FROM LITTLE ACORNS - Budgie Licenceware Solution and map by G.L.Wheeler played on ST EXAMINE ALVIN (He is your best friend). NORTH. EXAMINE BARMAN. SOUTH. EAST. NORTH. TAKE BLACK CLOAK. EXAMINE BLACK CLOAK (you find a steel bar). TAKE STEEL BAR. NORTH. NORTH. INSERT FLORIN (in sobering-up machine). SOUTH. SOUTH. SOUTH. EAST. EAST. EAST. EAST. NORTH. TAKE RED BERRIES. EXAMINE RED BERRIES. WEST. WEST. TAKE STOUT STICK. EXAMINE STOUT STICK. EAST. EXAMINE DELIVERY BOY (has spots). HIT DELIVERY BOY (with stick). DROP STICK. DROP BLACK CLOAK. STRIP DELIVERY BOY. TAKE CLOTHES. EXAMINE CLOTHES (you find a pink school rubber and money, they fall on the floor). WEAR CLOTHES. SQUEEZE RED BERRIES (acne - you can now enter the macaroni shop because you look like the delivery boy). NORTH. NORTH (in shop). NORTH (in the kitchen). EXAMINE CURRANT BUN. EXAMINE MACARONI. TAKE CURRANT BUN. TAKE MACARONI. EXAMINE WINDOW. BREAK WINDOW. JUMP (in a shady street). NORTH. NORTH. WEST. EXAMINE TOMBSTONE (has been moved recently). LEVER UP TOMBSTONE (with steel bar, reveals an alcove). EXAMINE ALCOVE (you find potions). EXAMINE BLUE POTION. TAKE BLUE POTION (need it to swim). EAST. SOUTH. SOUTH. EXAMINE MOONSHINE. TAKE MOONSHINE. EAST. TAKE LARGE ROCK. SOUTH. DROP CLOTHES. DROP STEEL BAR. DROP LARGE ROCK. DROP BLUE POTION. NORTH. WEST. WEST. WEST. NORTH (in house). EXAMINE OLD MAN. WEST. TAKE TOILET PAPER. EXAMINE TOILET PAPER. BLOCK TOILET (with toilet paper). FLUSH TOILET (water floods floor). LOOK (until old man arrives). EAST. TAKE CANDLESTICK. EXAMINE CANDLESTICK (treasure). SOUTH. EAST. EAST. SOUTH (in shed). TAKE WHEELBARROW (you are told you can't but you do). NORTH. EAST. SOUTH. DROP CANDLESTICK. SOUTH. WEST (bench - the blind woman tells you she has lost her guide dog, he likes currant buns). EAST. SOUTH. EAST. EAST. NORTH. EXAMINE MANSION GATES. EAST (there is a Pyromaniac here). EAST (must have the macaroni - you hide in the lake, when he has gone you automatically get out of the lake and go back west). DROP MACARONI. NORTH. NORTH. EXAMINE ALCOHOLIC (he wants a drink). GIVE MOONSHINE TO ALCOHOLIC (he collapses). EXAMINE ALCOHOLIC (you remove his smart shoes). TAKE SMART SHOES. WEAR SMART SHOES (you can now enter the Great Hall). NORTH (the butler admires your shoes). EAST (dark location). EAST (hidey hole). EXAMINE PORTRAIT (you find a silver key). TAKE SILVER KEY. EXAMINE SILVER KEY (you see the word "DWINKIES" on it). EXAMINE CUPBOARD ("Ye Olde Dwinkies Box"). UNLOCK CUPBOARD (with silver key). OPEN CUPBOARD (gin bottle). EXAMINE GIN BOTTLE (there is a piece of paper inside). TAKE GIN BOTTLE. WEST. WEST. NORTH. EXAMINE FIRE BUCKET (has sand inside). TAKE FIRE BUCKET. SOUTH. SOUTH. SOUTH. SOUTH. WEST. WEST. DROP SMART SHOES. TAKE STEEL BAR. TAKE PINK RUBBER. TAKE MONEY. TAKE LARGE ROCK. TAKE CANDLESTICK. SOUTH. SOUTH. EAST (orchard). SHAKE APPLE TREES (a rosy apple falls at your feet). TAKE APPLE. SOUTH. EAST (magic wall). EXAMINE MAGIC WALL (moving). JAM WALL WITH LARGE ROCK (it stops moving). CLIMB MAGIC WALL (in bramble patch - you find an inflatable cow). TAKE COW. EXAMINE COW. EAST. GIVE APPLE TO HORSE (he becomes your friend). WEST. SOUTH (you see a guide dog). GIVE CURRANT BUN TO GUIDE DOG (becomes your friend). EXAMINE GUIDE DOG (you find a hat pin). TAKE HAT PIN. EXAMINE HAT PIN (jewelled). SOUTH (outside blacksmith's). DROP STEEL BAR. DROP COW. DROP CANDLESTICK. DROP SILVER KEY. DROP GIN BOTTLE. SOUTH. WEST (mist) WEST (you must have the guide dog with you). WEST. SOUTH (there is a light here but the navvies won't let you have it). NORTH. WEST. TAKE PICK. EXAMINE WATER PIPE (old and rusty). HIT WATER PIPE (with pick - water floods the road). LOOK. EAST (the navvies rush past you to mend the pipe). SOUTH. TAKE WARNING LIGHT. NORTH. EAST. EXAMINE WARNING LIGHT (has a tiny hole in the top). EAST. EAST. NORTH. NORTH. WEST. WEST. EXAMINE CLIFF FACE. EXAMINE VEGETATION. STRIP VEGETATION (you see iron ingots embedded in the rock). EXAMINE IRON INGOTS. HIT IRON INGOTS (with pick, they fall by your feet). FILL WHEELBARROW WITH IRON INGOTS. DROP PICK. EAST. EAST. SOUTH. TAKE STEEL BAR. EAST (in forge, the blacksmith tells you he is running out of iron). GIVE STEEL BAR TO BLACKSMITH. EMPTY WHEELBARROW. GIVE IRON INGOTS TO BLACKSMITH (he shoes the horse, now you are able to ride him). DROP WHEELBARROW. EXAMINE BRASS BELL. TAKE BRASS BELL. WEST. NORTH. NORTH. CLIMB MAGIC WALL. WEST. NORTH. WEST. NORTH. WEST (bench - the blind woman thanks you for finding her guide dog and leaves you a brooch). EXAMINE BROOCH (treasure). TAKE BROOCH. EAST. NORTH. WEST. WEST. SOUTH. GET BLUE POTION. SOUTH. SOUTH. EAST. SOUTH. EAST. CLIMB MAGIC WALL (bramble patch). SOUTH. SOUTH. SOUTH. RIDE HORSE. EAST (stinging grass, you must be riding the horse). EAST (school gates). DISMOUNT. SOUTH. WEST (by cellar door). DROP LIGHT. DROP FIRE BUCKET. EAST. SOUTH (in classroom). THROW PINK RUBBER AT BULLY. THROW CHAIR AT BULLY (he collapses). EXAMINE BULLY (you find a small rusty key). TAKE RUSTY KEY. EXAMINE BOOK (philosophy). TAKE BOOK. RING BRASS BELL (the teacher thinks it's the school bell, you are back in the school yard). DROP BRASS BELL. WEST. UNLOCK CELLAR DOOR (with rusty key). DROP RUSTY KEY. GET LIGHT. GET FIRE BUCKET. SOUTH. EXAMINE CELLAR STEPS (slippery). EMPTY FIRE BUCKET (the sand makes the slippery steps safe to walk on). INSERT HAT PIN (into hole in light, the light is now lit). SOUTH. EXAMINE DIRTY ROCK. TAKE DIRTY ROCK. NORTH. NORTH. DROP LIGHT. EAST. NORTH. RIDE HORSE. WEST. WEST. DISMOUNT. NORTH. TAKE COW. TAKE GIN BOTTLE. TAKE CANDLE STICK. TAKE SILVER KEY. SOUTH. RIDE HORSE EAST. EAST (school gates). DISMOUNT. EAST (by stream). WASH DIRTY ROCK (it is an emerald - treasure). EAST. NORTH (garage, you see an air pump and an attendant). GIVE MONEY TO ATTENDANT (he inflates the rubber cow for you). SOUTH. EAST (grand oak). SOUTH. EXAMINE MINEFIELD. READ SIGN (Danger - Beware Minefield - to the east). SOUTH (there is sheep dog here guarding a gap to the east). EXAMINE SHEEP DOG (he keeps quoting Jean Paul Satre at you). GIVE PHILOSOPHY BOOK TO SHEEP DOG (he is overjoyed and tells you that you can now go east). EAST (cow field). EXAMINE GATE (sturdy, capable of holding back the bulls). EXAMINE BULLS (restless, searching for something). OPEN GATE. WEST. NORTH. THROW COW AT MINEFIELD (the cow soars through the air and lands in the middle of the minefield, the bulls catch sight of the cow and with a roar of bovine sexual craving they charge onto the minefield blowing up the mines and themselves). EAST. EAST (railway entrance). EAST (platform - you see two fairy trains here, one blue and one pink). EXAMINE BLUE TRAIN ("To The Fabulous Desert Island"). EXAMINE PINK TRAIN ("To The Rest Of The Adventure"). ENTER BLUE TRAIN (you are on a desert island, you see the train go down a hole in the sand which then disappears). EXAMINE PALM TREE (a few coconuts). SHAKE PALM TREE (a coconut falls strikes you on the head and knocks you unconscious, you awaken to find the coconut is broken and a golden cross which was inside is revealed) EXAMINE GOLDEN CROSS (treasure). TAKE GOLDEN CROSS. EXAMINE OCEAN (it stretches as far as the eye can see). THROW GIN BOTTLE AT OCEAN (it drifts off into the distance, you fall asleep, a noise awakens you). LOOK (you see a small rowing boat resting on the shore). EXAMINE LEAKY BOAT (oars). ENTER LEAKY BOAT (you start to row, to your astonishment the oars then move by themselves, the boat runs aground but before it sinks you jump to safety on a small beach). NORTH (railway entrance). EAST. ENTER PINK TRAIN (you find yourself by a willow tree, the train disappears). SOUTH. WEST (the ground looks as though it has been disturbed recently). DIG (you find a small but heavy strongbox). TAKE STRONGBOX. EXAMINE STRONGBOX (locked). EAST. NORTH. EAST (swimming pool - you see some vines and Sabrina). EXAMINE POOL. EXAMINE VINES (they are especially thick to the south). EXAMINE SABRINA (very seductive - you will have to read the rest for yourselves!). STRIP VINES (you reveal a narrow channel leading to a pool which is seething with crocodiles, a grating holds them back at the moment). SOUTH (crocodile pool - there is a handle here). EXAMINE CROCODILES. EXAMINE GRATING (it has a large square bolt connected to a gear wheel). EXAMINE HANDLE (it has a square hole at one end which fits around a bolt). TAKE HANDLE. NORTH. DRINK BLUE POTION (you have a strange urge to go swimming). SWIM IN SWIMMING POOL (you find a dirty key which you put at the edge of the swimming pool before climbing out). TAKE DIRTY KEY. EXAMINE DIRTY KEY (rusty but usable). UNLOCK STRONGBOX (with the dirty key, it opens to reveal a necklace). EXAMINE NECKLACE (treasure) WEST. SOUTH. WEST (river bank). EAST (waterfall, standing here is the Chancellor of your lands). EXAMINE WATERFALL. EXAMINE CHANCELLOR (a man of wisdom, he is carrying a wand in a way that leaves you in no doubt that he is not afraid to use it). SAY TO CHANCELLOR (you converse with the Chancellor, he pauses to examine you closely. "Well done lad, what you carry with you will be the salvation of our green and pleasant land". "We owe you an immense debt, your reward is...") (No, I'm not telling you, you will have to find that out for yourself!) NOTES :- WATERFALL - The Chancellor will not speak to you if you do not have all the treasures. SMALL BEACH - There are no exits listed in this location but you can go north. SWIMMING POOL - You can say anything to Sabrina and get an answer! SHED - To exit the screen after GET WHEELBARROW you must press the right hand mouse button. TREASURES - Candlestick/Hat Pin/Silver Key/Golden Cross/Necklace/ Emerald/Brooch. The Map ------- 001 Pub START 002 Bar 003 Hall BOUNCERS 004 Cloakroom CLOAK 005 Toilet 006 Sobering Up Machine 007 Dirt Track 008 Track 009 Corn Field N to (026) 010 Bench WOMAN 011 Copse STICK 012 Orchard APPLE 013 Mossy Dell 014 Lane DELIVERY BOY 015 Monument BERRIES 016 Path PYROMANIAC 017 Lake 018 Fruit Patch 019 Courtyard ALCOHOLIC 020 Great Hall 021 Ballroom FIRE BUCKET 022 Private Room Dark! 023 Hidey Hole BOTTLE 024 Village Green ROCK 025 Path Down Hill 026 Hilltop S to (009) 027 Shady Street MOONSHINE 028 Shed WHEELBARROW 029 Porch 030 Hallway 031 Lounge OLD MAN, CANDLESTICK 032 Toilet TOILET PAPER 033 Church Yard 034 Porch 035 Crypt TOMBSTONE 036 Shop 037 Kitchen BUN, MACARONI, 'Jump' to reach (027) 038 Ruin 039 Magic Wall 040 Bramble Patch INF/COW 041 Paddock HORSE 042 Field DOG, HAT PIN 043 Gorge 044 Cliff Face IRON INGOT 045 Outside Blacksmith's 046 Forge GRASS, BELL 047 Cabbage Patch 048 Misty Field 049 Misty Track 050 Road 051 Roadworks LIGHT 052 Water Pipe PICK 053 Stinging Grass 054 School Gates 055 Yard 056 Classroom BULLY, BOOK, KEY 057 Dark Corner DOOR 058 Cellar Steps 059 Cellar DIRTY ROCK 060 Path By Stream 061 Narrow Road 062 Garage AIR PUMP 063 Grand Oak 064 Wood SIGN 065 Dense Wood SHEEPDOG 066 Cow Field GATE 067 Minefield E to (068) 068 Railway Entrance W to (067) 069 Beach On Boat to (070) 070 Desert Island On Blue Train to (071) 071 Platform On Pink Train to (072) 072 Willow Tree 073 Pool SABRINA, KEY 074 C/Pool HANDLE 075 Allotments 076 Disturbed Plot STRONG BOX 077 River Bank 078 Waterfall CHANCELLOR ***** 035--034 037- | | | | 032--031 033 036 021 | | | | | | | | 030--029--027--024--025--026 020--022--023 | | | | | | | 006 028 (|) 019 | | | | | | (|) (|) 018 | | | | | | 005 011--014--015--(-)--016--017 | | | | | | | 002 004 010--009--(L) (|) | | | | | | | | 001--003--007--008--012--013 | | 038--039 | | 040--041 | | 044--043--042 | | 045--046 062 | | | | 052--050--049--048--047--053--054--060--061--063 | | | | | | 051 057--055 064--067- | | | | | | 058 056 065--066 | | 059 (r)--(-)--(l) | | | | 072--073 (|) | | | | | | 076--075 074 (|) | | | | 077--078 (|) | | -068--071 | | | | 069 (|) | | | | (R)--070 *****