Maniac Mansion (Lucasfilm) Solution using Dave, Bernard and Syd Sent in by Kev Phillips @~Way back in Issue 5 of SynTax, Dave Barker's solution to Maniac @~Mansion using Dave, Michael and Syd was printed. This solution @~uses Bernard instead of Michael and has a different ending ... @~in fact there are two possible endings given here! Syd can do the same things as Razor so you can use Razor instead of Syd. OUTSIDE MANSION First elect one of your people (not Bernard) to carry the items that you collect (the stuff carrier). Then select READ SIGN with whoever you've selected. Now move all of your kids to the front door. Select PICK UP DOOR MAT then select PICK UP KEY. After that select UNLOCK FRONT DOOR WITH KEY. Walk your kid inside the mansion. THINGS TO DO ONCE INSIDE THE MANSION KITCHEN Now change to a kid you don't mind being held captive (not Bernard again). At the first door you come to inside the house, select OPEN DOOR and walk in. Don't pick anything up yet. Walk along two screens and as soon as you come to the third turn around and walk back towards the door. You will be being chased by Edna. Walk out of the door and you are safe. You will now get a cut scene. Now select the stuff carrier and go through the door. Once through the door select PICK UP FLASHLIGHT. If you want to, select PICK UP CHAINSAW. Select OPEN REFRIGERATOR; now empty the refrigerator but not the cheese. If now you get a cut scene of Weird Ed saying "Gee, I'm hungry", just walk into the next room to the right. DINING ROOM In this room just walk along until you get to the centre of the table where you find a turkey and a week old roast. If you want you can pick these up. Keep on going right into the store room. STORE ROOM In the store room, select PICK UP GLASS JAR, select PICK UP FRUIT DRINKS. If you like pick up the rest. Finally you PICK UP THE BOTTLE OF DEVELOPER which you drop onto the grate. Walk back to the Entrance area (inside). ENTRANCE Walk right to the only door which has a handle. LOUNGE Now select Bernard to enter the lounge. Select OPEN OLD FASHIONED RADIO then select PICK UP RADIO TUBE. Now walk right and through the door. Use the WHAT IS command to find out where the lamp is then select TURN ON LAMP. You will see at the back of the room under the books some panels. Walk to the far right of the room and select OPEN LOOSE PANEL (it's right at the end) then select PICK UP CASSETTE TAPE. Now you get another cut scene (if not don't worry). Walk back to the old fashioned radio and move your stuff carrier to there. Select GIVE CASSETTE TAPE TO your stuff carrier and now change over kids to the stuff carrier. Return to hall. Walk up the stairs. ON LANDING Turn left and enter room at the end. PAINTING ROOM Select PICK UP PAINT BRUSH. Select PICK UP PAINT REMOVER. Select PICK UP BOWL OF WAX FRUIT. Now just walk out. ON LANDING Go through blue door in the middle (security door). UPSTAIRS HALL Go into the first door on the right. MEDICAL ROOM Again use the WHAT IS trick to find the light. Select OPEN DESK then select PICK UP MANUSCRIPT. Leave and walk up the stairs on the right. SECOND FLOOR LANDING Walk left and you are met by a green tentacle. Select GIVE BOWL OF WAX FRUIT TO GREEN TENTACLE then he's hungry so select GIVE FRUIT DRINKS TO GREEN TENTACLE. He then goes away. Again walk up the stairs. THIRD FLOOR LANDING Go through the first door. DR FRED'S BEDROOM. Here you should see at the bottom of the bed a strange squiggle; put your cursor on that and select PICK UP DIME. Keep on going left and you should see a ladder. Climb it. GREEN TENTACLE'S BEDROOM In this room walk right until you come to where you can see a record. Select PICK UP RECORD and carry on right until you get to the wall. On the wall is a yellow key; select PICK UP YELLOW KEY. Then just walk left again and back to the hall (don't worry about what the tentacle says). Now go through the fourth door on the right. GYM Go straight to the HULK-O-MATIC MACHINE and use it. Just before you enter the toilet you'll probably get another cut scene. Carry on right and into the toilet. TOILET Select PICK UP SPONGE and leave to the landing again. Go into the fifth door this time. ROOM WITH TYPEWRITER Go to the far right wall and select USE PAINT REMOVER ON PAINT BLOTCH. This will uncover a door. At this point the doorbell will probably ring (if this doesn't happen, switch to Bernard and wait). Select Bernard and as fast as you can go to the outside of the house when the doorbell rings. When you get to the door go left and you will find a package. Select PICK UP PACKAGE and now duck into the kitchen. While you wait for a couple of minutes, select OPEN PACKAGE and some stamps will fall off. Now return Bernard to his original posting and change back to the stuff carrier . Now you've uncovered the door you don't really have to go in there (but you can if you like). Walk down to where the mailbox is and on the left side of the steps are some bushes. Select PICK UP BUSHES and you'll find a grate. Select OPEN GRATE and then WALK TO GRATE. UNDER HOUSE There is only one thing you have to do here and that is walk right until you get to a blue puddle. Select USE SPONGE WITH DEVELOPER. Now walk back to the first floor landing. FIRST FLOOR LANDING This time walk right and through the door. MUSIC ROOM Walk right to the cassette recorder and select USE CASSETTE RECORDER WITH CASSETTE. Now select USE RECORD ON VICTROLA. After doing that you'll probably see another record behind you, you can pick that up if you want. Select TURN ON CASSETTE RECORDER and TURN ON VICTROLA. When the sound has recorded select TURN OFF VICTROLA then TURN OFF CASSETTE RECORDER then PICK UP RECORD and finally PICK UP CASSETTE. Now select TURN ON TV then walk back to the lounge. LOUNGE In the lounge select OPEN CABINET DOOR (under the old fashioned radio) then select USE CASSETTE TAPE IN CASSETTE PLAYER. The chandelier will fall down and you can select PICK UP OLD RUSTY KEY. Walk both kids out of the lounge. HALL Select Bernard and move him to the right-hand gargoyle then select PULL GARGOYLE. Change to the other kid and walk him through the door. REACTOR ROOM Again use the WHAT IS trick to find the light. Go left until you come to a key. Select PICK UP SILVER KEY. If one of your kids is in jail you can unlock the door to your left with the old rusty key to get him out. The kid you haven't used yet (except at the beginning) can be posted next to the fuse box. Move the stuff carrier to the store room. Move Bernard back to the lounge and return to the stuff carrier. STORE ROOM Select UNLOCK DOOR WITH SILVER KEY and walk your kid through. SWIMMING POOL Select USE GLASS JAR IN WATER. Now move your kid to where the gate is and select OPEN GATE. Walk through. GARAGE Select OPEN GARAGE DOOR then walk in and PICK UP WATER FAUCET HANDLE. Walk to the back of the car and select UNLOCK TRUNK WITH YELLOW KEY then select PICK UP TOOLS (don't close the trunk). Walk back to the swimming pool and change kids to Bernard. Move Bernard under the house. UNDER HOUSE Select TURN WATER VALVE then select the stuff carrier and walk him to the ladder (you'll get a cut scene). Select PICK UP GLOWING KEY then PICK UP RADIO. The kid near the fuse box may get caught if you're slow. If so let him out as previously described. Switch to the stuff carrier and move him to the lounge. LOUNGE Just select PICK UP CASSETTE and move to the toilet. TOILET In here select OPEN SHOWER CURTAIN then select USE WATER FAUCET HANDLE ON WATER FAUCET. Select TURN ON WATER FAUCET then select TURN OFF WATER FAUCET (after the mummy has moved) and make a note of the number. This time move your kid to the lounge. Then select Bernard and move him to the lounge. LOUNGE First select the stuff carrier and GIVE TOOLS TO BERNARD. Now select BERNARD and select GIVE STAMPS TO the stuff carrier, then select GIVE PACKAGE TO the stuff carrier and move right into the library. LIBRARY In this room move to the telephone and select FIX PHONE WITH TOOLS. Now move the stuff carrier to outside the second door on the top floor of the house. OPERATION SAFE Select BERNARD and say USE PHONE. You will get a number pad. Click on the numbers you made a note of from behind the mummy and the phone will ring. (I think you can guess who will pick the phone up. Yes, you've got it, Edna). You'll get a cut scene and after that change to the stuff carrier and select OPEN DOOR. Walk down to the bottom right corner and you'll see a cabinet with a key on top. Select PICK UP SMALL KEY and walk up the ladder. Once up the ladder you have to use the WHAT IS trick to find the light. To your right you'll see a painting; select PULL PAINTING and you'll find a safe with a very small number inscribed below it on a small piece of paper. Now do the same again with the phone but this time walk the kid who's in the loft out of the door. Oh! Don't forget to close the door after you. THIRD FLOOR LANDING Move the stuff carrier to outside the third door. Select Bernard and take him into the first door. DR FRED'S BEDROOM Select USE RADIO TUBE IN TUBE SOCKET. Now walk Bernard to outside the third door. THIRD FLOOR LANDING With Bernard select GIVE TOOLS TO the stuff carrier. Change over kids to the stuff carrier and select GIVE OLD RUSTY KEY TO BERNARD. Now we're ready for operation 'get dimes'! OPERATION GET DIMES Change kid to Bernard and open the door. Walk in and Bernard will get caught. Now as he's being put in jail you change over kids to the stuff carrier and walk him in. Once inside walk to the piggy bank and select OPEN PIGGY BANK. It will break and you can select PICK UP DIME three times so you can get all of the dimes. Walk back over to the hamster and select PICK UP HAMSTER. Behind the hamster is a card key; select PICK UP CARD KEY and walk out. To be safe walk into the next room and wait for about thirty seconds (or maybe a little more). After that walk into the room with the typewriter. ROOM WITH TYPEWRITER Walk straight through this room and into the once-covered room. ONCE-COVERED ROOM In here again use the WHAT IS trick to find the light and select OPEN RADIO (which you should have in your inventory). You'll find batteries. Select USE BATTERIES IN FLASHLIGHT and then change kids to the one at the fuse box. REACTOR ROOM Select OPEN FUSE BOX and then select TURN OFF CIRCUIT BREAKERS. At this point switch to the stuff carrier. ONCE-COVERED ROOM Select TURN ON FLASHLIGHT then FIX WIRES WITH TOOLS and, as quick as you can, change to the kid stationed at the fuse box. REACTOR ROOM Select TURN ON CIRCUIT BREAKERS. In the middle of this you'll get a cut scene but after you've finished you will have brought power to the arcade machines. Now change back to the stuff carrier and move him to the room with the typewriter. ROOM WITH TYPEWRITER In here move over to the man-eating plant and select USE JAR OF WATER WITH MAN-EATING PLANT. He'll grow big. Then select USE CAN OF PEPSI ON MAN-EATING PLANT. This will make him burp a lot. Also select TURN OFF FLASHLIGHT; we don't want to wear down the batteries! Now just select WALK TO HATCH. ASTRONOMY ROOM Walk to the poster and select READ POSTER then select USE DIME IN COIN SLOT. After you've done that select PUSH RIGHT BUTTON then select USE REALLY POWERFUL TELESCOPE. You should see the corner of a window. Repeat this and look through the telescope. You should see the combination for the safe. Now change to Bernard and select UNLOCK DOOR WITH OLD RUSTY KEY and move him to the library. Now position the stuff carrier outside the second door. Switch to Bernard and do the same thing as before with the telephone to get the kid outside the door up into the loft. LOFT Move your kid to the safe and select USE SAFE. Again you'll get a keypad and just type in the number you got from looking through the telescope. Now Select PICK UP ENVELOPE. Just get your kid out of the loft by using the phone trick again but this time go into Dr Fred's room. DR FRED'S ROOM Select READ WANTED POSTER and you should get a number to call, make a note of it. There are now two ways to complete the game. (A) The First Method *** Select OPEN SEALED ENVELOPE then select TURN ON RADIO then USE RADIO. When you get the keypad type in the number off the poster. You'll get the Meteor Police so you've got five minutes to get the secret lab doors open (easy). All you have to do is walk to where the medical room door is and the door to the right of that go in. THE ARCADE In here walk to the Meteor Mess game and select USE QUARTER IN COIN BOX. You'll get a list of high scores; just make a note of the top one. Now return to Edna's room and get caught. JAIL Once in jail, walk to the left-hand door and select UNLOCK TOP PADLOCK WITH GLOWING KEY, then UNLOCK BOTTOM PADLOCK WITH GLOWING KEY. Finally select OPEN OUTER DOOR. Now you get a door called the 'inner door'. Select USE INNER DOOR and you'll get another keypad. Click on the numbers of the top score on Meteor Mess and it will open. Now wait for the Meteor Police. When they come they will get the meteor but you still have to save Sandy so walk to where they arrive and you'll find a badge. Select PICK UP BADGE and walk into the secret lab. SECRET LAB When the tentacle approaches you, select GIVE BADGE TO PURPLE TENTACLE and after a bit of talking he'll run away. Select OPEN DOOR and walk through the door. Dr Fred will say something. Just walk past him and when you come to the locker select OPEN LOCKER then PICK UP RADIATION SUIT and then walk to the door and select USE CARD KEY IN CARD KEY SLOT. The door will open and you can walk through. Select TURN OFF LEVER and you've completed the game!!! (B) The Second Method Follow the solution up to ***. Walk down to the kitchen. KITCHEN Select TURN ON FAUCET then select USE GLASS JAR WITH FAUCET then select TURN OFF FAUCET. Move to the microwave oven and select OPEN MICROWAVE OVEN then select USE JAR OF WATER WITH MICROWAVE OVEN then select USE SEALED ENVELOPE IN MICROWAVE OVEN and then select CLOSE MICROWAVE OVEN. Now TURN ON MICROWAVE OVEN and when it dings open it and get out the envelope. Now select OPEN ENVELOPE and walk up to the music room (if you're not Syd then switch to Syd). Select USE CASSETTE TAPE IN CASSETTE RECORDER then select TURN ON CASSETTE RECORDER then USE PIANO. After you've finished TURN OFF CASSETTE RECORDER and PICK UP CASSETTE TAPE. If your kid Syd isn't the stuff carrier then give the cassette to the stuff carrier. Now move your stuff carrier to the green tentacle's room. GREEN TENTACLE'S ROOM Here you have to USE CASSETTE TAPE IN MONDO STEREO then TURN ON MONDO STEREO. The Tentacle will come along and drop a demo tape. Select PICK UP DEMO TAPE. Now move to the room with typewriter. ROOM WITH TYPEWRITER Select USE ENVELOPE WITH TYPEWRITER then select USE DEMO TAPE IN ENVELOPE. Then select USE STAMPS WITH TAPE IN ENVELOPE and it should stick. Now walk to the mail box. MAIL BOX Select OPEN MAIL BOX then USE TAPE IN STAMPED ENVELOPE IN MAILBOX. Then select PULL FLAG and CLOSE MAIL BOX. Wait at the grandfather clock for the envelope to first disappear then for the contract to arrive. In the middle you'll get a cut scene. Once the contract has arrived select OPEN MAIL BOX then PICK UP CONTRACT and go to the green tentacle's room. GREEN TENTACLE'S ROOM Select GIVE CONTRACT TO GREEN TENTACLE and he will say that he'll "protect you no matter what." So from here do the thing in the arcade and then go straight into the secret lab (the same way as before). SECRET LAB The green tentacle will help you past the purple tentacle. Do the same with the radiation suit etc as before but you have to pick up the meteor and walk through the door to the right. Then select USE METEOR IN TRUNK then CLOSE TRUNK and finally USE MODIFIED ROCKET ENGINES WITH YELLOW KEY (the engine on the right side of the car) and you've completed Maniac Mansion twice!!