THE MAZE - Syntax P.D. Disk No. 461 THE FULL SOLUTION FOR AN ATARI ST BY JAMES JILLIANS The Maze is composed of four lobbies, each of which has five rooms. Each room contains a puzzle or a challenge and a key. You need to get four keys to progress to the next lobby. Here are 20 mini solutions explaining how to get the key from each of the 20 rooms. LOBBY #1 ROOM #1 You start this room standing on a platform hovering above a steep drop. There are many other floating platforms and on the far wall there are three buttons: one red, one green and one blue. Firing your gun at one of the buttons moves you from one platform to another. Keep shooting the red button until you are transported to the orange platform with the key and a yellow box on. Take the key and shoot the yellow box. You will find yourself on the platform you started on. Turn round and go back through the door. ROOM #2 This room contains a little game which you must beat the computer at. There are several yellow squares arranged in a triangle on the wall and there are two buttons, red and blue, on the floor. In each turn you may shoot one or two of the yellow boxes on the left hand side of the triangle. To end your go, shoot the red box. To win the key you must make the computer shoot the last yellow box. At the end of one of your turns make sure that there are only four boxes left for the computer to shoot. In the next turn, if the computer shoots one box you must shoot two to win. If he shoots two boxes you must shoot one. When the computer has shot the last box, shoot at the blue button and the key appears. ROOM #3 This room is impossible to complete as a force-field blocks your passage to the key. The key can be reached through Room #5 of this lobby. ROOM #4 This is a maze. Just wander around until you find the key. ROOM #5 This room is called, "Watch Your Step," and it isn't called that for nothing. There are many platforms, above a deep chasm, which you have to cross. You can easily fall to your death. As soon as you enter the room go down the stairs to your right. Keep going along the platforms until you reach a yellow button. (When the path splits you can go either way). Press the button and go back to where you started. When you climb the last set of stairs turn right and go straight along the platform. You will cross a bridge (put there when you pressed the button) and go through a door. You will enter another room with a throne near the far wall. On one of the throne's armrests there is a key. When you take it the bridge crossing the gap between platforms disappears so you have to choose between not getting the key or losing a life. There is a white block separating the throne from the wall. If you shoot it the block disappears revealing a door. Go through this door and you will find yourself in Room #3 on the other side of the force-field. Take the key and either go back through the exit of Room #5 if you decided not to take the key from the throne, or wait for the time to run out if you did. LOBBY #2 ROOM #1 Behind the partition in this room is a tank which will shoot and kill you given half the chance. Move near to the partition and step slowly towards the far edge until you can see the side of the tank behind. Shoot it quickly. Hopefully the tank will not be able to see you because you are behind the partition. Once the tank is down move over to the far end of the room and take the key from the wall. This level may take a bit of practice, so don't forget to save before entering! ROOM #2 This room contains a sliding puzzle. There is a cross with the word 'CRYSTAL' written across the horizontal. Your task is to slide the letters, by clicking on them and then pushing an arrow-shaped button to show which direction you want to move them in, so they spell the word 'CRYSTAL' down the vertical. The letters may not move off the cross-shaped board. Move the letters into the following positions: 0 Start: 1 2 3 4 5 6 * Y Y * R * C * * * * C * R CRYSTAL ST***AL AL***** Y**RCTS Y****** YR*C*** **Y**** * * S * S S S * * T * T T T * C C A A A A * R R L L L L When you've done it click on the red button and the key will appear. ROOM #3 This room consists of many smaller rooms connected to each other by doors. These doors don't always open both ways! When you enter the first room go through the door which is to your right. In the next room keep going ahead until you pass through another door. Turn left and go straight ahead, through three doors, along the right wall of the complex until you reach the top right hand corner. Go through the door on the left. Go straight ahead through another door. Now go through the left door and you will enter the room which contains the key. Take it and go through the door to the right of the one through which you entered. In the next room take the left door and then go straight on through another room. You will reach another corner room with only two doors. Take the door that you didn't come through to reach the room you started in. Go through the door on the right to leave the complex. ROOM #4 This level contains a control panel with arrows on and a maze with a remote controlled vehicle in it. Guide the vehicle through the maze until it reaches the wall with the key on. Be careful you do not bump into the wall or the vehicle will be sent flying backwards. Bump the vehicle into the wall containing the key and it will be transported to within your reach. This room may take a bit of practice as you do not have much time to complete it in. ROOM #5 This room contains a mathematical puzzle. You need to determine the values of the triangle, the circle and the square. Here are the answers: TRIANGLE = 1 CIRCLE = 4 SQUARE = 3 Fire at the shape to change the number to the right of the equals sign. When all the shapes have been set to the correct value the key will appear at the end of a long corridor opposite the door you entered the room by. LOBBY #3 ROOM #1 The object of this room is to find the number to open the safe which contains the key. There is a body in the middle of the chamber you enter. Near one of the hands there is a note book. Look at it by clicking on it with the right mouse button. You will see a phone number. Find the phone (it's on a table in a room on the same floor as the body) and click on it. You will hear a recorded message which tells you a name of a person. Go upstairs and find the room with the armchair and table. On the table is a diary. Click on it and you will be told the safe's combination. The safe is behind a picture in the other room upstairs. Shoot the picture and click on the safe. The key will then appear. ROOM #2 You will find yourself standing on a ledge next to a chasm. On the wall on the opposite side of the chasm there is a grid of squares. The square in the top left hand corner is blue; the rest are red. Shoot the blue square. A command will appear in the dialogue box in the form of a letter and a number. The letter tells you a direction and the number tells you how far to move in that direction. The letter 'L' means move left, 'R' means move right, 'D' means go down and 'U' means go up. Fire at the square indicated by the command, ie. if the command said 'D4' then shoot the square that was situated four squares below the square you just fired at. Keep doing this until you are told to 'Look Right'. You will see the key. Take it and leave the room. ROOM #3 The key is high up on the far wall of this room. There are several boxes in a row at the centre of the room. By shooting the boxes you can build up a set of stairs leading up to the key. Randomly shoot the boxes until there are four steps. Climb the stairs and get the key. ROOM #4 You start on a ledge hovering over a deep pit. Lined up on another ledge, parallel to yours, there are some dominoes. There is an orange thing hovering in the air above them which needs to be shot. When you do this the thing will drop, knocking the dominoes over. One will fall over the edge of the ledge and will rise again to form a bridge. Cross over the bridge and get the key. ROOM #5 This room contains a sliding block puzzle where you have to arrange the letters in alphabetical order. This is a really difficult puzzle and I found it impossible to complete it. I suggest that you get the four keys from the other rooms in the lobby. LOBBY #4 ROOM #1 This room is called 'Go But Slowly'. You need to cross over a deep pit in order to reach the key. There are bridges which you must use but they keep appearing and disappearing. You need to edge slowly across them. This is extremely tricky so do not forget to save before attempting this room! ROOM #2 At the centre of this room is a bull and on one of the walls there is a target. You must get on the bull (just walk into it) and then fire at the target. This is easier said than done because once you are on the bull the room starts to rotate. After you hit the target smaller red ones will appear which you must also shoot. Once all the targets have been hit the message, 'You have the key', should appear. Get off the bull and leave the room. When shooting the targets keep the cross-hairs lined up with the wall. This should maximise your chances of success. ROOM #3 This room contains the dreaded 'Spaced-Out Invaders'! Like ROOM #1 in the second lobby there is a wall which can be used as cover. Use similar tactics to those you used to defeat the tank and you should be O.K. Make sure you shoot from the right hand side of the wall. The key is hanging from the wall behind the invaders. ROOM #4 This is quite a small room. The floor is covered with square orange tiles which can be removed using the right mouse button. Hidden under certain tiles are 3 locks and a combination which are needed to unlock the safe which contains the key. Here are where they can be found: COMBINATION: Stand with your back to the door. Move two tiles up and three tiles along. You should be standing on the combination. Use the right button to dig it up. LOCK #1: This can be found in the corner where the wall with the door and the wall with the safe meet. LOCK #2: This lock can be found 3 tiles away from the wall with the safe in the middle of the room. LOCK #3: This wall is one tile away from the centre of the wall opposite the door. Once you have all the necessary items click on the safe and it should open revealing the key. ROOM #5 At the far end of the room which you start in there is a passage. Three sets of blocks are moving up and down inside the passage which will crush you if they come down on your head. It is quite easy to negotiate your way through and get the key if you get your timing right. If you manage all that and use the keys to go through the final door in the final lobby, you've won! Sit back and admire the little end sequence content in the knowledge that you have completed another computer game!