin key to the Innkeeper within 100 moves or you'll be fined 100 gold by The Co-ordinator!) - HIRE CABIN - (the Innkeeper gives you a shiny key) - W - W - W - W - UNLOCK CABIN - N - EXAMINE SHELF - (you find a brass key) - GET BRASS KEY - S - W - N - UNLOCK GRATE - DROP BRASS KEY - (no sale value on keys!) - S - E - N - GET LANTERN - EXAMINE LANTERN - GET JUG - EXAMINE JUG - GET BOWL - EXAMINE BOWL - WEAR BOWL - (a make-shift helmet!) - S - LOCK DOOR - E - E - E - E - GIVE SHINY KEY - REST - (repeat until your strength reaches 75) - W - S - SELL JUG - N - E - EXAMINE GOLD - (should be 18) - BUY DRINK - DRINK BEER - BUY FOOD - EAT FOOD - EXAMINE PRICE LIST - ASK INNKEEPER ABOUT ROOM - RENT ROOM - UP - EXAMINE CLOCK - (the strange hand represents the unexpired hire time!) - REST - (to bring your strength back up to 75) .....