'What a fine mess we got ourselves into this time,' Nomad shouted towards me as he was fighting off a Shadow Hound. 'No use complaining now,' I replied, 'just keep fighting.' Nomad and myself, Aragorn, were strong Paladins, Gothmog was a well trained Mage and Gandalf a well trained Cleric. The four of us formed a strong party and together with our two friends that we had picked up along the way we were almost unbeatable, but these Shadow Hounds sure were hard to kill. Later that evening we found a safe spot and made camp, while Gothmog took care of dinner I was thinking how we got ourselves in this mess ...... --------> Assault on Myth Drannor <-------- --------> As told by Aragorn the Dragonslayer <-------- --------> The first part of the Graveyard / Forest <-------- We defeated Dran Draggore in the Temple of Darkmoon and returned to Waterdeep, at the local Tavern we rented some rooms and we were planning to rest for a few days. One evening we were sitting by the fireplace and a strange man entered and came towards us, he told us that his master wanted us to free the city of Myth Drannor from a foul Lich. We of course agreed but before we could get our good weapons from our rooms the man started to cast a transportation spell. Quickly we took some weapons and armor that was nearby and then we were gone from the Tavern, a few seconds later we arrived in a large forest full of graves and of course Grave Mists. Since we didn't had any decent weapons it took a long time to defeat them, after killing the Grave Mists that attacked us on our arrival we decide to go to the south/west corner of this forest and then east to the east end of the forest. Then a few steps north and then west to the west side of the forest, again a few steps north and then east again. Since the forest was full of graves we were attacked by Grave Mists the whole time, we of course killed them and continued our search through the forest. We found nothing special except some trees that didn't look very sturdy but since we didn't have an axe we continued. Just when we killed another Grave Mist a man called Florin Falcon-hand approached us, he first thought that we were some robbers or thieves but when we told him that we were here to kill a foul Lich he introduced himself as the leader of the Knights of Myth Drannor. He told us that in the last few months the evil creatures in the ruins of Myth Drannor had increased at least ten times, so we had to look out if we entered the city. He wished us good look and he and his companions left. We continued our search through the graveyard/forest and found on the west half of the forest a large Mausoleum. After investigating the outside we knew that this was a tomb for the fallen warriors of Myth Drannor. Since this was the only thing we had encountered so far, except for Florin, we decided to enter......What a mistake to make..... --------> The Mausoleum <-------- We entered in a large hall, to the east wall there was a plaque with 'Four Bones Down Will Show The Way' written on it and there were two stairs leading down to the north and two leading down to the south. --------> Down the first stairs into some deep trouble <-------- We decided to go down the north stairs closest to the exit, as soon as we went down the stairs we were attacked by an Undead Beast, it took a while but we managed to kill it. Behind the Undead Beast however there were four Swordwraiths, whatever Nomad and I tried we just couldn't hit them. Quickly we went back up the stairs and made camp. Since Nomad and I were heavily damaged from the last fight Gandalf prayed for some healing spells to cure us and Gothmog memorized all the attack spells he could, from Magic Missile to Fireball and Ice Storm. We rested, Gandalf cured us and we went back down the stairs, the Fireballs and Magic Missiles seemed to have the most effect on the Swordwraiths and we soon defeated them. When we examined the corridor we were in we saw that it led north and had three doors leading west, on the west wall we also found a plaque with the text 'Pray For The Dead' written on it. In front of the plaque we found the cleric scroll for Praying and Gandalf put it in his back pack. Just as we were deciding which way to go we were attacked by some more Swordwraiths who came through one of the west doors. Luckily Gothmog had enough spells left to kill them so when they were dead we headed back up the stairs so Gothmog could memorize his spells again. Before we went to sleep however Gandalf cast Create Food and Water on us all so we could save our supplies for another time. We went back down the stairs, killed the Swordwraiths and headed north, at the end of this corridor we could go east or west, to the east we saw another Swordwraith and behind him some kind of open crypt, we killed the Swordwraith and closed the Crypt. Again we headed back up the stairs and made camp, next morning we went back down again, killed some more Swordwraiths that were walking around and continued north, at the junction we now headed west and north. We came to a small open area and saw another crypt to the east, of course we closed it, killed an Undead Beast that sneaked up behind us and went back up the stairs so Gothmog could memorize his spells. The crypts that we closed seemed to stop the flow of Swordwraiths that walked around in this area, we did find a few which we easily killed and some Undead Beast which took some more time. In the end we had a clean level, a door without a key, a pit, a small room with some items and we got trapped in a corridor between two walls which suddenly appeared, Gandalf reminded us of the plaque that we saw when we entered this floor so he used the Prayer scroll we had found and that did the trick, the walls vanished and we could continue. The only part of this floor which we couldn't reach was behind the door, but were could we get a key, after a bit of thinking we decided to go down the hole we had found. Once down we were in a small room with stone heads on the walls, at regular intervals a Fireball appeared from the heads and splashed against the opposite wall. We timed it a little and started running around this room to see if we could find something, and yes we did, first we saw a lever and after pulling it a transporter appeared, before we entered however we noticed a key. We quickly got the key and headed for the transporter, just before we entered it we were hit by a fireball but we all made it to the transporter. We reappeared in a corridor close to the hole we went down and we headed to the door. The key fitted and we entered, immediately we were attacked by some Swordwraiths and an Undead Beast, we did our best and when our Hit-Points were very low we ran back up the stairs. We rested, Gandalf, Nomad and myself cured each other and Gothmog memorized his attack spells again. Back down the stairs again and after killing the Swordwraiths and the Undead Beast we entered the room. The only thing we found however was a simple knife, I picked it up and just as we were planning to leave Nomad noticed a small button in the south wall, we pushed it and the wall disappeared. Behind the wall we saw a lever and a plaque, on the plaque was written 'Fflar, Captain Of Myth Drannor Refused To Accept Defeat'. The lever however had the shape of a bone and suddenly everything got clear, since the plaque in the entrance hall said 'Four Bones Down Will Show The Way' and there were four stairs leading down and we found this bone shaped lever it meant that we had to push four bone shaped levers down and then something will happen, but what........ Anyway we pulled the lever and went back up to the entrance hall. Next we decided to rest and then go down the first south stairway, so said so done and next morning we went down the stairs..... --------> Down the second stairs and even more trouble <-------- We entered this floor in a small room with an exit to the west, as we took it we came to T-junction, we decided to go south first. Soon we came to a crossroad, east led to a small room, south to a twisting corridor and west into another room. The whole time we were being attacked by Swordwraiths which Gothmog killed with his spells, this meant that we needed a lot of rest so Gothmog could regain his spells, Gandalf's Create Food and Water spell was very handy in this situation. We decided to go into the west room, killed a few Swordwraiths and soon found a crypt which we closed and this seemed to stop the flow of Swordwraiths. We continued west until the corridor led north, we followed it and when the corridor headed east so did we. Here we could choose to go north or continue east, we decided to continue east and just as we made a few steps a wall appeared in front of us. At the same time an Undead Beast appeared to our north side and a few seconds later one to our south side. Instinctively we turned to see if we could go back the way we came but no, another Undead Beast appeared to our west, the only thing to do was to fight..... Since north and south seemed to be dead ends we focused all our strength on the Undead Beast to the south, Gothmog cast all his spells he had left and Gandalf tried to keep us in good shape with all the healing spells he had. Just as all seemed lost and our hit-points were almost drained Nomad got all his strength together and delivered his final blow to the Undead Beast .... The Beast stood there, looking a bit dazed, as if it didn't knew what had happened, it all took maybe a few seconds but it seemed like years, and then the Beast collapsed. We quickly ran into the west corridor and from there into the one leading north, the two remaining Undead Beast followed us. We entered into a small room with an exit leading east, we headed through the east door into another small room. As we turned around we saw that only one Undead Beast could keep up with us, since our hit-points were very low we had to make sure we weren't hit, so Nomad and I attacked the Undead Beast, we all took a few steps away from it and we attacked again. This kind of tactic worked great and we soon had the Undead Beast killed, we went east back into the other room and here we found the third and last Undead Beast waiting for us, we quickly took care of him and set up camp. Next morning we went back to the crossroads and headed south through a twisting corridor, we came into a large room with a plaque on the south wall, written on it was 'Not All Need Weight'. To the west was a corridor with five pressure pads in the floor, at the end of this corridor was a head that spat fire towards us when we stepped on certain pressure pads, it took us a whole afternoon but in the end we figured out that we had to put an item on the second, third and fifth pressure pad. We now could safely walk past the head and we headed north, in this area we first saw a removable wall to the east with a key and a cursed sword behind it, we took the key and continued. This area was full of Swordwraiths and a few Undead Beasts but we took care of them, in the end we found a door that needed the key we just found for opening. We opened the door, killed four Swordwraiths and two Undead Beasts and entered the room that was behind the door. Here we found another sword and a removable wall, behind the wall was a plaque saying 'Spirit Full Of Unrest', and a lever in the shape of a bone. We pulled the lever and headed back up into the entrance hall, not forgetting to pick up our items we left on the pressure pads. In the entrance hall we went to the second northern stairs and we descended to go...... --------> Down the third stairs and guess what? <-------- We entered into a small room with a few Swordwraiths and a potion of strength to the west, we killed the Swordwraiths and Gandalf took the potion. We followed the corridor and after a few turns and rooms we came to a plaque with the text 'Heads Up' on it and a pressure pad underneath it. Since we had to stand on the pad to read the plaque we had activated a mechanism which moved a wall full of spikes towards us from a corridor to the west. Halfway along this corridor Gothmog spotted a lever and as fast as we could we ran to this lever and pulled it. The moving wall headed back west and we followed it only to come to yet another room. We left this room to the east and came into a corridor leading north, here there were two corridors leading west. We entered the first one and came out in the second one, we tried again but this time we entered the second corridor .... and, yes, we came out in the first corridor. It seemed there was some kind of transporter at work here, we checked all the walls hoping to find some kind of on/off switch but we didn't find anything. It seemed that we had missed something on this level but what...? We decided to head back to the stairs and examine all the walls very carefully. We headed south and just as we wanted to turn west into the last room we entered, Nomad saw a little button on the south wall, he pushed it and behind it we found a lever. First Nomad tried to pull it but he wasn't strong enough, next was my turn but I also wasn't strong enough. Gandalf suggested that one of us could maybe use the strength potion we had found earlier. Since Nomad found this lever he was the one to use the potion, with this extra strength Nomad easily pulled the lever and we headed back to the first corridor with the transporter in it. As we entered we were attacked by an Undead Beast which after being killed left a key behind. At the end of this corridor we were attack by a Swordwraith from the second corridor, we easily killed it and enter through the door to the west. We first headed south, killed about ten Swordwraiths and we searched the room and its corridors. In the first one we found a scroll of fire resistance which exploded as we tried to pick it up, in the second we found a wand which could cast a wall of force, and the third corridor led to a room with some items. We headed back north and soon came to a door which required a key, we used the key the Undead Beast left behind and the door opened. Behind this door we found another removable wall with a bone lever and a plaque behind it. The plaque said 'Sealed Downstairs Until Defeat Is Brought To Him' and we pulled the lever. Well, that was all we could do here and we went back up to the entrance hall and down the last north stairs. --------> Down the fourth stairs and...well you know <-------- We entered again a small room with some Swordwraiths, we killed them and found a scroll of protection from paralysis behind a south door. To the north/east there were three levers, when we pulled them the wall north of the lever disappeared, here we found two more levers and a plaque saying 'The Sceptre, Learned, Physic Must All Follow This And Come To Dust'. When we pulled these two levers nothing happened, we went back to the first three levers and we set them back in there original position, now we tried to pull only one and then one of the other two levers. Well it took a while but in the end we had the combination, if you look at the map you'll see that we have numbered the levers from 1 to 9, the combination we discovered was 2-4-7-9-7-4-5-6-8-6 and a corridor leading north appeared. We entered this corridor and followed it past two empty rooms into a room with three more exits, this place was infested with Swordwraiths so we first had to find an open Crypt. We thought that we saw most of the Swordwraith coming from the south so we fought our way south as far as we could, then we retreated and rested, and headed back to the room and again fought our way south. In the end we found the Crypt in a small alcove to the east and we closed it. We headed back north to the room and headed east into another room. As soon as we tried to enter this room we stepped on a trap and some Swordwraiths and Undead Beasts appeared behind us, we took care of them and we entered the room. There were two doors, one leading north and the other south, of course there were some Swordwraiths behind the doors and after killing them we examined the rooms. The south one was empty but in the north one we found a small button on the north wall, I pushed it and the wall vanished, behind the wall we found another key which Gandalf took. We headed back into the entrance room, again activating the trap, and we headed south again, we passed the Crypt and came to another room, as we were exploring this room we fell into a pit, after the shock we examined the pit and we found a transporter that transported us back to the entrance hall. We quickly headed back down the stairs and to the room with the pit. We avoided it this time and headed west, we entered a corridor leading south/west and came to a door which needed the key we found earlier. We opened the door, killed the monsters and found another hidden button, we pushed the button and a plaque and a bone lever appeared. On the plaque was written 'Time Has Robbed Him Of His Name'. We pulled the lever and headed back up to the entrance hall. As we entered we were immediately attacked by an Undead Beast, we killed it and examined the entrance hall, nothing had happened! We must have missed some thing, but what ....... well it took a while but Gandalf, being the smartest of us, came with the answer, 'The plaque in the entrance hall,' he said 'has written on it Four Bones Down, did we pull all the levers down???' 'Of course we did, but we can check them if you want to,' I replied, and so we did, we went back down all four of the floors and Gandalf was right, we didn't pull them all down, we did it right this time and when we re-entered the entrance hall after the last lever a wall had vanished to the east and behind it we found two more stairs. We decided to enter down the north one first and so we did... --------> Two more stairs, the south one first <-------- We descended into a long corridor, and were immediately attacked by some Shadows, we easily killed them, even with our bad weapons. We followed the corridor, past an empty room, into a large room with a plaque and a pressure pad. On the plaque was this written 'For Each Path That May Be Taken Another Surely Shall Be Given'. We stepped on the pressure pad and west of us a wall disappeared and we could enter a corridor. In total there were three corridors, they were full of Shadows and Wights, the Shadows were no problem but the Wights were, they were able to drain one level from any one of us. The best cure against them was fireballs and magic arrows. In each corridor we found a Rod Fragment which Gandalf put in his back pack. With this fragment we went back to the pressure pad and we stepped on it to open another corridor, this didn't always work and we sometimes had to leave this room, passing the plaque, and then re-enter it and step on the pressure pad. In the end however we had three Rod Fragments, some extra food, potion, scrolls and a trident, since we had explored everything we left this floor and we went back up to the entrance hall. The only thing left to do was going down the last staircase, the north one to be precise. --------> The last staircase ????? <-------- As we descended we came into a small room with a crypt and three more stairs leading down. We decided to take the east stairs first, as soon as we entered this new floor we were attacked by a Shadow, but he formed no problem. @~To be continued next issue. - o -