BMK BMK The Bitmap Kid Presents... ----------------------------- SHADOW OF THE BEAST II - THE SOLUTION --------------------------------------- YOU WALKED THROUGH THE FIRST. YOU FOUGHT THROUGH THE THIRD. STUCK IN BETWEEN? THEN YOU HAVE TO WAIT NO MORE! Yes, here I am, later than I had planned with the solution to the second game in this series. Now SynTax has the whole collection! CHEAT CHEAT CHEAT ! ! ! -------------------------- When the game starts, run right until you come to the first man with a spear. Press A and enter: TEN PINTS. It should now say 'cheat on'. If that doesn't work, try SUNSTOVE instead. Okay, here we go. From the start head off to the left looking out for the hands in the trees that throw balls at you. When you come to the bridge, cross it being wary of the leaping fish. Shoot the demon to save the trapped man and ask the man about traps. He will tell you about the higher or lower switch. Now head left and down, keeping an eye on the bats and land on the left-hand ledge. Duck to avoid the demon and chase him to the right. Kill him before he cuts the rope and then the rock-pushing man when the block gets near to the edge. Now go to the left, avoiding the falling rocks and kill demon on the mound to the left. Return to the right and you'll find the demon has dropped a key, go back left and drop off the ledge, looking out for the flying demon. Climb up the rope and head right, use the key to open the door and go right. Look out for the falling block and when you get to the switches flick the one the man you helped earlier told you about. Go up the lift and then right, avoiding the bats, past the chain going down and through the open doors to the next chain. Climb up the chain and enter the alcove to gain some bonuses. Now go back down the chain and go right to get another key. Head left and go down the chain avoiding waking the guard. Free the beast using the key and hit the lower switch to the right. Now go back to the lift and take it down. Move left across the bridge. Next use the levers to pick up the rock on the right and drop it on the right spike using the claw. Push the remaining smaller rock onto the see-saw and climb the rope. Jump off the rope and land on the other end of the see-saw. Run and enter the other lift and you will go up. Go right and kill the Ishran, then free the prisoner who will give a password. Go to the gateway to the Barloom's domain and whisper the password. Now go right to collect a bonus and then up the rope to get the parchment from the Barloom. When you've done that leave and head left past the rope. Look out for the giants with maces and get the bonus. Enter the hut and go right to get the ale then exit and return to where the game started. Once there, head right looking out for the pygmies, and move diagonally up to the left on the stepping stones. Watch out for the jello-firing monster and grab the axe. Head diagonally up to the right and get another bonus. Now go back the way you came and head left until you reach a covered hole, jump on it and you should drop through. Now go left, dodging the crystals that pop up from the water and collecting the bonuses along the way. Chase the Goblin to the left until you reach the drawbridge. Switch to axe and jump to get the guy lifting the bridge, however remember the time limit on the axe, so quickly finish him off with repeated blows. Now switch back to mace to knock off the other goblin and smash through the door. Go up and then left, hit the switch to turn off the spikes. Go left and crouch to hit the switch on the right. Now go right, down, left and down then kill the goblins. Now head right to get the key and then go left under the cage. After you are captured, to escape, offer the ale (press 'O') to the goblin and use the mace to break the cage door down. Next go up to the top and go left, kill the goblins to collect the ring, then go down and kill the sleeping guard to collect the key. Go back and release the remaining prisoner in the cell above yours. Now go back down to collect your mace again, then up to the right. Here use the remaining key to open the door then move right looking out for spikes, leave the caves and return to the surface. Go right, down and kill the giant head, then right, up the rope and right again (looking out for bats), go down the rope and then right across the bridge. Next get the giant lizard man to follow you left back across the bridge so that he falls through. Go right (jumping over the lizard that is left) and move right until you reach the old man. Offer the man the ring and parchment and get the weapon he makes you - use this from now on. Now go left and drop through the hole in the bridge, go right (looking out for bats) then down and collect all the bonuses. Go right onto the rope and then right again onto the ledge to collect the horn. Go back to the left and down the rope, then quickly jump out of the acid and head right. When you get to the snail, ask him about KARAMOON and answer YES to both of his questions. Now head back to the surface and one there head right. Look out for the twin giants throwing axes. Go right over the cliff edge, then right, killing the giant toads. Watch out for the giant serpent in its nest. Then walk to the sea edge and use the horn to call the sea beast. Climb onto its back and then head right to enter the tower. Now go right, down the steps, and up the adjacent stairs to collect the bonus. Then move down and right. Now all you have to do is kill the mage and you can at long last sit back and rest! Well done! BMK BMK