TOIL AND TROUBLE - Author Pat Winstanley Solution by G.L.Wheeler on ST Note:- The Idiot is a wandering character so you may have to find him. For the purpose of this solution I have taken it that he is where I met him when I was playing, if you have to go and look for him just return to the location I had indicated and follow the rest of the solution from there. SELL SPELLBOOK TO IDIOT. (he gives you his money) N. N. EXAMINE PANEL. PUSH PANEL. (you find a broom cupboard) E. GET BROOM. EXAMINE BROOM. (you see that the broom is clean) SWEEP FLOOR. SWEEP FLOOR. SWEEP FLOOR. SWEEP FLOOR. SWEEP FLOOR. SWEEP FLOOR. EXAMINE BROOM. (you will see that the broom is now coated in dust, this is fuel for flying) W. N. N. W. N. GET PHIAL. EXAMINE PHIAL. S. E. N. N. GET PAPER. READ PAPER. (a form drops out) GET FORM. EXAMINE FORM. (it is an order form for Drabbe's unusual spell ingredients). S. E. EXAMINE TABLE. GET JUG AND KNIFE. EXAMINE KNIFE. (it's blunt) EXAMINE JUG. (has had tartar sauce in it) S. BUY SWEETS. EXAMINE SWEETS. (smaller than bulls' eyes) N. W. S. S. S. S. S. S. GET BUCKET. EXAMINE BUCKET. (it has a hole in it) S. W. S. DROP SWEETS. DROP BUCKET. DROP KNIFE. DROP JUG. (it smashes leaving only the spout) N. E. N. W. GET STRAW. EXAMINE STRAW. (it is very long) E. E. GET HATCHET. EXAMINE HATCHET. W. N. W. BUY OFFAL. BUY STEAK. (the butcher puts them on the counter, he will not let you take them without something to put them in) PUT OFFAL IN PAPER. PUT STEAK IN PAPER. E. S. S. W. S. DROP PAPER. EXAMINE TREE. (it is older than the mathematician) CHOP TREE WITH HATCHET. (a branch falls to the ground) DROP STRAW. N. GET ROCK. E. E. E. OPEN PHIAL. GET TOAD. PUT TOAD IN PHIAL. CLOSE PHIAL. (don't try to carry the toad without the phial as after a few moves it will hop away) W. W. N. N. E. E. EXAMINE TREE. (yew) CHOP TREE WITH HATCHET. (a twig falls to the ground leave it here for the moment) DROP HATCHET. W. W. N. E. GIVE FORM TO BOY (the delivery boy tells you it will take a while to get your order) E. E. S. FLY. N. N. LAND. LOOK. (the scout will drop a badge) GET BADGE. EXAMINE BADGE. (it is a pilot's badge) FLY. (you drift over the sports ground where a groundsman is working) LAND ON GROUNDSMAN. (you knock him out) LOOK. GET TROWEL. EXAMINE TROWEL. EXAMINE GROUNDSMAN. (a key has dropped out of his pocket). GET KEY. S. S. DROP ROCK. OPEN PHIAL. GET TOAD. PUT TOAD IN HOLE. COVER HOLE WITH ROCK. DROP PHIAL. N. W. DIG CYNOGLOSSUM PLANT. (you dig it up with the trowel) DROP TROWEL. UNLOCK DOOR. (with key) S. DROP KEY. GET WHETSTONE. EXAMINE WHETSTONE. (it is dry) N. CLEAN SHOES.(On the scrape outside the kitchen, you will not be allowed in if your shoes are dirty) N. W. W. S. S. S. S. S. S. WET WHETSTONE. (in the pond) S. S. W. S. DROP CYNOGLOSSUM. DROP BADGE. GET KNIFE. SHARPEN KNIFE WITH WHETSTONE. GET STRAW. CUT STRAW WITH KNIFE. MEND BUCKET WITH STRAW. N. E. N. N. E. E. GET TWIG. (now you must make inputs until you get an on screen message about the eclipse as the twig must be cut during this time or the splinters you get will not be of any use for putting in the cauldron) CUT TWIG WITH KNIFE. (you now have the splinters). W. W. S. S. W. S. DROP SPLINTERS. DROP KNIFE. N. E. E. S. HIRE BOAT. (the boatman throws oars into the boat) IN. ROW. (you row out to the ship) BOARD SHIP. BUY HEAD. (the captain takes the money and leaves the ship) UP. EXAMINE MAST. GET SAIL. D. PUT INNARDS IN SAIL. (you cannot carry the innards without the sail) GET HEAD. D. (you will be back on the beach) GIVE BOAT TO BOATMAN. (he returns your deposit) N. W. W. S. DROP HEAD. DROP SAIL. GET KNIFE AND BUCKET. N. E. N. N. FILL BUCKET WITH WATER (at pond) N. E. GET HANKY. W. N. E. SWEEP FLOOR. SWEEP FLOOR. SWEEP FLOOR. SWEEP FLOOR. W. N. N. W. POUR WATER (you make a puddle outside the Headwitch's office) W. FLY. GET PICTURE. (the alarm goes off, but because the Headwitch slips on the water she does not catch you getting the picture) LAND. S. S. S. S S. S. W. S. W. (you cannot enter this location until you have taken the picture) PUT PICTURE IN CAULDRON. (do this at once as if you are caught with the picture you will be killed) E. N. E. N. N. N. E. E. (the delivery boy drops a parcel at your feet) GET PARCEL. W. W. N. N. N. W. S. GET STOCKING. EXAMINE STOCKING. EXAMINE DRESSER. GET PINCERS. GET TWEEZERS. N. E. S. E. OPEN WARDROBE. E. TIE STOCKING TO HANGER. (you now have a fishing net). W. W. S. S. W. PUT GUTS IN BUCKET. (you cannot carry the fish guts without a container) E. S. S. S. W. S. DROP PARCEL. DROP BUCKET. N. E. N. N. EXAMINE POND. (you see a boot) GET BOOT. (you fish it out of the pond) GET BOOT. EXAMINE BOOT. GIVE KNIFE TO IDIOT. (he cuts his finger and drops the knife) WIPE BLOOD WITH HANKY. S. S. E. S. EXAMINE SEA. (you see a flipper) GET FLIPPER. (you fish it out of the sea) GET FLIPPER. N. W. W. S. DROP BOOT AND FLIPPER. DROP NET AND HANKY. N. E. N. N. N. E. E. E. N. W. (you see an owl cub with a pin stuck in his thumb) GET PIN. (the cub is so grateful that he gives you a manual) READ MANUAL. (it tells you how to untie knots) DROP TWEEZERS. E. S. S. EXAMINE POACHER. (he is holding his jaw and groaning) GET MOLAR. (you pull it out with the pincers) DROP PINCERS. GET MOLAR. N. W. W. W. S. S. S. W. S. DROP MOLAR AND PIN. UNTIE STOCKING. (you must be carrying the manual) N. E. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. E. E. S. (the cook stops you from leaving she tells you to do your chores) SWEEP FLOOR. S. GET TROWEL. (now you must type inputs until you get the eclipse message again as the conicum plant can only be dug up in the dark) DIG CONICUM PLANT. GET CONICUM PLANT. E. S. GET PHIAL. GET ROCK. GET TOAD. PUT TOAD IN PHIAL. CLOSE PHIAL. DROP ROCK. N. GET BAT. EXAMINE BAT. (you see a thread tied to it) UNTIE THREAD. (you must still have the manual) GET THREAD. EXAMINE THREAD. W. CLEAN SHOES. N. W. W. S. S. S. S. EXAMINE GOAT. (it is tethered) UNTIE TETHER. (again you must have the manual) DROP MANUAL. GET TETHER. EXAMINE TETHER. S. S. S. W. S S. DIG. (you dig up a stone) DROP TROWEL. GET STONE. EXAMINE STONE. (it is part of a statue probably a nose) N. W. PUT THREAD IN CAULDRON. PUT TETHER IN CAULDRON. PUT CONICUM PLANT IN CAULDRON. OPEN PHIAL. GET TOAD. PUT TOAD IN CAULDRON. PUT STONE IN CAULDRON. DROP PHIAL. E. GET BUCKET. GET PAPER. GET SWEETS. GET BRANCH. GET SAIL. GET SPOUT. W. PUT SPOUT IN CAULDRON. GET OFFAL. (from paper) PUT OFFAL IN CAULDRON. GET STEAK. (from paper) PUT STEAK IN CAULDRON. DROP PAPER. GET GUTS. (from bucket) PUT GUTS IN CAULDRON. DROP BUCKET. GET INNARDS. (from sail) PUT INNARDS IN CAULDRON. DROP SAIL. PUT SWEETS IN CAULDRON. PUT BRANCH IN CAULDRON. E. GET CYNOGLOSSUM PLANT. GET SPLINTERS. GET PIN. GET BOOT. GET FLIPPER. GET STOCKING. W. PUT CYNOGLOSSUM PLANT IN CAULDRON. PUT SPLINTERS IN CAULDRON. PUT PIN IN CAULDRON. PUT BOOT IN CAULDRON. PUT FLIPPER IN CAULDRON. PUT STOCKING IN CAULDRON. E. GET BADGE. GET PARCEL. GET HEAD. GET MOLAR. GET HANKY. W. PUT BADGE IN CAULDRON. PUT PARCEL IN CAULDRON. PUT HEAD IN CAULDRON. PUT MOLAR IN CAULDRON. PUT HANKY IN CAULDRON. (as you put the last ingredient into the cauldron the Headwitch seems to be listening) SAY SPELL. (you recite the spell) PRESS ENTER. (do this until the spell message is complete. As soon as you finish saying the spell the headwitch gives you your diploma, she then realises that you used her mother's picture as an ingredient and she starts to say a spell to turn you into a toad) FLY. (you rush to the boat and float away to safety) GAME COMPLETED. Notes:- I have written this solution as it should work, unfortunately in some versions of this adventure (mine for one) there is a bug right at the very end of the game. If you own STAC it is possible to correct it by loading the data file, which is provided on the disk, into STAC and calling up the Low Priority messages,then select message number 22 and where it states 'if carried 158' amend the number to read 58. If you don't own STAC all is not lost, as it is possible to complete the game by making sure that the broom instead of having enough fuel to 'fly' after you complete your potion has no fuel left at all, it will then be possible to make good your escape as if the broom was all fuelled up and ready to go. There may be some people who would prefer to have a version that does not require a 'cheat' to finish the game and who are not able to edit their own version as they do not have STAC. If anyone would like me to edit their disk for them, then please feel free to send it to me with an s.a.e. and I will be happy to alter it for you. Containers - You will find that many of the items in the game need to be put into something in order to carry them. This can cause a few problems so I will point out some of the things that might give trouble. Paper - make sure you have the form before you put meat into it, as if you don't you will not be able to get the form. Bucket- do not put the guts into the bucket until after you have used it to pour water outside the office, if you don't do this first the bucket handle is slippery. Sail- once you have the innards in the sail take it straight to the forest and drop it, as if the captain catches you with his sail he will make you walk the plank. Cauldron Items :- It is quite difficult to work out what each of the cauldron items are in relation to the spell, so just in case some of you wish to have just a little help instead of a full solution, I will list what items are required for the spell and you can work out the rest for yourselves. Lizards Leg = Boot from the Pond Witches Mummy = Picture from Academy corridor Root of Hemlock digged in dark = Conicum plant from herb garden Slivers of Yew cut in eclipse = Twig from yew tree cut with knife Toe of Frog = Flipper from sea Toad left under cold stone = Toad left in hole in Sauna for a few moves Fillet of Fenny Snake = Steak from Butchers Liver of blaspheming Jew = Offal from Butchers Gaul of Goat = The tether on the Goat Finger of babe ditch delivered = Parcel from Drabbs boy Baboons Blood = Blood from the Idiots finger Salt Sea Shark = Sharks Head from Ship Scale of Dragon = Stocking from office Tartars Lips = Spout from jug off table Poisoned Entrails = Fish Guts from Fishmongers Tigers Cauldron = Innards from shark Howlets Wing = Badge from Scout Tongue of Dog = Cynoglossum plant from herb garden Eye of Newt = Sweets from the Tuck Shop Tooth of Wolf = Molar from Poacher Blindworms Sting = Pin from Cubs thumb Wool of Bat = Thread on bats handle Adders Fork = Branch cut from Oak in Forest Turks Nose = Stone from Ruins @~If you want Graham to alter your disk, contact him at 2 Burford @~Close, Southdown, Bath, Avon, BA2 1JF.