Waxworks - Pyramid, Level Two help Supplied by Bill Commons @~In the Pyramid section, there's a puzzle involving a closed @~door, bit of rope, cracked jar and some sand. I had a call from @~someone who was stuck at this point, seemingly unable to @~manipulate the sand and get it into the jar, which seemed the @~obvious thing to do, and was just what it said to do in the @~solution. The only option she had for the sand was 'examine'. @~Time to call for help from Bill, who wrote a review of it a few @~issues ago, and this is what he said. I nearly gave up on this puzzle in Waxworks yet the answer is simple. Click the mouse button on the rope above the jar to allow you to pull the jar down and raise the door behind. Then click on the sand and drag it over to the jar, the same as copying files. Do this to the second pile of sand and you can go through the door. I remembered this but thought that I had better try it out. I started from the beginning and could not remember where the second tuning fork was. Luckily I had a saved game right in the room with the jar. I enjoyed replaying it though.