FALCON INFO Sent in by Claire Dyard As you may well know, some games won't run on the FALCON but there are still plenty which run well. So, the good news first: GAMES running without any problem (but in ST mode): * All the INFOCOM games, from ZORK 1 to BEYOND ZORK. Apart from this last one (which needs a colour monitor or TV), all the games play either in medium or high resolution. * All the MAGNETIC SCROLL games, in colour or monochrome mode. The only problem I had with WONDERLAND (one of my favourite games), was that the INSTALL programme wouldn't work. So, if someone has an idea, I'd be very grateful because I want to install this game on my hard disk (even if I can't decompress the pictures). * All the TADS games and TADS itself as I could compile the DITCH game. * All the SIERRA ON LINE games (as said in an ATARI mag, because I haven't got any of these games). * All the SSI games (idem). * Others games: DEMONIAK, LEGEND OF THE SWORD, ANOTHER WORLD, INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE, MANIAC MANSION, ZAK MCKRAKEN (and I think all the other LUCASFILM games but I haven't got them and there was nothing about them in the mags), ULTIMA 4 and ULTIMA 6 (but not ULTIMA 5), DRILLER. And now, the bad news: GAMES not compatible with the FALCON: * AGT games: they load well but the "what now?" prompt is printed ABOVE the location description and the text doesn't scroll, the new text being printed on the first. As you may well imagine, the game is VERY difficult to play then! * JIM MCBRAYNES' games: they've been written in BASIC (which one, by the way?); they seem to load well but, once the first part of the text has been printed and you press a key, the games freeze and you have to reset the computer. * STAC games. They crash the computer completely. * Other games: ISHAR 1 and 2 (but don't worry, there are special FALCON versions, using 256 colours, and ISHAR 3 is on the way), HERO QUEST and SPACE CRUSADE, ULTIMA 5 and, of course, all the games which were not compatible with the STE. BUT ... at last two programs have been written to help with these games. One of these programs is called BACKWARD and is Public Domain. I haven't tested it before but I'll do it as soon as possible. What sounds very exciting is the fact that this program COULD be used with games which are not STE compatible. That would be wonderful because I've got three of these games. @~BACKWARD is now in the PD list, on disk 689. - o -