Humbug - Extra Points Supplied by the author, Graham Cluley @~Following last issue's solution to Humbug, Graham sent me a list @~of extra ways to score points in the game, though they are not @~necessary to finish it. Tying the fireman up (with the bedsheets) Kneeling Viewing registration information! Praying Drinking petrol Giving Grandad his hat or monocle Blowing raspberry at fairy Smelling Dennis' underwear Signing name on Dennis' form Playing Humbug with the humbug Asking the hacker about Humbug Giving Grandad the Christmas card to read Trying to wear the sock Kicking miner/unconscious fireman Stroking the cat Pushing the button in the priesthole Jumping Marrying or hugging You can also wiggle, waggle, frown etc etc.