Steve's Hints 'n' Tips Sent in by Steve McLaren @~This issue, Steve's hints cover Space Quest 1, Lords of Time, @~Loom, Police Quest 1, Leisure Suit Larry III, Future Wars, @~Midnight Thief, Spiro Legacy, Grue-knapped, King's Quest IV and @~King's Quest V. Space Quest 1 At the start of the adventure go west three times to find a dead body, SEARCH MAN, GET KEYCARD, go east twice and wait around until the professor arrives and read carefully what he says. You should be able to work out the password to get the cartridge from the data archive. And to pass the units emitting a beam just input USE GLASS. Lords of Time - a golden oldie Can't get across the stream? Just tie the planks together to make one long plank then drop plank and walk across plank. Cannot pass Narcissus? Give glass to Narcissus and you will receive a lodestone. You cannot take the silver coin until you give the fairy a tooth. When you meet up with T.Rex, go west four times and he will follow you until he meets with the Allosaurus. They will fight and leave you alone to get on with the adventure. Loom - standard mode After leaving Loom Island you see a waterspout. Click on waterspout to learn the TWISTING DRAFT. Cast TWISTING DRAFT in REVERSE on waterspout to get rid of the waterspout. On the mainland, walk in the forest to find some invisible shepherds and learn the INVISIBILITY DRAFT. Now go to the Guild of Glassmakers and talk to Goodmold. Outside the glass tower, click on the workers and cast INVISIBLE DRAFT in REVERSE, go inside and click on the crystal across the bridge to transport to the tower and become invisible to the workers. Go to the other side of the workers, click on bell to be transported to the sphere. Click on the sphere for the TERROR DRAFT and learn how to deal with the shepherds. Police Quest - Park, Map B1 F4, open door, F4, close door, walk into park, hide behind bushes. CTRL D, wait until deal is done. CTRL D, freeze, F8, cuff man, follow me, walk to car, read rights, search man, talk to man, open door for prisoner to get in car, close door, open door, F4, close door, F4, drive to County Jail (map D3). Leisure Suit Larry III - As Patty When you walk to the Bamboo Forest, look in the manual and follow the song, first letter of every word will give you the correct direction in the bamboo maze. Make sure you fill the bottle with water before you enter the maze or you will be sorry. Once through the maze, drink water from stream then walk north, remove pantyhose, tie pantyhose to rock and watch what happens. On the island, look around, pick the leaves and don't be a dope and smoke the dope, make a rope. Throw rope, wait a few turns before the rope gets hooked on the log then tie rope to tree, tear dress, climb rope. Future Wars When you reach the swamp, examine the mosquitoes, use insecticide on mosquitoes. Examine glint of light, walk west and you should be by the lake. Examine foot of tree, find rope, use rope on tree branch then wait around in tree. When you see a man take off his clothes, wait until he goes into the lake and then quickly take tunic and slacks. Midnight Thief In the Tavern, read parchment as this will tell you what you need to get for your quest. Get tankard, drink ale, get stool. In the blacksmiths, examine wall, steal dagger, burn stool. In the stables, examine straw, open rucksack.... Spiro Legacy At the cannon, examine cannon, feel down barrel, put bag on barrel which should be filled with sand first. Cast Bonzo on me, push barrel down. A box will fall out. Get box, open box, find the Bisto spell, read Bisto spell. In the boathouse, examine boat, look in boat, put bung in hole, cast Bonzo on me, push boat, enter boat, row s, leave boat. Grue-knapped To make a fishing rod you should have the pin, the whip, the nutcrackers and the worm. Bend pin, tie hook to whip, tie worm to rod (weird, eh?). To get the bat, throw tights, look behind cupboard to get the wand. Give cage to snake (with parrot inside, of course). King's Quest IV So old Jonah could not keep out of the whale's stomach - this is a bit tricky (as Sue Medley knows too well). To reach the whale's tonsils, you have to climb the whale's tongue from the bottom left to the top centre and make sure you save when you get so far up the whale's tongue. To get out of the whale, make sure you have the feather. @~Oh yes, I remember that bit! I was stuck there for ages. In the @~end, I posted my save disk to Richard and he got Rosella up to @~the top, resaved it and posted it back to me. If he hadn't I'd @~still be there, I'm sure. King's Quest V The desert can be quite tricky since you only have 7 moves before you die of thirst. From the beehive go west five times which will bring you to an oasis. Drink water. From there go N, N, W, W, W. Hide behind the rocks before the bandits see you. Watch what they do. When they have gone, DRINK WATER from pool. From there go S, S, S, E to find a skeleton. Take the boot and go south twice to find another oasis. DRINK WATER and proceed S, W, W, W, W to Bandits' Camp. Wait until the guard falls down into a stupor and DRINK WATER then enter the tent to the right of the screen. Do not waken the guard. GET STAFF then follow the route back to the Temple.