Unnkulia Zero - Early Hints To get past the patrol: ... era uoy ohw evorp dluoc uoy fI .lufesu gnihtemos uoy evag gniK ehT .gnir eht meht wohS To fix the boat: .wercskroc teg ot edaps htiw hcaeb no dnas giD .nni ni rab morf elttob teG .wercskroc htiw elttob nepO .eloh ni kroc tuP Snake won't let you have the oar: .gniK eht sruonoh ekans ehT .rao gnikat erofeb gnir raeW Die on the lake? .esle erehwemos taob esU .tsaehtron ti yrraC Stuck in the swamp? .pleh deen uoY .eniv teG .pmaws ni nehw lerruhc esaeleR To pass the stoll: .egnellahc a stnaw eH .hcuop ni 'tnemyap' tuP On the mound: .edaps htiw dnuom giD ...niaga dnA .deeccus uoy litnu gniog peeK