STAR TREK 25TH ANNIVERSARY WALK-THRU - Part 2 Supplied by Janice Charnley @~Concluded from last issue ANOTHER FINE MESS Go to Navigation and select Harlequin. After the fight, go to Navigation and select Harrapa. Beam over to the ship (make sure shields are down). GET the lens, degrimer, and dodecagon (small yellow sphere). USE the lens on the degrimer. Go north. To the left is a panel with triangles on it. USE Spock on the blue triangles. USE Spock on the purple triangle. There are two doors on the far wall, one to the right (clearly visible) and one to the left (look behind the standing row of powerboosters). Go through the right door. You will enter a sick bay. Go north (don't go back into the weapons room). USE the control panel. GET the repair tool (to the right of the right chair). Go down but make sure you click on the left section of the screen (you don't want to go back to the sick bay yet). USE Spock on the big dodecagon in the middle of the room. USE the tricorder on the sphere. USE Spock on the sphere again. USE the small dodecagon (in your inventory) on the big one. Go north. USE the control panel (you will be able to access Communications and View Screen). Don't beam over yet. USE Spock on the control panel (you will be able to access Sensors, Navigation and Engineering). Go south. USE Spock on Mudd. GET the vial (in the main monitoring station). USE the vial on the monitoring station. USE Bones on Mudd. Go north. USE the panel (Communications) and tell Scotty to beam you over. FEATHERED SERPENT Go to Navigation and select Digifal. After talking to the Klingons, enter standard Orbit. Talk to Spock. Beam down. Talk to the man. You'll be transported into a pit. GET the rocks. USE the rocks on the snake's hole. GET the snake. USE the rocks on the vine that you can't reach (twice). Go west. Go west. TALK to the man. USE the snake on the man. USE the rock on the man (twice). GET the sword. Go west. Go north. USE the sword on the plant at the base of the log. USE the plant on the creature. Move across the log (Just click like crazy on the left side of the screen until you get it right). Go across the log and go west. USE the sword on the dilithium (red crystal in the center of the screen). Go west. You'll talk with Quetz, then you'll beam back to the ship. After this, the three Klingon ships will intercept you. Make sure NOT to offend them, because you don't want a battle on your hands (unless you're really really good, have the cheat.. which I haven't seen out yet). If you do what I had in mind, Quetz (and your OA team) will then go to a trial. After you beam down to the court, USE the symbol in the center of the screen. You'll talk to Vlict. Intervene on his behalf for a warrior's trial. You'll then be put on the Test of Life. You'll be beamed into a room. GET the wooden beam. USE your full phaser to melt some rock on the floor. USE the wood on the floor. USE the beam on the entity now. USE the tricorder on the panel. USE your communicator. USE Spock on the panel. Go west. GET three green gems. USE the three green gems on the stand to the left (put them in the sockets). A voice will speak. USE the light on the right of the screen. The entity will transport Vlict over. You will then teleport back. THAT OLD DEVIL MOON Go to Navigation and select Alpha Proxima. After arriving, enter standard orbit. Beam down. GET rock. Go to the door. USE Spock on panel. Enter 10200 for the code. Go to the next door. USE the computer on the left. USE Spock on the panel to the door. Enter 122 for the code. Go north. USE the tricorder on the panel. Go east. USE box. GET wires. USE Spock on controls to laser drill (not on the display screens). Select 100. USE tricorder on the controls. USE Spock on the controls. Select 100. USE the rocks on the impression that the drill made. USE Spock on the controls. Select 10. GET the keycard. Go west. USE the keycard on the panel. Go north. USE Spock on the computer to the left. USE Spock on the computer to the right. USE the wires on the computer. USE the computer to the left. VENGEANCE Once you get to the Republic, tell Uhura not to send the packet yet. You'll beam over to the ship. USE Spock on the data banks. USE Spock on the captain's log. Go south. USE Bones on the woman. TALK to the woman. USE the communicator and beam back. You'll then go chasing a ship that is a replica of the Enterprise. Destroy her and the fellow ships. - o -