Might and Magic III - Part 1 of an Adventurer's Guidebook As played on an Amiga 500 (1 meg) by Ron Rainbird 1. For a quick boost at the outset of the game in the town of Fountain Head, take your novice party to the Mirror Portal along the West Wall and, when asked for a destination, type in "DOEMEISTER". This secret password will take you instantly to a secret room in the Dragon Cavern, where it is perfectly safe for you to steal 2 million in gold pieces. At this stage of the game, the only way you can return to civilisation (?) is by invoking the "Mr. Wizard" utility. You will find yourself back at Fountain Head but, as you are beginners, you will not forfeit a level. You are now rich enough to buy the best weapons, armour and what-have-you available in that town then, by killing the King Rat in the Cavern below Fountain Head, after many encounters with ordinary rats and a subsequent building up of your experience points and levels, you will find that the Fountains have turned from sludge to clear, blue water with magical properties. By then going to the Fountain at X13, Y2 you can buy experience points (1 point per gold piece), whereby you can raise your party to really good levels before tackling the Outside World. Find the man outside the Blacksmith's Shop and, for a fee, he will enrol you with the local Mage Guild - in this case, Raven's Guild. There your magic users will be able to learn some very useful spells - at a cost, of course. Nothing is for free in M&M Land. 2. In each of the five towns you will have to find a person who will enrol you with the local Guild before you can learn new spells. After the above Town, these will be: Baywatch - Albatross Guild. Find Clozan for enrolment. Wildabar - Falcon's Guild. The Magicarium, halfway along the West Wall, will grant you membership. Swamptown - Buzzard's Guild. Enter the Cavern to find Gagish. He will enrol you, even though he he is in a coffin. Blistering Heights - Eagle's Go to Demon HQ and fight your way Guild. through to Ornean to obtain membership. Each Guild offers progressively higher spells, provided you are at the appropriate level, so try to rise quickly in proficiency. You will find the higher spells will make life so much easier! 3. Each Town has a pit leading to a Cavern which must be explored. You will also find above ground an Inn, a Training Ground, a Mirror Portal, Temple, Tavern (for food supplies), a Forge and, sometimes, one or two surprise locations. 4. There are many Quests in this sprawling adventure, but not all are essential to a successful completion. I did not complete, for example, the Princess Trueberry/Unicorn/Althea Quest which, though doubtless interesting, is no more than a mini-adventure. However, you MUST complete the following: (a) Get all 6 Hologram Sequence Cards (b) Become a Crusader (c) Become an Ultimate Adventurer (d) Get a Blue Priority Passcard (e) Get the full Initialisation Sequence Number. To be continued ...