Castle of the Alchemists - Super Chicken Productions The Castle of the Alchemists is a castle with four main floors: the Entry Level, Royal Level, Library Level, and Tower Level. There are also a few rooms outside the Castle, and the towers in the Tower Level enable you to go further up. In this game, you will be facing a number of Monsters -- over 60 Monsters are located in the Castle! The first thing to do, then, is to collect some weapons and related items that will aid you in your task. Search through the Entry Chamber and the Courtyard until you collect a large sword, a lightning rod, a fireball wand, a white pistol that shoots silver bullets, and a trusty lamp. These four weapons will be enough to kill the Monsters on Level I. As you battle them, be sure to write down which weapons kill which Monsters. The same weapons kill the same Monsters all the time but the Monsters' locations on the upper levels will change from game to game. When you have amassed your arsenal, go to the southeast corner of the courtyard and go south to the Dungeon Master's Office. Take the keys from the drawer, light your lamp, and go down into the Dungeon. Slice up the Bogeyman and the Troll. Take their treasures. Be sure to put the treasure chest in your hat! Next, zap the Squid with some electricity, and go north to the Zombie. Talk to her to see what she says, then shoot her with a silver bullet. (By the way, you should try to talk to most of the creatures that you think are capable of talking, and maybe some others that don't strike you as speakers. Sometimes the results will be amusing.) You will then have "Dragonslayer," the Magic Sword. Go north again and toast the Skeleton, and you will be able to get a Huge Ruby. This ruby is the first of eight Crown Jewels. You can identify the Crown Jewels by the inscribed metal bracket on each of them. Put this in your hat too. Sooner or later, the Thief will make her appearance and steal the treasure you are carrying. That's why it's important to hide some of your treasure under your hat. That is the one place she won't search! You have now reached the end of the line in the Dungeon, but you notice a mirror. Mirrors are transparent in this game, so you just walk through them. This one puts you at the end of the Featureless Hall, face to face with the beady eyes of the Giant Rat. Hack up the Rat with the large sword (the other one only works on dragons and similar reptilian things). Go south and silver-bullet the Werewolf, and then go south again to fry the Suit of Armor, slice up the Ghoul, and electrocute the Pumpkin. Then go east to the Main Entrance, deposit what treasure you have left, and go north into the courtyard, west, and then south into the Stables. The Stables currently house the Hydra's altar. Take the chest out of your hat, and then Pray to Hydra. Do not, repeat NOT, have any crown jewels in your pockets whenever you are praying to the Hydra, because you will need all of them to beat the Hydra. The same applies to the scepter (which won't fit in the hat). The snake priestess will appear to take your offering and will give you a green amulet. This amulet is important because it will allow you to DISPEL any ghosts you come across. The altar will disappear, but the priestess will tell you where she will go to. Now for the final part of the armament. Go north from the stables, east, and south to the staircase. Go up, south, and west. You will be in the Armory. Take the bleeding lance, and go north to the storeroom. After vanquishing the Monster there (either the Tarantula, which can be roasted; the Gnome, who can be sliced; Hecate, who can be dispelled; or Kabandha, who can be zapped), open the forge and take the crossbow. Your arsenal is now complete. While you're at it, take the matchbook also. Go south to the Armory, east, and north to the stairs. Go up one level and then east to the playroom. Knock off the Monster there and then move the toys out of the way. You will be in the Thief's Hideout. Take the ruby out of your hat and give it to the Thief. She will appreciate your kindness and then leave. At that point, you can lie down on the bed for a well-deserved rest. But not for long, because all of your treasures, and her huge moonstone, fall out of the bed! (The moonstone, by the way, is a weapon. If you show it to a Monster, there is a chance that it will be mesmerized and defeated that way.) Go south out to the playroom, east to the Chamber of Osiris, Isis, and Orus, and then south through a Monster, then drop all of your treasures but one and go south again. You will be at the Hydra's altar. Pray to the Hydra and the priestess will give you another amulet, a blue one. This one will get rid of Flying Carpets and Trap Doors, a phenomenon you may already have experienced. (If you are hit by one of these things without the amulet, they do not go away. They relocate themselves somewhere on the floor on which you encountered them. Having the amulet on you is the only way to destroy them.) Now go north, pick up your treasures, and north again to the enchanted chamber, west until you hit the staircase, and then up. Go west and examine the strange scene in the northwest rotunda. Then go east, drop all of your treasures but one, and go east again. Examine the scene in the northeast rotunda, and then pray to the Hydra to get your third amulet, the red one. This amulet is the most powerful one because it is able to produce a creature to help you fight. You can't use it quite yet, however. It's probably wise at this point to go back downstairs to drop off all of your unnecessary treasures at the Main Entrance. When you do, go to the northeast corner of the courtyard where the "Arbor Vitae" (which means "tree of life") is growing and pick up the pine cone. Then it's back to the staircase, and up to Level III. Back at the Library Level, the next task is to find the Library. Go all the way east to the enchanted chamber, and then south through the hallway, through one more Monster, and south again to the Chamber of Dagon. Go west to the southeast reading room, and northwest into the Library. Once in the Library, you can get your hands on a very important red book. It is a pretty long book, and is important enough to print out. It is a directory of all of the Monsters, broken down into "cults." If you have been keeping track of which Monsters are killed by which weapons, you will find out an interesting fact: All of the Monsters in the same cult are killed by the same weapon! The exceptions, of course, are the members of the cult of Moloch, who are immortal, and the Monsters without a cult, which will be dealt with shortly. You also will find a blue book, which contains information on the Hydra, and some folders, which contain hints on how to vanquish some of the more difficult Monsters. Okay. Now most of the Monsters are no problem, so you can go west and southwest to kill off the two Monsters there for another treasure. Now northeast and east back to the Library. Then southeast and east to the Chamber of Dagon, north four times to the Chamber of Osiris, and west twice to the staircase. Down one level to Level II, and then east into the Art Chamber. Pick up the mural, go back west, and go south down the Audience Hall. At the end of the Audience Hall, you meet the Black Death. He is a pushover for pine cones, so go ahead and toss him one. OK, so you got him mad, but at least he went away. Get the scepter and go southeast, and east into the King's Study. You need to get into the treasure room, so you have to show the room that you have kingly power. Wave the scepter, take the platter and the second crown jewel, and wave the scepter again to get out. Now go west to the Chamber of Moloch and north through the hallway until you clear the Royal Bedchamber. Take the pillow and the third crown jewel, then go east and pick up the royal robe. Exit the closet and go northeast to the Privy, take the medicine (but DON'T drink it because it's not yours -- can't you read labels?), then move southwest back to the bedroom and push the button. You slide down the King's escape slide back to the Main Entrance. At this point, you are probably wondering what the inscriptions on the walls mean. If you were to go far back enough to read the inscriptions on the south wall of all three rooms in the Entry Chamber, you would see this message: IN THIS CASTLE THOU ART HERE FOREVERMORE FOR ONLY THE MONARCH MAY PASS THROUGH THIS DOOR Well, it looks like you have to be a king to walk through the south door. You have your robe and your scepter, but you are missing something. Ah, yes, we need to get you a crown. But that comes later. For now, keep the lance and the platter and the medicine, as well as your arsenal. Drop everything else, and let's go upstairs on the staircase. At Level II, go south and then west into the Armory, and then northwest. Here you find the Zodiac Room, our resident altar to Satan. The description of the room tells you the name of a number of entities, a number of whose chambers we have already come across. The trouble is, however, that there was something wrong with the way we are reading this zodiac. Satan worshippers read things counterclockwise, not clockwise. So the actual order of the infernal deities is: Moloch, Chemos, Astoreth, Thammuz, Dagon, Rimmon, Osiris, Isis, Orus, Belial, Mammon, and Beelzebub. (This order corresponds to the order of the cults in the library book.) Why does this matter? Go south. This is the Chamber of Thammuz. Say DAGON. Guess what? You're there, which is the southeast corner of Level III. Say RIMMON. You are now at the end of the featureless hall in Level I. Say OSIRIS (or ISIS or ORUS). You are in the chamber dedicated to those three in the northeast corner of Level III. Now say BELIAL. Where are we now? Go east and find out. After hacking your way through the Anteroom, go east. You are in the Throne Room. Now that you know where you are, go west and north. Clear out the two Monsters in both ends of the dining hall. There are ten-branched candlesticks set on the east side of the dining table. Leave them there (you can't take them anyway). Don't they look familiar? Or don't you remember the scene in the northeast rotunda that showed the procession with the Holy Grail? All right, the procession involved a lance, the candlesticks, the Grail, and a platter. You have the lance and the platter, and the candlesticks are on the table. Let's just arrange things in order here. Put the lance on the table. Go to the other side of the room. Notice the depression on the table? Put the platter on the table. It fits nicely into the depression. Now we need to find the Grail. Go northwest into the kitchen. No Grail, but there is a bowl here. Maybe that'll do? While you're here, go east to the storeroom and clear it out, then west and southwest. You are at the west end of the table, so put the bowl on it. Wait a while, and lo! The bowl gives forth a great light! It was the Grail all along! Now take your treasures back and go back out to the anteroom, and then go west. Now say MAMMON. You should be in the Chamber of Moloch, on the other side of the Throne Room. We've been there, so say CHEMOS. You hear weird crackling noises from the north, so let's go that way just to be adventurous. You are now in the Mad Scientist's Lab. The Scientist is crazy and is running around the room! The poor guy hasn't taken his antidepressant medication in days, so give him his bottle. Then you can talk to him to find out what he knows, and then ask him about lots of things. Also, because he is bragging so much about his potions, ask him for one. He will give you a free demo bottle -- trial size, of course. The potion can be used as a weapon or a means of self-defense, but its effects are unpredictable. (If you use your potion up, just come back and ask him for another potion. He's got lots more where that came from.) While you're here, go north to the Alchemist's Study. In addition to getting the treasure, read the book there. It gives you a recipe for exorcising voodoo. You know where the pentagram is and you know that you just picked up some candles. We do need to get some goose feathers, however. With that in mind, we leave the Scientist for greener pastures. Go south, then east through the hallway until you find the Ming vase, then go east until you hit the wall. Go south to the Chamber of Dagon, say RIMMON, go south until the Featureless Hall stops, and then go east to the Main Entrance. Pick up the pillow, the match, the keys, the Holy Grail, and the Bleeding Lance, and drop everything but your arsenal. Then go north and up. Drop the holy relics, then go south, west, and northwest. (You are about to perform a satanic ritual, which the holy relics could screw up.) Once in the Zodiac Room, open the pillow. Put the candles in the pentagram. Then light them, and PRAY TO SATAN. Poof! The great Abaddon shows up, ready to do battle! Lead him southeast, east, north, up, and southwest. (You had better be quick, because he is not the most patient demon in the world.) Once there, sit back and watch Abaddon clobber the Witch Doctor. Go northeast and down, pick up the Holy Relics, and then go up, southwest, and north. This is the altar of Azazel, standard-bearer to Satan. Go west into his inner chamber. Of course he can't be killed, but sticking the Bleeding Lance into him will get him sore enough to want out. (By the way, you won't be able to see anything in this room, or stay in it more than one turn, without the Grail. And the Grail cannot have any water in it because that messes up its light-giving properties.) Go northwest. You are now in Azazel's Treasure Chamber, with one Crown Jewel and one blonde nymph. Talk to her to wake her up, kiss her for good measure, and then lead her out. Go southwest to the Inner Chamber, east, south, and northeast. Go down, south, and west to the Armory, and then turn the wheel (which does lower the drawbridge). Go east, north, and down to the Entry Level, and then keep going north. When you try to cross the drawbridge, Ariel will turn herself into a deer and go first. Cross the bridge after her and fill the Grail with water. Then cross the drawbridge back into the Castle. At this point, you have several options. You can change your green amulet or your blue amulet to either a satanic or a holy amulet. The way you harness the satanic power is to put the amulet in the pentagram in the Zodiac Room and pray to Satan. (The candles have to be lit before the prayer to Satan will work.) The way you turn something into a holy amulet is to start with a Grail full of water and stick your amulet inside. The new amulets will have all of the features of the old one, plus a few more which you can discover by reading or examining them. Let's not touch the red amulet just yet, because we have some more work to do. Okay. Go south to the staircase and up to the top. Go south to the Main Tower and up two floors. In addition to the panoramic view, you will find another Crown Jewel. Go back down to the base of the Main Tower, northwest to the Rotunda, and southwest to the Belfry. After shooting the Vampire, go into the closet and take the cuff links and broom. Go back into the Belfry and foil the bats by pulling on the rope to drive them crazy. Take the pot of gold, go north (which puts you in the Northeast Rotunda), and then north to the Green Room. Once in the Green Room, give the pot of gold to the Leprechauns. They go out partying and give you the pot. Go south, west, down, east, and south to the Torture Chamber. The Witch needs her transportation, so give her the broom (which, it turns out, was hers anyway). Take the treasure and go west, west again into the Voodoo Room, south, and south through the mirror. Take the box of jewels, then go south through the mirror and southwest. From the Chamber of Chemos, say ASTORETH. You are in her secret chamber, with another Crown Jewel. Take it and exit to the southeast. Now go south. You are now at the base of the Tower of Lilith, guarded by the fierce Cerberus. Or is he that fierce? Attack him -- yes, with your bare hands! That throws him into a panic and he goes away. Ascend into the tower and retrieve the next Crown Jewel. Go down and north two times, and then you will be in a room with a curious hole in the wall. It's actually a keyhole, so use your keys on it. Poof! You are on Level I. Go south to the end of the Dungeon, up, north through the Dungeon Master's Office, west, and south to the Main Entrance. Back at home base, go ahead and take the silver platter and the bottle of wine, keep the keys, and drop any unnecessary treasures. Go north into the middle of the courtyard. What do you know, the Witch is here! Talk to her, and she scoops you up with her broom and takes you on a wild ride around the countryside! After you get back down to earth, she will follow you around for a little while (during this time you can tell her to attack things, and she'll do so). I'm sure you're grateful for her assistance. So why not kiss her? I know, I know, because she looks like she's 1000 years old! But try it anyway. It turns out that she's a lot younger than she looks -- otherwise she has to beat the warlocks away with a stick! She will zap you into the royal boudoir (because she's got class, of course). After your tryst in the royal bedchamber is finished, go south and east. Use your keys to go up two levels. Then go north, west three times to the northeast rotunda, and then north. Uh, oh, the sorceress Circe is here, and she likes to turn people into animals! (Try to attack her and you'll find out what I mean.) But, as the Scientist undoubtedly told you (if you asked him), she is a lonely person. So try a little romancing. First get her in the mood with the California wine. Oh, she loves to drink! Now kiss her. She gets so excited she has to run away to take a nap. That means you can go west. You are now at the base of the Tower of Merlin. Careful! There is a basilisk here! If you aren't careful, you will be turned to stone by its stare. So trick it by showing it the silver platter. It looks at the platter long enough to see itself. Petrifying sight! Go up into the Tower of Merlin, and get the last Crown Jewel. Go back to Circe's room, and south to the Rotunda. Study the diagram there, because we are now going after the Hydra. Move east, down the staircase to the first level, and south to the Main Entrance. Now let's make sure you have what you need. You need the royal scepter, you need eight Crown Jewels, and you need a powerful friend. That's where your red amulet comes in. Don't conjure the Witch, because you can do lots better. You could go to the Altar of Satan, put the red amulet within the pentagram, and PRAY TO SATAN, which would conjure up Azazel. (You remember, Abaddon talked about him after knocking off the Witch Doctor.) But we're going to do something better. Make sure the Grail has plenty of water in it, and toss the Red Amulet inside. A cloud of smoke appears, and who should be standing before you but the Black Death! Once Death appears, lead him up the stairway to the Tower Level, go west, southwest, and then south. You are in the Dark Hallway. Go east three times. Monsters will try to get in your way, but simply tell Death to attack them. (He'll cleave them in two as long as you don't get too greedy.) Go south to the Glowing Room, pick up the jade idol, go east through the mirror to the other Glowing Room, pick up the silver coffer, and come back. Go north into the hall, west, and south. You are now in the Hydra's Lair. You now have to beat the Hydra with the Crown Jewels and the Black Death. As you may have noticed, each Crown Jewel has a metal bracket on it with a magic word inscribed on it. Each of these magic words is a name like "Dasher," "Dancer," or "Prancer," spelled backward. Recognize these names? They're Santa's reindeer, of course! That means what you now have to do is say the names of each of Santa's eight reindeer, backward, and in sequence. If you do this correctly, eight of the Hydra's heads will be history. The last one is immortal, but so is your powerful friend. So tell the Black Death (or Azazel, if you brought him along instead) to get rid of the last head. The two Immortals cancel each other out, the Snake Priestess comes out and follows her husband (her HUSBAND?) into the hereafter. It is now a simple matter to get to the Snake's Treasure Chamber, which contains not only all of the booty you used to get your amulets, but also the King's Crown! You have no problem taking all the treasures, but how do you get out of the chamber? You're lucky because the priestess left you a magic word, "SEND." Saying "SEND" doesn't work for you, primarily because you're not the priestess. Try saying it like how the priestess would, namely with a few more S's. If you do this right, you should wind up in the Stables. Wander back to the Main Entrance. By now, you should have all three of the Royal Raiments -- the robe, crown, and scepter. Let's see how it feels like to look like a monarch. Remove the wizard's hat and robe. Put on the royal robe, make sure you are holding the scepter, take the wizard's hat and robe, and then wear the crown. That will open the south door to the Main Entrance. When on the winding path, you may want to talk to Ariel, who, as you remember, changed herself into a deer. Go down the winding path closer to the beach. You are now next to the Gazebo, which is reserved for the Greatest Wizard of the Castle. But you cannot enter now, primarily because you still look like a king. Take off your royal raiments, and put on the wizard's garb. Then enter the Gazebo and take a close look at the folks having fun on the beach. Well, all you have to do now is say one last magic word. It's written on your scepter. I won't spoil the ending for you, except to say it's December 24th. Good luck! *** The following is a listing of all possible points, with locations. *** Level I 5 Pearl Necklace (Hall) 15 Diamond Ring (Hall) 5 Gold Cups (Hall) 5 Emerald Pendant (Hall) 5 Gold Statue (Hall) 5 Various Coins (Dungeon) 10 Treasure Chest (Dungeon) 5 Sheaf of Bills (Dungeon) 40 * Huge Ruby (Dungeon)....................95 Level II 15 Valuable Mural (Art Chamber) 50 Bleeding Lance (Armory) 30 * Huge Emerald (Royal Bedchamber) 50 Royal Robe (Royal Closet) 80 Royal Scepter (Throne Room) 5 Silver Platter (King's Treasure Room) 10 * Huge Pearl (King's Treasure Room) 100 Holy Grail (Produced in Dining Hall)....340 Level III 25 Diamond Collection (Small Balcony) 20 Faberge Egg (Dark Storeroom) 10 Gold Brick (Alchemist's Study) 20 Ming Vase (Secret Hallway) 20 Moonstone (Thief's Hideout) 5 Turquoise Necklace (Voodoo Room) 15 Jewelled Scarab (Torture Chamber) 20 * Huge Opal (Azazel's Treasure Room)....135 Level IV 5 Cuff Links (Broom Closet) 10 Jade Idol (Glowing Room) 15 Silver Coffer (Glowing Room through mirror) 10 Small Pot (Bell Tower) 10 * Huge Amethyst (Tower of Merlin) 20 * Huge Topaz (Secret Chamber of Astoreth) 30 * Huge Sapphire (Tower of Lilith) 40 * Huge Diamond (Main Tower) 100 Crown (Snake's Treasure Room) (incorporates 8 Crown Jewels [*])....................................240 240 Miscellaneous Points 20 Defeating Thief 10 Returning pot to Leprechauns 10 Offering prize of 10 or more points to Hydra 20 Kissing the Witch 20 Kissing the Nymph 10 Taking the Nymph to the Drawbridge 100 Entering the Wizard's Gazebo 190........................................1000