Eye of the Beholder III - Part 3 Solution by Alex van Kaam @~Continued from Issue 30. --------> The east transporter <-------- Next on line was the east transporter, it transported us into a long corridor leading east, at the end of the corridor we came to a staircase leading up and two rooms. We first entered the room north of the staircase, first we couldn't find a button or lever to open the door but we soon found out that touching the door was enough. In this room we were attacked by some Ogre Slugs, we killed them and searched the room, we found nothing. Next we headed to the room south of the staircase, here we were attacked by some Watchghosts, again we killed them, and again the room was empty. There were also two elven tapestries on the walls beside the staircase, but none of us could read them so we headed up the stairs to the next floor. --------> The east transporter, next floor <-------- This floor was a corridor leading from the east staircase where we entered west to another staircase leading up. The whole corridor was full of side path, doors and removable walls. We entered each room, killing all the Ogre Slugs, there seemed to be a constant flow of them, and we worked our way around the level like this. At the staircase where we entered we headed north through a wall, north and at the end of this room west, again through a wall, we kept heading west, through another wall. Here we found some items, a potion and a cloak if I'm correct, again we headed west, through a wall, south through a door, past the staircase leading up, south through another wall. Here we found some scrolls which Gothmog wrote in his spell book, in the south/east corner we found a button, after pushing it a wall to the east was removed. We headed east, in this room was nothing special so we kept heading east through another wall into a room with a potion of giant's strength. We took the potion and we headed east through yet another wall, in this room we only could head north and we came back to our starting point. The only thing left to do now was to search the middle part of this level, we followed the corridor west until we could head south. We headed south and we came to three rooms, the first one to the east was empty except for some Ogre Slugs, the second one to the west was also empty except for the Ogre Slugs. The third one, again to the east, contained a mirror called the Scrying Glass, we took the mirror and headed to the stairs leading up to ... --------> The east transporter, next floor <-------- This floor was a long corridor going round in a circle along the outside of this floor, it led to three stairs, one in the north, one in the east and one in the south. The middle of this level was full of rooms connected to each other by doors and removable walls, the floor was full of Watchghosts but there didn't seem to be a constant flow of them. We decide to first walk the whole corridor and see what we come across, so said so done, we followed the corridor past all the stairs until we were back at our starting point, we found nothing of interest. Next we headed to the north staircase and from there south through a wall, we entered the first room to the east, killed the Watchghosts, explored the room, finding another exit to the east. We headed back west into the corridor and from there west into the second room, again only some Watchghosts and nothing else of interest. We headed south through a wall until we saw two buttons to the west, we pushed them both and a wall to the east vanished and we could enter the third room, again this one was full of Watchghosts, which we killed. There were also some items in this room, first we found a necklace of magic missile, next a wand of fireball, then the ring of Trobraind (the one who wrote the book we found), and last we found an old scroll. After reading it the scroll turned to dust but Gandalf was fast enough to copy it, so here it is: '...evil shall rise by...hand of...dark god... I...must guard agai...doom of myt...nnor...if needs must...shall abide here forever -- ...cw...n' We didn't know what it meant so we kept the copy and we headed to the next room. In the fourth room we found again nothing except for some Watchghosts which we killed. In the fifth room again nothing so we headed to the six were we found a bit of food, we took the food and we decided to head to the north staircase. We climbed the stairs and came in a small room with some Watchghosts, we killed them and since the room was empty we headed back down again. Next we headed to the east staircase, going up brought us again to a room with some Watchghosts, after killing them we found a ring of protection, since Gothmog had the worst armor class we gave the ring to him. We headed back down and up again at the south staircase, this brought us to a similar room as the north staircase, again some Watchghosts but nothing else, we killed the Watchghosts and left the room. It seemed we now had explored all of this floor so we headed down again back to the entrance hall and from there into..... --------> The south transporter <-------- We entered in a small room with a door to the south/east, we went through the door and we came to a corridor leading from north to south. We first headed north and east and we came to a room with yet another transporter, this transporter transported us to the area behind the north transporter in the entrance hall. Since we had already covered this area we didn't use the transporter. We headed back down the corridor and we went south, we passed another room which was empty and after that the corridor ended in yet another empty room, it seemed that there was a constant flow of Ogre Slugs in this part but we didn't seem to find the place of origin. Since this couldn't be the whole level we started to examine the walls of the corridor and soon we found a side corridor leading east. We entered and we came to four other side corridors with four transporters in them. On the wall in front of the transporter there were four plaques saying: 'To quicken the realm the rains of spring' 'To cleanse the realm the heat of summer' 'To inspire the realm the breath of autumn' 'To preserve the realm the ice of winter' We stepped into the transporter near the spring plaque and we were transported into a large room with some Watchghosts, a scroll of water breathing and four doors, one in each direction. We killed the Watchghosts and got the scroll, next we headed through the north door and we came to yet another transporter. On the wall beside the transporter there were two identical tapestries, on these there was a sun. We now entered all the other doors, behind them were also a transporter and two identical tapestries. Behind the west door the tapestries had a ice mountain on them. Behind the north door the tapestries had a sun on them. Behind the east door the tapestries had a large wave on them. Behind the south door the tapestries had a tornado on them. Since we entered this area with the spring transporter and the plaque said something about rain we decided to step into the transporter with the water tapestries beside it. We were transported back to the corridor with the four plaques on the wall and we entered the summer transporter, we were again transported back to the area with the tapestries. In the end the solution was this: 1. Transporter with the spring plaque 2. Transporter with the water wave tapestry 3. Transporter with the summer plaque 4. Transporter with the sun tapestry 5. Transporter with the autumn plaque 6. Transporter with the tornado tapestry 7. Transporter with the winter plaque 8. Transporter with the ice mountain tapestry After this last transporter we were transported to ... --------> The Mages' Guild, Behind the elements <-------- A corridor where we were attacked by Steel Shadows, they were easy to kill and we headed north. We soon came to a room and just as we wanted to enter a small creature appeared. His name was Bugenius and all he cared about was playing games so when he asked to join us we, of course, refused. We entered the room and were immediately attacked by some Scaladars, they didn't hit us back often so in the end they formed no problem to us. From the room we could go east or west, we decided to go east and soon we encountered some more Scaladars, we killed them and we followed the corridor east and when it turned north so did we. We passed an empty room to the west and we kept following the corridor, after the room the corridor turned west and so did we. We soon came to a large room full of Scaladars, we all killed them and we entered the room. In the north wall there was a small alcove and two plaques saying 'The Way Is Revealed With The Lure Of The Beast'. To the west there was yet another corridor and we decided to take that one first and then come back to the plaque's and the small alcove. The west corridor was similar to the east and in the end we found ourselves back at the place where we met Bugenius. We headed back to the alcove and the plaques and we started thinking, obviously we had to put something in the alcove to open a way, but what. Gandalf reminded us of the book of Trobriand and how it told about a ring that attracted monsters. I had the ring in my back pack and I put it in the alcove, at that same moment the wall with the alcove vanished and we could continue north. At the end of this corridor we came to a rope and two gates, one to the west and one to the east. We pulled the rope and the gates opened, we first headed west. At the first crossroads we headed north but this was a dead-end so we went back to the crossroads and south from there, this brought us to a gate with a button in the side wall. We pushed the button and the gate opened, behind the gate we found a small room with two Steel Shadows and some items. We killed the Steel Shadows and examined the items, we found some stones, a club, a staff and some arrows, we only took the arrows and we went back to the crossroads. We now headed west and we came to an area of five rooms with a pillar in the middle. The rooms were connected to each other by some corridors. We killed about three Steel Shadows and we found one dart, in one of the rooms however, the south/east one, we found another rope on the wall. We did pull the rope but nothing happened so we headed back to the first rope we found and from there east through a gate. But we couldn't find the corridor we used to enter this area, after a lot of searching and using our map we found the corridor, it seemed that the rope we pulled put a walk-through wall on the spot where the corridor started. Anyway we found our way back to the first rope and from there we went east into a large area of corridors. How we walked I don't now exactly but we first came to another rope on the wall, after pulling it we were transported to a small area with three transporters, one Steel Shadow and a dagger +4 called 'Ocnor', we gave the dagger to Gothmog and every time he threw it away at some thing it automatically came back, just like the Gandalf's hammer. The transporters formed a little puzzle, two of them kept transporting us back to this area and only one transported us back near the area where we pulled the rope. In the north/east corner of this area we found some armor and from there we headed south, we came past yet another rope in a side corridor and when we pulled it we heard a gate open. We went to look south and, yes, there was the open gate, the room behind the gate housed some more Steel Shadows and after killing them we found a ring, a wand and two potions of invisibility. We of course covered all the side corridors we passed since we got to the room but they were all empty so I didn't mention them. Anyway we kept heading south and east at the end until we came to another rope, we pulled the rope, headed east, past a plaque saying 'Weapons Laboratory Entry Strictly Forbidden', into a small room. We killed the Steel Shadows and we went to examine the items in this room, we found four rock +4 ????, a spellbook that exploded, and apple and three potions of poison. We took the potions, you'll never know when they would come in handy, and we left the room. We kept heading east until we could turn south. We entered this corridor, which soon turned west and led to a grating in the floor. Behind this grating we saw two Scaladars in a small side corridor. Somehow we didn't trust this grating and as we examined it we found some sort of mechanism underneath it. There had to be a way to turn it off but how? We re-examined all the walls we had passed until now but we didn't find anything so we went back to the grating. Here Nomad came up with the idea that there could be some kind of pressure plate on the other side of this corridor, but if so how could we reach it? Gandalf suggested that we could shoot an arrow to the west, so said so done, Delmair shot an arrow, we waited. We heard no sound so we decided to take the risk and head west, we stepped on the grating and some large spikes came upwards and they pushed us, draining some hit points, to the west, we were now in the middle of two Scaladars. Since we didn't had the ring of Trobriand they now attacked us straight away, we had two things left, we could fight or run. Nomad looked at me and we both yelled 'RUN', we ran as quickly as we could to the west, over three more grates and past four more Scaladars. A Steel Shadow approached us but a few good hits took care of him. On the south wall we found a button, we pushed it and a wall disappeared. We headed south into this corridor and soon we found another button, we pushed it and we followed the corridor to the east, in the end we were back at the first grate. We headed back to the last grate and we went west, soon we found another button, pushing this lowered the spikes in the four grates to the east. We went back east and killed all the Scaladars, we went back to the last button and north from there, in this area we only found a short sword +3 and some more grates, first we thought they were safe but when we stepped on them again some spikes appeared, we went back to the button and pushing it again lowered these spikes also. From here we went south/west and soon we came to a corridor leading north, we entered and after a few steps a lot of our items vanished and we were attacked by four Steel Shadows, two on each side. We killed them with our bare hands and we got our items back, this was a good opportunity to sort our backpacks out and so we left all the items of which we had better ones. We continued north and soon we came to a rope on the wall, we pulled the rope and the wall west of us vanished and we could go down the stairs to.... --------> And down again we go <-------- At the bottom of these stairs we found a grappling hook, Nomad took it and we continued east, we soon came to a plaque saying 'The Learned One Hold The Key'. A little bit further we found two gems, a red one and a blue one. Beyond the gems was another plaque with the same writing on it as the first one. Nomad put the gems in his back pack and we continued east, suddenly we were transported a few steps back west, we tried again and again we were transported back. When we tried to head back up the stairs we were transported a few steps east, it seemed we were trapped. Now we know the answer, but at that time it took us a very, very long time to find the answer, we tried everything except throwing them since we didn't know if they would return. Anyway after all kinds of ideas Gothmog finally came up with the right one, he took both the gems in his hands and we could walk through the transporter as if it wasn't there. We continued east until we came to a wall with a button in it, we pushed the button and the wall to the east vanished, we pushed it again and another wall, further to the east, vanished. It seemed that pushing the button turned some walls so we could go into certain corridors. We kept pushing until we had two corridors open, one heading north and the other heading south. We first headed south and we soon came to a side corridor heading west, we entered and soon we found a grate which was locked with a silver lock, since we didn't have the key we headed back into the main corridor and then south. Soon we came to a gate, we entered and were attacked by some Earth Elements, two attack rounds were enough to kill them but we had to make sure that they didn't have an opportunity to attack us because they could give a lot of damage to our whole party. Anyway, we killed the Earth Elements, and continued south, we soon found some items and a corridor leading east. We took the items and we headed east, soon we came to yet another gate, we went through it, killed some more Earth Elements, and headed east, since west would take us back to the first gate. We entered into a small room and from there we headed north, when the corridor turned west so did we, only to find that it was a dead end. We headed back to the turning walls and from there we headed north. To the east we came to a gate which none of us could open, we continued north until we came to a side corridor with at the end a button and in front of it a grate. We tried to pass the grate but some spikes pushed us back, Delmair suggested he could shoot an arrow at the button, he did and the gate we passed earlier opened. We entered the gate, killed some more Earth Elements and we headed east, we came to a side corridor leading north and we entered it, soon we came to a grate with a Water Weird coming out of it, we killed it and now we could choose to go west, north or east, we decided to go back south since all these corridors were dead ends. We continued east into a small room, here we first went north, again killing an Earth Element, and we found a silver key at the end of the corridor, we got the key and we headed back to the small room. The east corridor was yet another dead end so we headed south, passt another grate with a Water Weird into a room with two doors leading south and a plaque saying ' Choose Left Door And Ye Shall Live Longer'. Of course we entered both the doors, which after opening threw a fireball at us, we found a lot of scrolls for Gothmog, some armor and a scroll from someone telling about the evil that had appeared in and around Myth Drannor. We read the scroll and went to the grate with the silver lock, Isharn opened the lock with the silver key and we use the grappling hook to climb down into the water. Before we entered, however, Gothmog cast underwater breathing at us. We were now under water, we headed south and soon we encountered a Slithermorph, we killed it and we continued south into a small room, here we found a few items, we took them and we examined the rest of this small room. We found nothing so we headed back to the grating and we climbed up using the grappling hook. We headed back to the main corridor and we headed north, past the gate, the button with the grate in front of it, a hole in the wall which threw a ice spell at us, until we found a lever in an east passageway. We pulled the lever and we heard a door opening, we continued north until we came to an open door leading east. We entered and we were in a corridor with a lot of side rooms, the first was empty, the second had three Earth Elements and an Elven Tapestry, we killed the Elements but none of us could read the tapestry so we continued. @~More next issue. - o -