Starbase 13 - on SynTax PD 626a/b Solution by Neil Currie You may wish to speed up the gameplay by using the ram disk. Start the game by loading up the Starbase 13 disk. Select `execute command' and type `Ram:' - the ram disk icon will appear. Insert the data disc and copy it into the ram disk. Insert your Workbench disk, double click on it, select `show all files', open the `c' directory and copy the `assign' command to the ram disk. Insert the Starbase 13 disk, double click on it and select `show all files'. Copy `assign' from ram to the `c' directory of the disk. (You may have to delete a file to make room, e.g. the hard drive install program or the doc file). Choose `execute command' and type `assign data: ram:data'. Start the game as normal. STARBASE 13 SOLUTION -------------------- You start in a hanger. Examine the cables then walk right through the corridor into the control room. Examine the seat, the computer then talk to the computer. Shoot the camera above the display and go left. Shoot the Stingon and return to the control room. Go up the lift, walk left then enter the first door. Examine the books and the cup. Go back into the corridor and enter the second door. Shoot the Stingon and return to the control room. Go down the lift to the power room. Examine the deep pit then go right through the corridor into the medical room. Shoot the Stingon then talk to the communicator. Go down into the laboratory, examine the box and operate it to get acid. Return to the control room. Talk to the computer. Select `What happened here', `I`m Mick Annic', `9265358'. The computer will transmit data to your ship then activate self destruct. Go down the lift to the power room and use the acid on the deep pit. Return to the hanger and walk into the shuttle. After you land on the planet examine the mountains then walk right. You will be caught by the Stingons (painful) and put in a prison cell. Examine the wall and the force field. Take the rock from under your bed and use it on the disintegrator. Take the disintegrator from the reciever, shoot the wall and walk through the hole. Examine the self destruct, the sign and the hatch. Walk through the service corridors until you reach the strange place. Go right through a passage the bottom right into a room full of plants. Take the stick and return to the passage. Walk through the bottom left door and use the stick to get the tooth from the green creatures cage. Return to the strange place. Examine the wires near the door and use the tooth on the wires. Cut the red, blue and yellow wires in that order then operate the storage unit to get a laser. Return to the room with the self destruct and shoot the hatch. Go through the hatch then walk right and enter the first door. Examine the box closest to you and take box to get a radio. Examine the radio and try to operate it. Walk out of the room and enter the second door. Talk to the Stingon and tell him a prisoner is loose. Take the screwdriver and use it on the laser. Use the powerpack on the radio then go to the room with the hatch. Enter the bottom door then walk along the walkway into the tower. Quickly operate the radio then enter the lift. Take the small drill, wait for a few seconds then enter the lift. Take the door control the operate the radio to open the door. Walk through the door and operate the subspace radio there. Walk back to the room with the hatch. Enter the far right door and continue along the passage and up the stairs and down to a room with an open door to the right. Go through the door and quickly use the drill on the exit. Walk through the exit to meet Dr. Sillin again, catch the shuttle back to your ship and finish the game. - o -