BMK BMK The Bitmap Kid Presents, The Third edition of a multi-part guide to DDDDDD UU UU NNNNN GGGGGG EEEEEE OOOOO NNNNN DD DD UU UU NN NN GG EE OO OO NN NN DD DD UU UU NN NN GG GGG EEEEEE OO OO NN NN DD DD UU UU NN NN GG GG EE OO OO NN NN DDDDDD UUUUU NN NN GGGGG EEEEEE OOOOO NN NN MMMMMM AA SSSSSS TTTTTTTT EEEEEE RRRRRR MM MM MM AA AA SS TT EE RR RR MM MM MM AA AA AA SSSSS TT EEEEEE RRRRRR MM MM MM AA AA SS TT EE RR RR MM MM MM AA AA SSSSSS TT EEEEEE RR RR PART THREE: A B I T M O R E P L A Y I N G A D V I C E / L E V E L 3 1 - ST Undocumented Information There a few bits not included in the manual that you may find useful. First, when you save a game over an old game, the last game you saved is kept on the disk as a back-up. Secondly, pressing Escape pauses the game, this is really handy for translating spells, mapping, making notes etc. Also, the cursor keys can be used for moving and turning, this is good when you want to be real fast and accurate. 2 - Try This! Cast a 'See Through Walls' spell at the black doors at the start of the dungeon and you (should) see Gray Lord, or the evil look-alike of him at least! 3 - Level Three This level you should find really easy due to the fact that you don't tackle the dungeon in one big lump, if you see what I mean. This level is based around six mini-quests, each contains a key that allows you to progress to the end of the level. The tasks range in difficulty but none should be too hard, the dungeon really only starts to give you some punishment on the next level. When you first enter the level I advise you to sort out your champions, no creatures can get to you and so you are safe. Remember to replenish your water supply via the fountain near the exit of the previous level. ================================================================== *** GENERAL TIP - GENERAL TIP - GENERAL TIP: When you come across a fountain, fill up your flasks and/or waterskins and drink until your party is full. Refill your waterskins and flasks and then continue! *** ================================================================== The next thing to do is find the secret door. The switch is the letter-box looking type and is on the left hand wall a few steps from the stairs. Behind the door you'll find a passage with a blue mist in it, behind the blue mist is a compass. The compass will help out later so it is a good idea to get it. To pass the mist you have to run past it just at the right time when it disappears, if you don't get past you'll be teleported a few steps back. Keep trying until you pass it, if you can't, you're gonna sure have problems with 'Time is of the Essence'! 4 - The Rooms 1) Chamber of the Guardian. This is real easy. The object of this puzzle is to get the chest. To do this you must press the switch next to the room that holds the chest. When you do this the chest will teleport to another room. Keep pressing the appropriate switches until the chest teleports out into the corridor. Inside the chest you'll find a mirror. Hold the mirror up to the eye-shaped thing on the wall and a secret door will open. Behind the door you'll find a group of mummies, clean them off and pick up the equipment that they guarded. 2) The Vault. Object: Kick some ass! Quite a few creatures in this bit, they're quite tough too. Just throw plenty of Fireballs at them and follow what I said last issue and you'll be okay. 'Cast your Influence, Cast your Might', clue: Cast an appropriate spell (try 'ZO'), then throw 'sumink. 3) The Matrix. This bit is sooooooo easy. Basically this is a big room which is full of pillars. The key is found behind a secret door, the only problem you have to face are the spinners. Spinners (in case you don't know) are 'squares' of the dungeon that, er, spin you! So, say you were heading North and stepped on a spinner, possibly without knowing it you would suddenly face, say, East. There are only a few spinners, but they can be 'orrible if you don't understand the puzzle. As usual, being the nice, kind, thoughtful, cool, good-looking..... .....guy that I am I'll give you the directions to get there avoiding the spinners. First, as a start point, go to the end of the entrance corridor, but don't actually ENTER the main room, if you see what I mean. Now follow these directions: Forward (into the room) and turn left, turn right, take two steps right and then forward six, get the object. Go left four and then forward one. Turn right and press button. Turn left and go back one. Now go two left and one forward. Turn left, enter secret passage and get the key. You can now retrace your steps. (Note: These directions come from a map, if they are wrong, blame the map!) 4) Time is of the Essence. This bit is all about fast reactions. First make sure your champion's encumbrance has not turned yellow, gold or even red. Drop all the items you won't need for a bit (food, water, spare equipment, etc) and then press the button. Now move, very quickly, five spaces left and then two forward. Don't bother turning, just side-step. You might find it easier to use the cursor keys. Once you get around the corner put an unwanted object on the floor switch so you can get out. Next, you have to hit the wall switch, turn left and throw something at the blue mist. A good tip is to pick up something, like a flask, AND WITHOUT PUTTING IT DOWN, press the switch with it. You can then use the 'Insert' (on the ST anyway) key to turn and then all you have to do is quickly left-click to throw. Your next task is to get past another pit. To pass the pit, make sure you can still run at your fastest speed and then turn to the next wall switch. Press the switch and then quickly run backwards two spaces, without turning. In the next room press the next switch to keep the pit open for good. The rest is simple.... 4) Room of the Gem. This is real simple - kill the baddies, get the gem, put it in slot.... I'm not gonna tell you no more! 5) Creature Cavern. This is real simple too! Just kill the baddies, find the key, and make your way to the exit! WARNING: Some of the baddies in this section re-generate, er, I think. (And do you remember what that means, boys and girls? - Yep, it means more appear after you kill the first lot, and the second lot, and the third lot, and em, the next lot, and....) Because of this, remember to close the door to this section after you leave, we don't want any to escape, do we? The last door on the level contains a few objects and a small secret button (on the left wall). The button opens a secret door around the corner which contains a useful item or two. Watch out because both doors are guarded. Don't attempt the next level if you still have creatures wandering about on this, you will probably need an escape route later, you see... Okay, that's the level completed, now you're on to the next level, with loads of worms (and you thought Mummies were hard...!). Before you ask, yes, I will guide you through the next level, if you start sending some letters about the game! 5 - Dungeon Master - THE ST CHEAT! A few ST cheat routines have been floating about for DM for some time now. The only problem with them, as I read in ST Format, was that they only work on some STs, and then only on some game versions. So basically it's pretty much pot luck whether it works on your setup. If you haven't seen a cheat routine for DM, don't worry, I've found one so here it is: ================================================================== 10 REM ***CHEAT FOR DUNGEON MASTER*** 20 OPTION BASE 1 : DIM A (512) : CHEAT=VARPTR (A(1)) 30 DEF SEG=0 : REM Remove if you're using the new ST basic! 40 BLOAD "A:START.PRG",CHEAT : REM Load DM's start programme 50 FOR N=1 TO 5 : READ B : POKE CHEAT+B, &H4E71 : POKE CHEAT+B+2, &H4E4E1 : NEXT N 60 FOR N=&H260 TO H26E STEP 2 : READ B : POKE CHEAT+N B : NEXT N 70 BSAVE "A:START.PRG", CHEAT, 770 : REM Save modified start program 80 DATA &H93CO, &HOOD8, &HOOFC, &H0118, &HO154, &H93CO 90 DATA &H337C, &H4E71, &H433B, &H337C, &HB06B, &H48D9, &H4E92 ================================================================== There are a few programs that are wrong anyway, it is possible that this is too, but at least you can try it! Run the programme in ST BASIC. 6 - Thanks, Andy! Thanks for your DM tips in issue 23, that cheat sounds excellent! I'm glad you've got on with Daroo! You must have trained him a lot (on purpose or not) for him to become your BEST wizard! Thanks for that, I might try him out next time I start.... ******** Next time I'll be giving you a run-down on level 4! (The third level if you discount the Hall of Champions.) Note: Remember to look out for my PD disk coming out some time this year (hopefully). It will be the best DM hint/map disk around (honest!) with the clearest maps, rundowns and tips available! I'll cover all items in this guide there as well - don't miss it, It'll be in the SynTax PD library! @~We must do something about these ads, Bitmap... Sue. BMK BMK