Treasure Of The New Kingdom - on SynTax disk 94 (text/graphics adventure for the ST) Reviewed on an STe by James Judge It is present day Egypt and you play the part of an intrepid explorer. You have come to The Valley Of The Kings to seek out the crown of the legendary Pharaoh Menes (daa! daa! daa! dum!) The crown was said to have been guarded by the priests in the Temple Of Karnak but in the latter years of the New Kingdom (about 1000 B.C) attacks by fierce bands of tribesman became more frequent and soon the crown fell into their hands. The tribesman then hid the crown deep in one of their desert tombs. Nobody knew what happened to the crown until a scroll was found listing the crown as one of the treasures buried in the tomb of the little known High Priest Herihor. You must now search out the tomb of Herihor and recover the crown if you can (sounds daunting doesn't it?) You start the game on the west bank of the Nile with your ferry speeding its way across the Nile to the east bank. From here your only exit is a road west, so off you toddle and you appear in... a market (ooh). You go west again and you're on a road that leads west, north and back the way you came. If you go north you end up obtaining a ducks feathear (a spelling mistake on the part of the programmer, and one of many). West leads you to a myriad of tombs which you may or may not enter due to some being closed to the public. After going through some fifty or so non-essential locations your adventure begins with (unless you're lucky first time out) your death. So back to the beginning you go unless you have saved your position. Anyway after a while you will feel like turning the computer off and sitting down to watch the latest episode of Eldorado. I must admit I have not completed this game due to the many down points and it just does not hold your attention long enough to be interesting. Right from the credits screen there is a plethora of spelling mistakes due to the obvious lack of play-testing. These include: creater instead of created feathear instead of feather fore instead of forth funnery - what on Earth is a funnery?? and there are one or two sentences that make no sense at all: ...the only exit from her is up. ...a group americans. There are also many ways that the programmer has spelt Ramesses (or is it Rammeses, Rameses or Ramessess?) If you type in 'sit down' any time during the game you will get a message telling you that "You are already sitting". 'Oh no' you think 'I've been dragging myself around the game on my bum!'. So you tap in 'stand up' and guess what, yep the computer says "You are already standing". Hmmmmmm. Also in the game there are one or two locations that (for example) tell you that you can go southwest so you type in 'sw' and you get one of these two responses a) there is no exit in that direction or b) you go southwest and you find you can get back to your original location by going southwest! I know that these are all small niggles but even in the part of the adventure I have done I filled an A4 sheet of paper with spelling mistakes and other such inaccuracies which (when you put 'em all together) is a major turn-off. There is adventure data on the disk so if you want you can change all of these errors, alter the font and completely redesign the game! If the programmer had gone through the game two or three times or got a friend or two to help him play-test the game it would have been far better. Also if he cut down on the number of rooms in the adventure that do nothing at all would improve the game even further. At the beginning of the game I think there was about fifteen tombs of the Ramesses (or was it Rameses???) Pharaohs and from what I have seen none of them do much or nothing at all. A few good points about the game is the ability to change the size of text, a smattering of graphics and if the data about the tombs Pharaohs etc are correct I take my hat off to the programmer. The game is better than some I've seen but there are many that are better than this. Graphics - 5/10 Sound - 0/10 (there is none except the key click) Playability - 6/10