BMK BMK The Bitmap Kid Presents ----------------------------- VV VV OOOOOO OOOOOO DDDDDDD OOOOOO OOOOOO VV VV OO OO OO OO DD DD OO OO OO OO VV VV OO OO OO OO DD DD OO OO OO OO VVVV OO OO OO OO DD DD OO OO OO OO VV OOOOOO OOOOOO DDDDDDD OOOOOO OOOOOO ------------N I G H T M A R E----------- -------------------GBH------------------- ----------------------T H E S O L U T I O N------------------- Supplied by Rory Woods PART THREE - I hope you appreciate this!! Well, as you can see, here I am again, blood pouring from my fingertips, with the next part of this massive solution. 4 - Eagle Temple. First push the boulder to the south-west of the pointed rock to the south-east. Kill the Eagle with the machete and then enter the stone circle and stand to the south-east of the gems. Use the ZZZ potion to slow the boulders down and then just walk north-west collecting the gems. When that's done exit the circle and exit south. Push the second pyramid from the east door to the north-west and exit to the east. Push the second pyramid from the west door to the north-east, kill the eagle and exit south. Push the second pyramid from the north door to the south-east, turn to the south-west, push the pyramid and then exit west. Exit to the west. Kill the eagle and exit north. Push the furthest south-western pyramid to the south-east and then the furthest north-eastern pyramid to the north-west. Collect the gems. Go north-west near the south-west wall and jump the hole, push the rock that is in front of you to the north-west. Kill the eagle and jump over the narrow gap - collect the gems and jump back. Now go south-east towards the pyramid, turn south-west and push the hidden pyramid. Next go south-east and exit east. Once you've killed the eagle exit south. Push the east rock to the south-east and then exit to the north. Exit west and then exit south. Exit south again. Use the teleport and collect the gem, then kill the eagles. Now use the teleport by the two pointed rocks and collect three gems. Use the teleport behind the two pointed rocks and collect three more gems. Use the teleport by the north-west wall, collect three gems and kill the eagle. Now use the teleport near the north-west wall. Kill the eagle and collect a gem. Use the teleport by the north-west wall and collect another gem, then return using the same teleport. Now go south-east and use the near teleport, go south-east to the hidden teleport and use it to return to the corridor. Exit east and kill the eagles. Exit north, collect the gems and exit south. Exit east, collect the gems and exit north. Exit east and kill the eagles - collect the gems and exit to the south. Now jump over the south-west pit, go south-west and use the teleport. Push the pyramid by the egg-shaped rocks to the north-east. Use the teleport and push the other pyramid back to the north-east. Teleport back and push the small rock to the north-east of the gem to the north-west. Get both gems and push the small rock that is south-east of the gap you first jumped over to the north-west so it fits in between the two pointed rocks. Now turn to the west and push the rock, kill the eagles and then walk south-west down the corridor. Collect the gem and push the pyramid out of the way. Exit west and go north-west to the other side of the enclosed area. Push the far pyramid to the north-east. Go back and enter the enclosed area, kill the eagle and get the gem. Go to the north-western wall and push the two inside pyramids to the south-east. Next go north-east and enter the corridor on the other side of the row of pyramids. Now go slowly in a south-westerly direction, as you collect the gem, quickly take one step forward and then one step to the north-west. Come back and go around by the south-west wall and go along the other corridor. Kill the eagle and use the same solution to avoid another boulder - exit south. Next do a running jump over the pit and exit to the east. Once you've done that jump over the north-east gap and use the teleport. Push the second small rock to the north-west and then give the pyramid that is next to the teleport a shove to the north-west. Now use the teleport and push the other pyramid to the south-east. Go to the south-west and jump over both holes by the west exit. Collect both of the gems and go down the middle corridor. Get the gem and then push the pyramids out of the way. Kill the eagles and then exit to the east. Now use the hour-glass that you have and then use the teleport. When the boulder starts to move teleport back. Once again teleport when the boulder has smashed, then push the small rock next to the pointed one. Now get the gem, exit north and push the nearest pyramid to the north-east. Go to the north-western corner of the enclosed area and push the pyramid to the north-east - collect the gem. Next go along the north-west wall and enter the corridor. Push the fifth pyramid outwards and then go south-west - collect the gem and quickly get out of the way of the boulder. Go to the eastern corner, jump over the gap and push the north-western pyramid to the north-west. Get the gem and step backwards and then to the side to avoid the boulder, then go south-west down the corridor and exit west. Now jump over the north-western hole and follow the north-eastern wall. Jump over the other hidden hole and exit north. Now exit east and push the pyramid in a north-easterly direction. Go around the other side and push it back, you can now exit north. Head north-east and stand to the east of the blue gem in the rocks, push to the south-east and a rock moves. Collect the gem and step back. Walk all away along the gorge and you'll see a boulder coming rapidly towards you as soon as you take one step to the north-west. Avoid it by taking one step back and then rushing quickly back - don't fall!! Now go forward and exit to the north, exit west and kill the 'stoopid eagle. You can then exit to the north. Kill the other foolish creature (just 'cos he's there) and then exit to the east. Push the south-west pyramid to the north-west. Push the north-east pyramid to the south-west. Collect the gems and jump over the hole. Now push the extreme north-eastern little rock to the south-east. Jump over the gap and kill the eagles - collect the gems and head off east. Use the first teleport, get the gem and use the teleport again to return. Jump over the north-western gap onto the teleport and use it. Now move onto the adjacent teleport - collect gem and return. Go over to the north-western edge and jump over the gap. Use the teleport and walk south-east and use the other teleport. Kill the eagle and collect the gem while walking carefully to the north-west teleport. Use this teleport and kill the eagles. Grab all the gems and retrace all your steps and then exit to the west. Jump the gap, push the nearest small rock to the north-west. Jump over the hole and exit to the west. Exit west again and then south. Kill the eagles. Collect all the gems, push the second pyramid from the north exit to the north-west and then exit east. Get the gem and then use the teleport. Push the small rock to the south-west and exit to the east. Stand south-west of the two pointed rocks and go south-east. Follow the path to get the gem and then return to the pointed rocks. Stand on the north-east side of the pointy rocks and go south-east. Work your way north and north-east and jump over the hole, then jump over the other hole and exit east. Kill the birdies, collect the gems and exit west. Leap over the two holes again and take two steps south-east and follow the north-east path until you reach the south-east wall. Push the little rock to the north-east and then work your way down the south-east wall. DON'T leave by the southern exit 'cos you'll enter the room with the hourglass and the door shuts behind you! Get the gem by the pointed rock and then get the gem hidden by the other pointed rock. Go between the two pedestals and push the small rock to the north-west. Retrace your steps along the south-east wall and follow the path back to the hole. Go south-west a bit and turn north-west to collect the gem near the south-east wall. Follow the path back and then go north and north-west to reach the pyramids. Follow the north-west wall down to collect the blue gem and then go to the pyramids. Work your way to the north-east wall and collect the last gem. Now go back and push the rock by the south-east wall back to its original position. You can now exit to the north, kill the eagle and exit west. Stay close to the north-west wall and move very quickly or you'll be got by the boulders. Exit north and use the teleport to collect the gem. Use the teleport next to the south-west wall, collect three gems and use either teleport back. Now use the teleport that is furthest away from the south-west wall of the group of three. Kill the eagle and collect the gem. Use the teleport by the north-east wall, collect the blue gem and use the teleport hidden behind the rock by the south-east wall. Collect three gems and use the teleport by the north-east wall. Collect three more gems and use the second teleport from the south-east wall. Exit west and kill the eagles. Go to the group of six pyramids by the north-east wall. Push the south-east pyramid by the wall to the north-west to open the south exit - retrace your steps. Exit east and use the teleports in the reverse direction (stropelet?) and exit south. Follow the north-west wall to avoid the boulders and exit west, then south. Push the second pyramid from the right to the south-east. Make your way past the rocks and exit west. Push the small rocks to access the teleport and use it. Exit west, then north, then east, and finally north again. Kill the eagles, collect the gems and exit east. Get both gems and exit south, then west. Push the small rock by the exit to the south-west. Stand in the triangle of three rocks, face the south-east and push the rock. Turn south-west and push the rock, exit to the north and collect the gems, then exit north again. The eagle god wants you to get five snakes before she rewards you, so you are transported back outside the temple. Now walk south-west of the eagles' island. And so that ends this part of this fab Voodoo Nightmare guide. Look out for next issue's instalment - see ya! BMK BMK