BMK BMK The Bitmap Kid Presents... ----------------------------- ZORK I - The Solution ------------------------ Zork is one of those games where you go 'Oh' at the box. Don't worry - it is me who's weird, not you. Okay, start by going south. E, open window, enter house, W - into living room. Get lamp, move rug, open the trapdoor, turn on lamp, D, S, E (the Gallery). Get painting, N, and up the chimney to the kitchen. Now go up into the attic and get the knife and rope. D, E, open case, put painting inside, drop knife and get sword. Open the trapdoor and save the game. Go D, N, kill troll with sword (at least twice), once killed drop sword and then go east twice. SE and east again (dome room). Tie rope to railing, climb down rope. S, E, get coffin. W, S to altar, pray, turn off lamp, S, N to a clearing, E, D, at bottom go north. At Rainbow's End drop coffin, get jewelled sceptre, wave sceptre, look, get pot of gold and coffin. SW, U. At the top of Canyon View move NW, W and enter house. In the kitchen open the bag, get the garlic, W. Put all your treasures in the case. Open trapdoor, turn on lamp, D, N, E, N, NE, E (dam). N, pick up matches, N, get screwdriver and wrench, push yellow button, S, S (dam). The green bubble should now be lit, turn bolt with wrench, drop wrench, S, D, W, SE, E, climb down rope and get torch. Turn off lamp, go south, get bell, book and candles from altar. Then down hole as before, and then down to the beginning of Hades. Ring bell, get the candles, light a match, light candles with match, read and drop the book. S, get the crystal skull, N, U, from the cave go N. Put out candles, rub mirror, N, W, N, W, N. You are safe as you have the garlic. E, put torch in basket, turn on lamp. N, D (gas room), E, NE, SE, SW, D, and you're standing at the top of a ladder. Go down to the bottom, S (dead end), get coal, N, up ladder. At top of ladder go up, E, S, N (gas room). U, S, put coal in basket. N, D, E, NE, SE, SW, D, D. At bottom go W (timber room). To squeeze through the gap to your west drop all except the screwdriver. Here you should come across the drafty room and your basket. Get coal and torch, S, open lid, put coal in machine, close lid, turn switch with screwdriver, open lid, get diamond, N, put diamond and torch in basket. East - squeeze through crack. Get garlic, lamp and skull, E, U to top of ladder, U, N, E, S, N (gas room), get the basket, U, S, get diamond and torch from basket. Turn off lamp, W, get jade, S, E, S (slide room). Go down the slide and then U from the cellar to the living room. Again put your treasure in the case and save the game. Turn on lamp, go down, N, E, N, get trunk of jewels, N, get air pump, N, get crystal trident, S, S, S, E, E (dam base). Inflate boat with pump, drop pump, get inside boat, launch boat. Look out for the buoy and get it, E, get shovel, NE (Sandy Cove). Dig, when you find the scarab, get scarab, drop shovel, SW, drop buoy, open buoy, get emerald, S to the Aragain Falls, cross the rainbow. Turn off lamp, SW to canyon bottom, go back to the living room, put treasure in case and save game. E, E, N, N, climb up tree, get egg, climb down, S, E, from the living room, turn on lamp. D, N, W, S, E, U, get the coins and the key. SW, E, S, SE (Cyclops room). Enter Ulysses, after he splits go to treasure room - the thief's hide out, give thief egg, D, E to living room, put coins in case, get knife, save game. W, U, kill thief with knife, when he's dead you can see all the treasures there. Get everything, D, NW, S, W, U, D, NE (grate room). Unlock grate, open grate, avoid falling leaves. Head up to the clearing, S, climb tree, wind up canary that is in the egg, wait for the songbird, climb down tree, get bauble left by the bird, N to the living room. Remove canary from egg, put treasures in case then put the canary in the case last. D, N, E, until you reach the loud room. Enter echo, get the bar, back to the living room, put bar in case. As you do so you'll be told to look in the case for another secret, here you will find an ancient map, get map, E, E, S, W. You'll discover a path that wasn't there before. Go SW to the stone barrow, enter the stone barrow and it will shut behind you. Now go and start Zork II! BMK BMK