Day of the Tentacle - Getting Started Sent in by Alex van Kaam In this solution I only spoke to people if it was necessary. To get some more out of the game I recommend you talk to everybody you meet - please do this or this solution will spoil the whole game. There are some marvellous dialogues in the game, especially if you have the CD-ROM version. A little note: If you cut down a tree in the past it won't be there in the future, and if you could persuade the makers of the constitution that everybody should have a vacuum cleaner in the basement it will be there in the future. So here it comes: BERNARD Look at the grandfather clock, open it. cut-scene Look at paper on the wall at the right-side of the hamster generator, get it. cut-scene HOAGIE Go into the house, down the grandfather clock, give the plans to Red Edison. Go back up, into the main room and up the fireplace, enter the first window, get the red paint and go outside to the tree left of your Chron-o-John. Paint the tree red and go inside the house to the main room and talk to George Washington. When you can, tell him that he has lost it and that he couldn't chop down a cherry tree to save his grandmother..... cut-scene Go into the house, up the stairs and into the third room from the left, get the wine, go back down to the main room and give the wine to Thomas Jefferson. He will put the wine in his time capsule. Go back outside to your Chron-o-John. BERNARD Go to the main room and up the fireplace, get the crank and go back down to your Chron-o-John, put the crank into the toilet ....