Demon 2 - PD (Text adventure for PC) Dwarfed by Grimwold Anyone out there who remembers the ZX81? No? Well, it was a long time ago. This game brings back memories of those heady 16K days, where programmers were proper programmers and knew how to cram as much into the machine as they could. Demon 2 (what happened to Demon 1?) is a small(ish) EXE game that takes up around 64K, though I maintain that this could have been written for that good ol' ZX81 (still got one around somewhere, holding open a door probably). It is difficult to classify, falling somewhere between strategy/RPG and something else. The aim of the game, apparently, is to find the evil Demon and kill 'im. The game is purely text, and is faultlessly programmed, as far as it goes, with no bugs or glitches that I could find. The main gameplay comes from moving from room to room, fighting any monsters that may be there (we aren't told what kind, just that they are monsters - probably too horrendous to describe), collecting gold and generally staying alive. There are several one-letter inputs which make up the entire user interface: M - Move from one room to another. S - Use a DemonSlide to go to another deeper level. R - Retrieve treasure. (Get the gold, man) F - Fight (keep dabbing it until one of you is dead.) P - See map (a list of room no.s with their connecting room no.s) W - Use wand (will kill all baddies, eliminate hazards and destroy the gold) T - Trade experience for Speed and Strength (the only way to recover) Q - Quit (seems like a good idea...) H - Help (Brings up a help screen) Unfortunately, this game is about 12 years out of date. It would have sold very well on the 16k machines of those days, but there's little to be gained from playing it now, apart from a wash of nostalgia. However, as far as I can tell, it is public domain, so none of those nasty shareware registrations to get involved with. I'm sure that some people will like this game, but I don't very much. This is further heightened by the sometimes insulting comments that appear when you press the wrong key. Try it if you like, you've nothing to lose. As long as your expectations aren't too high, you won't be disappointed. Grimwold's ratings: Graphics - N/A Sound - N/A Puzzles - N/A Atmosphere - 3/10 'Grabability' - 3/10 VFM - N/A (Depends on your disk vendor) Overall - 3/10 @~Demon 2 is available through Round Corner Library - see ad for @~details. - o -