BMK BMK The Bitmap Kid Presents, The Fourth edition of a multi-part guide to, DDDDDD UU UU NNNNN GGGGGG EEEEEE OOOOO NNNNN DD DD UU UU NN NN GG EE OO OO NN NN DD DD UU UU NN NN GG GGG EEEEEE OO OO NN NN DD DD UU UU NN NN GG GG EE OO OO NN NN DDDDDD UUUUU NN NN GGGGG EEEEEE OOOOO NN NN MMMMMM AA SSSSSS TTTTTTTT EEEEEE RRRRRR MM MM MM AA AA SS TT EE RR RR MM MM MM AA AA AA SSSSS TT EEEEEE RRRRRR MM MM MM AA AA SS TT EE RR RR MM MM MM AA AA SSSSSS TT EEEEEE RR RR PART FOUR: G O S H ! M O R E P L A Y I N G A D V I C E / L E V E L 4 1 - Looking Back If, at the start of this guide, you were fairly inexperienced at DM, then I should hope that if you've followed this guide that you've become somewhat of an advanced player. As I said from the start, DM isn't the sort of game you can jump in and complete on your first go (I should hope not!). Although being an adventure, Dungeon Master still has a massive amount of strategy in. For instance, in how many of the recent DM clones (for they are clones due to the fact that they often don't add anything much more to the DM idea) do you need to LEARN spells, as opposed to, say, just finding a scroll? How many give you the realism of the effects of spells on each other, or the cost of casting them? To the extent of DM, none. None has the depth and realism of DM, and yet, if DM was released today, it would probably been a real flop, why? Because it doesn't nearly achieve what is possible on the computers of today, and yet when it WAS released, on basically the same computers it seemed like an amazing piece of programming, and in most respects it was. But imagine, if you will, Dungeon Master with 90's graphics standards, 90's audio standards and with 90's animations. You've again got one of the best games ever. So I suppose that's what we're all hoping for in Dungeon Master II. YEA FTL!! 2 - Level Four Things are getting a little more tricky now aren't they? The main thing you'll have to look out for on this level are the Worms, there are tons of them. Other than those the level presents no real problems, but look out for the Wasp and the ghost. I think there are only one of each on this level, but don't forget you'll need a particular spell for the ghost.... Smash down that plain wood door to pass it. To get past the grate that opens but falls before you can get to it, turn to the left (standing on the pad) and press the tiny switch. You'll get transported a little distance but to get past the door quickly take a few steps to the right to get past the door, you'll have to be quick. Check those slimy outlets on the walls (always), you never know what you might find. The 'Shortcut' (activated with a coin in a slot if I remember rightly) will create a permanent blue mist that will transport you to a place much further on in the level. However this isn't recmended for your first time through the level, you'll need the experience of killing the worms you face by taking the long path. It might be useful for future use though. Look out for secret passages, I think there's about two. Further in this level is a room full of regenerating Screamers. This is a good place to train your champions and also a great food supply, you may want to come back here for food when you get a bit short. 'He's my prisoner - let him suffer'. Don't heed this, kill the mutha with a range-weapon or spell. Killing it releases a pressure pad opening the way to the exit, however the exit is heavily guarded with worms so you may want to leave him a prisoner until you get your breath back, so to speak. I recommend trying to kill all the Worms, not only will you gain experience but you'll also get quite a bit of food. You'll also have a clear path back from the later levels. ******** Look out for the next exciting episode of this series entitled 'Don't call me Shirley!'. Joke. Hee hee. It's been a long day. Oh forget it. BMK BMK