BMK BMK D U N G E O N M A S T E R - S P E L L S by The Bitmap Kid. Offensive Spells: Spell Name: Elements Used: Flask Needed? Caster: Lightning OH KATH RA NO WIZARD Fireball FUL IR NO WIZARD Poison Ball DES VEN NO WIZARD Anti Non-Material DES EW NO WIZARD Beings Poison Potion ZO VEN YES WIZARD Poison Cloud Potion HO VEN YES WIZARD Defensive Spells: Shield Whole Party YA IR NO WIZARD Shield Potion YA BRO YES PRIEST Fire Shield FUL BRO NETA NO PRIEST Statistic Spells: Stamina Potion YA YES PRIEST Wisdom Potion YA BRO DAIN YES PRIEST Vitality Potion YA BRO NETA YES PRIEST Dexterity Potion OH BRO SAR or ROS YES PRIEST Strength Potion FUL BRO KU YES PRIEST Other Spells: Magical Footprints YA BRO ROS NO WIZARD Restore Health Potion VI YES PRIEST Cure Poisoning Potion VI BRO YES PRIEST See Through Walls OH EW RA NO WIZARD Invisibility OH EW SAR NO WIZARD Light OH IR RA NO WIZARD Magical Torch FUL NO WIZARD Darkness DES IR SAR NO WIZARD Open (some) Doors ZO NO WIZARD Spell needed to get Firestaff ZO KATH RA NO WIZARD There you are, all the spells. To use them to best effect while in an adventure, write them down in their SYMBOL form, then, if you need to cast a spell quickly you don't have to translate them using the book! This list may not be 100% correct, so if you find any faults write and tell me, will ya? Also if you find any more spells, I'd also love to hear from you. BMK BMK