Sam and Max Hit The Road - LucasArts RRP œ42.99 (Point 'n' click adventure for PC) Reviewed, played, solved, enjoyed, help offered etc etc by JOHN MOORE The new offering from Lucas Arts via US Gold. If you played the absolutely fabulous DAY OF THE TENTACLE then you'll love this. Sam (the dog) and his lil ol' buddy Max (the rabbit) are the freelance police. The case involves hunting down the missing Bigfoots, Yeti, Sasquash or whatever you want to call them. It would appear that freak shows and carnivals over America have suddenly lost all their prize exhibits and it is up to the freelance police to investigate. The humour is terrific in a twisted sort of way as Max is a psychotic little thug at heart as the pair freewheel across the US visiting burger joints, a carnival, the Mystery Vortex, the World of Fish, the Biggest Ball of Twine in the world, Gator Golf Land, Nashville, Mount Rushmore and many other locations investigating the mysterious disappearances. There are many "cut scenes" where the action takes over and it is a pleasure to sit and watch time after time. Just one of my favourite bits was where Sam enters the local liquor store in time to see the owner being held up by local thugs. You don't get to see inside but listen to the sound effects and the throwaway line when the pair leave. "Well I guess they learned something there" (Max) "So did I lil buddy (Sam) "I didn't realise that the bottom lip could stretch all the way over the head". As far as gameplay goes, point and click is the order of the day, you perform all the usual functions by cycling through the cursor options. Speak, operate, look, pick up etc. Sound effects abound and if you don't have a sound card then rush out and get one NOW. SAM and MAX also incorporates games within the main game but you only need to do two of them to advance, WAK A RAT (rat splatting) and Gator Golf. However the rats are brilliant and I spent a lot of time re-playing it just for fun. I feel that this game is harder than DAY OF THE TENTACLE which makes it worth the money, you can pay between œ27 and œ42 for the game. RATING 11 out of 10