TADS Help - Beds and Chairs Sent in by the Grue! Some time with TADS you might have a bed or a chair in your game that the player can lie on or sit on. In these circumstances the bed or chair will be a nested room. This can cause problems (Sue knows about these) when the player tries to take an object from the room that the bed or chair is nested in. When the player tries to take an object the game responds, something like.. I don't know how to take that! This is not very good as it isn't clear what the player is trying to take. But if you add a line, isReachable = true, under the item that the player is trying to take, then the game will display... I don't know how to take the bowl! (As long as the bowl is in that room) At least that is better than the previous response but the player still cannot take or manipulate the bowl in any way as long as he is on the bed or chair. If you need the player to be able to reach and take an object while they are on the bed or chair, you would put all the objects in a reachable list like this... reachable = ( [ bowl towel soap ] ) You really should make the bed or chair reachable also, seeing as though you are on the object. To do this you would type the line in as this... reachable = ( [ bowl towel soap ] + self ) Sometime it might be better to make everything in the containing room as reachable. Then if you wanted the player to do something specific to a particular item, you could do that directly under the entry for that item. To make everything in the containing room reachable all you have to do is.. reachable = ( self.location.contents ) Hopefully this will make it a little bit clearer as how to make use of the reachable feature in a TADS game. (Even I nearly understand it now?) - o -