BMK BMK The Bitmap Kid Presents ----------------------------- VV VV OOOOOO OOOOOO DDDDDDD OOOOOO OOOOOO VV VV OO OO OO OO DD DD OO OO OO OO VV VV OO OO OO OO DD DD OO OO OO OO VVVV OO OO OO OO DD DD OO OO OO OO VV OOOOOO OOOOOO DDDDDDD OOOOOO OOOOOO ------------N I G H T M A R E----------- -------------------GBH------------------- ----------------------T H E S O L U T I O N------------------- PART FIVE - The FINAL section..... 8 - Temple of the Lions. Exit north and then from here exit to the west. Go over to the western corner of this part of the room and push the block to the north-east, then go to the eastern corner and push the middle block to the south-east twice. Next, go to the north corner and push the block by the north-east wall to the north-west three times, this will reopen the exit, exit north. Exit to the east and push the second block east one space to the south-east, exit east afterwards. Exit south and kill your first lion, now exit west, collect the gem and exit north. Use the teleport and kill the next lion. Get the gems and teleport back. Exit to the east and push the block nearest the north-eastern wall to the north-west. Push the other two blocks two spaces to the north-east and stand at the edge of the second enclosed square. Be careful, the darker snowy tiles are actually holes, jump and get the gem and then push the block to the north-west. Jump out of the enclosed square and exit to the south, exit east and kill the next lion, after that exit to the north. Now exit to the east and kill the rat-head, push one of the central blocks to the north and then exit to the north. Get all the gems until your path is blocked by a red rock. Go back one row and use the teleport, collect the last gems and then exit to the west. Exit to the north, kill the rat and then exit south. Push the north-western block to the south-west and collect the gem. Exit west and get the gems, kill the rats (use the machete shooting diagonally into the square) and go to the north-eastern row of three blocks. Push the south-eastern block to the south-east, the middle block to the south-west and the other one can stay where it is. Exit south and then from here exit to the west. Grab the gem and then exit to the south. Kill the rats and exit to the east. Kill the lion and then exit west. From here, exit north then east. Now push the middle block twice and then exit to the south, push the south-western block twice and go to the next row. Push the north-eastern block twice and then exit south. Kill the lion and continue north. Exit east, south, west and then south again. Kill the two rats near the south-western wall - ignore the gem in the north-eastern corner - and push the block near the red rocks and the lion statue to the south west. Collect the other gem and go to the corridor near the north-eastern wall and push the second block on the right side to the south-east. Now work your way to the south-eastern corner and use the teleport. Exit west and kill the rats, push the north-western block in the row nearest the western door to the north-east, this will open the western door. Now push the south-eastern block of the middle row to the south-west, this will open the southern door. Exit west and push the block north-west, now push the three blocks in the middle of the room to the north-east. Kill off the lions in the southern corner and exit to the west. Jump the hole and get the gems, then jump back and exit to the east. Push block out of the way and push the third block in the middle row to the north-east. Now go to the northern corner and blast the rocks, collect the gems and exit to the north. Kill the lions and push the central block in the group of three to the south-east twice. Exit north and blast rock. Get the gem and push the north-western block to the south-east. Now push the block near the southern exit to the north-east, collect the gem and exit to the south. Push the block by the north-west wall out of the way and push the middle block in the nearest row of three to the north-west twice. Next go to the eastern corner of the room and push the north-western block out of the way. Exit to the east and push the single block near the south-eastern wall to the north-west twice. Now stand on the edge of the enclosed square and kill the lion and rats. Jump the hole and get the gem, then jump back and exit to the south. Collect the gem and exit to the west. Kill the rat, collect the gems and blast the rocks. Push the rock and then exit southwards. Again exit south, then east. Push the second south-eastern block to the south-east and collect the gem. Exit west, then south. Collect another gem and use the teleports, collect gem and exit to the east, collect gems. Now push the block that's near to the south-eastern wall right out of the way, kill the lion and exit to the north. Exit to the east and kill the lions and rats. Next exit north and push the south-western block to the north-east, exit westwards. Get the gem and push the rock by the north-eastern wall to the north-west. Exit east, then south. Push the south-eastern block, exit east and kill the lion. Push the south-eastern block to the south-west. Go two tiles into the square, do two small running jumps to the north-east wall and go north-east and jump south-east. Next jump south-east across the square and take one step south-east to the wall. Jump north-east, collecting gem and push the block to the east north-west. Now jump south-west and then north-west twice. Push the block south-west and block the entrance. Step and jump to the other teleport, use the furthest north-western teleport, get the gem and teleport back. Now use the central teleport, get the gem and then use the other teleport to enter the northern corner of the room. Kill the rats and then exit to the north. Next push the south-eastern block and exit to the south. Follow the south-western edge of the room and jump the hole, push the block and then exit west. Push the south-eastern block and exit to the north. Exit east, then north, then east again. Get the gems and blast the rocks, kill the lion and make your way up the central corridor between the red rocks, blasting the rocks. Now move into the first blue square and jump to the north-east, turn north-west. Kill the rat and continue to jump and collect gems. Exit to the east and push the block, be careful not to fall down the hole. Phew! Next go down the north-western wall and push the central block to the south-east, go to the gap in between the block facing to the south-east and jump south-east onto a hidden teleport. Use it, collect the gem and turn to the south-east - take one step and then jump. Kill the rat and work your way in a north-easterly direction, use the teleport and exit to the east. Use the next teleport, to the north-east, blast the rock and jump south-west over the hole. Blast the rock and use the teleport next to the red rock (with no strong after-taste, it's a different 'kinda cider). Push the block to the north-west and jump south west. Take one step south-west and jump to the north-west. Now take a running jump north-east and blast the rock. Take one step north-east and then jump in the same direction. Now work your way south-east to the third statue and kill the lion. Return to the second statue and jump in a south-westerly direction across the room. Now turn south-east and jump twice. Jump north-east and then jump south=east twice. Use the teleport and grab the gems. Next retrace your steps and exit to the west. Collect the gems and exit to the south, exit east _immediately_ and kill the rat. From here, exit to the west, then north, then east. Now blast the rocks along the south-western wall, exit to the south and kill the lions and rats. Grab the gems and exit to the south, kill the lion and then exit east. Kill the rats, blast the rocks and grab the gems. Exit to the north and go to the north western wall. Push the most north-easterly block of the L-shaped group to the south-east. Go to the south-eastern wall and push the south-western block of the now two single blocks to the north-east. Return to the north-western wall and push the second block of the L-shape in a north-westerly direction. Use the teleport and go to the south-eastern block of the triangle by the centre of the south-western wall and push it to the north-west. Use the next teleport and push the extreme south-western block to the south-west. Now go to the south-western wall and push the north-eastern block of the two by the wall to the south-east and go north-east along the corridor. Get the blue gems by walking and jumping. Collect the three red gems and exit to the north. Kill the two rats and walk and jump across the middle of the room. Kill the lion, collect the gems. Exit north. The Lion God takes one of your hearts, but gives you a pin and the Roar of the Jungle. He then tops up your hearts. 9 - Return to the Jungle. Okay then, start by going north-east and using the teleport. Work your way to the clearing with the cluster of huts by going north-west and south-west. Cross the bridge onto the witchdoctor's island. The only way you can reach his hut is by taking a anti-clockwise route around the island, hacking away the green a lot and and reaching it from the north-east. You will arrive in a pit, arm yourself with the machete and stand on the square. Press fire and you'll be moved to the top of the pit. You'll find some levers and lots of skeletons, you can kill the horrors with the machete. Use all of the levers (by standing on them), except for the south-western one to the right. Now exit this area in a south-westerly direction and keep going until you almost reach the south-eastern edge of the island. Now work your way south-west keeping as near to the edge as is possible. You will pass two stone heads, then four more, there will be a green blob on the path. Keep going along the edge, you'll pass a red blob. When you reach the yellow blob, go south-west to the other edge of the island. Walk south-east along the edge until you reach the stone head. Turn north-east, go over the bridge. Keep going in the same direction and you will see two more stone heads. Go to the north-west one and go north-west up the pathway to the right of the head. When the Zombie rises from the ground, stand opposite him and go south-west, turn north-west, then south-west to the edge. Now go north-west until the zombie has you in his line of sight, he will follow you. Retrace your steps back to the pit and walk around it so the zombie falls into it. Drop down into the pit and walk around by the holes until the zombie falls down one. Now repeat the whole process until you have four zombies stuck down the holes. Next stand on the skull and you are teleported to the witch doctor. Use the ZZZ potion to slow him down and keep firing the machete at him until he croaks it..... A very well done, you have finished this game, as I have finished this guide. And so we end the massive Voodoo Nightmare Guide. I hope it has been of some use, and that at least one has been freed from a life of self-inflicted hair-pulling! See ya! BMK BMK - o -