BMK BMK The Bitmap Kid Presents The Eighth edition of a multi-part guide to DDDDDD UU UU NNNNN GGGGGG EEEEEE OOOOO NNNNN DD DD UU UU NN NN GG EE OO OO NN NN DD DD UU UU NN NN GG GGG EEEEEE OO OO NN NN DD DD UU UU NN NN GG GG EE OO OO NN NN DDDDDD UUUUU NN NN GGGGG EEEEEE OOOOO NN NN MMMMMM AA SSSSSS TTTTTTTT EEEEEE RRRRRR MM MM MM AA AA SS TT EE RR RR MM MM MM AA AA AA SSSSS TT EEEEEE RRRRRR MM MM MM AA AA SS TT EE RR RR MM MM MM AA AA SSSSSS TT EEEEEE RR RR PART EIGHT: C H A O S S T R I K E S B A C K This issue, in probably the final of these DM guides for some time, we're gonna help those (many, many, many, many...) struggling with Chaos Strikes Back - the "sequel" to Dungeon Master - originally hoped to be the first of many. 1 - It's EASY! Way, way back in the depths of time, when Dragons and Dwarves still roamed the Earth (oh no - not THAT subject again...!) when I first got DM and Chaos as an unofficial double pack, DM seemed hard - CSB, well, it was nice to be eaten alive no matter what you did by a couple of mega-tough worms every time you've loaded.... The next stage one goes through when confronted with Chaos is the stage where you manage to 'flee with all your life' from the worms before they block you in - into an illogical, damn right arse- kicking dungeon with about as much logic as, say, JJ being allowed to use a keyboard. I see you now understand.... The thing I noticed, when I finished the game, was that CSB is FAR more simple than it first seems. I was shocked - after years of being baffled by the game - even when I was doing well - suddenly everything fits into place and I can complete it. WHAT A FOOL - I thought. I've now decided that CSB for an experienced DM player is just as hard as DM is for a beginner - no more, at least when you know the basics. Open mouthed? - You will be! 2 - So 'wassit all about then? The CSB dungeon is split into five main sections. The first, KU, tests the fighter strengths of your party. You must prove you can handle a weapon with the greatest of skill. Next comes DAIN, where you must prove the strengths of your magic abilities in a similar mana (geddit?). In ROS you must prove the skills of the thief in your party - agility and speed. There is also NETA for the priests to prove their power (mainly protection and healing - for example, poison cures). Finally there are the neutral areas of the Dungeon - where you must pull together all of your skills to become an all-powerful team capable of completing the game. There are two areas of the dungeon that are the most famous - the Diabolical Demon Director and the Junction of the Ways (the 'Ways' being the four areas of the dungeon described above). The DDD 'guards the entrances to the Ways' and whereever you are in the DD you can be sure that you are not too far from the Corbum - which is what you need to collect to complete the game. Once you have the right doors opened in the DDD then the Corbum is finally in sight, well, when you get past the different trials first, anyway. The Junction allows you to choose your Way. You must complete all of the ways, get the needed keys etc and then get to the DDD to try to get the Corbum. Once you have the Corbum you've gotta dump it in the FUL YA pit to destroy it forever. The FUL YA pit is guarded by LOTS of demons and, yes, Chaos himself. 3 - The basics - Champions. The first thing you must remember about Chaos is that you MUST have a good team - even more so than in Dungeon Master. The 'cheat' champion in the MINI.DAT file, yes, is tough, but it is just no good - you really do need a team. And a tough one at that. At the end of CSB my champs were nearing Arch-Master skill and had almost the maximum of 999 health, stamina and mana points, and every bit of that was needed. Blimey. (JJ scratches his head as he notices that his CSB champions have only 5 mana points between them.) Ideally, you'll play and complete DM for this, you'll probably end up with characters stronger than those in the Chaos prison. The prison champions are okay, but you'd be better of with stronger champs if you can find them. 4 - More basics - The dungeon. The Chaos dungeon is random in places. Very random. For instance, near the start of the game is a sly area called 'Supplies for the quick'. One time in entering the area, you may find a great many good, useful items. Another time, they could all be a load of rubbish. Another possibility is that in some areas of the dungeon, you could save the game, and when you return to the game you could be in a pretty different position! Wow.... All the same spells for DM apply to Chaos, so have them handy if you don't remember them yourself by now. Also remember things like the ESC freeze-game option etc. 5 - Starting off. The first thing you want to to when you fall into the dungeon is get the torch that is lying at your feet and light (hold) it. Turn around and fight the Worms - fireballs are the best, kill all the little blighters - there are not that many and will die with a few large attacks. You'll find yourself in a big room. Search the room and collect all the coins, keys etc. Watch out - don't step on the square nearest the gate - you'll get another bunch of worms. To the right of the gate somewhere (looking into the room) is a false wall, go in and get the armour. Now have a look in the small rooms containing objects, get what you want. The sword room (that needs two coins) is not an ordinary sword (the time I went in there anyway) - so it's worth getting. Don't bother saving coins here. Go over to the torch-holder on the wall and put a torch in it - a secret passage opens. You must 'run and jump' to get past a pit - just make sure you're not weighed down and run at the pit as fast as you can until you hit the far wall - you'll get over it (the pit that is, not the results of nutting the wall. You will get over nutting the wall, but... oh never mind.) This next chamber is guarded and monsters come up now and then from the pits in the supplies area, so kill off the first lot. The staircase to the right that leads to a door is of no interest yet - it is an escape from a big dragon (I think) that, hopefully, you WON'T need later! Supplies for the Quick is easy. Save the game before you enter and then quickly get any equipment you want. Move with the keyboard and get with the mouse. Never stop moving until you stand on an area that doesn't click, or you'll fall. The area of Supplies with a keyhole or two guards a Vorple Blade - it's easy to get if you want it. Once you're happy with your little collection head out of the supplies area by the other exit and go down the stairs (or you could just fall down a pit if you'll survive it). You'll enter an area which can get you to the Junction of the Ways. If you come down the steps, head to the left where the fountain is - drink your fill if you have a flask or waterskin and stock up on water also. Look around this area - I think there is a key lying about and maybe a chest too. Return to the fountain and you'll see a transporter mist. When you're ready, transport to the Junction. You're now on your own. Choose the Way that you think you'll be strongest in (for example, I'm good with wizards so did DAIN first). Complete the Ways until you get to the DDD steps. Near the DDD steps is a room with a few bits of equipment and a fountain in - there is also an altar that swaps a coin for a small random object - how very nice. 6 - The Diabolical Demon Director The DDD is famous for being tough - and indeed it is because it is the last but one guard against you getting the Corbum. As I said, each area of CSB tests an area of your champion's skills - the DDD does the same but to a much tougher degree. The monsters in the neutral area of the DDD regenerate (and get stronger) every time you enter the area - so keep that in mind. There are about two - three demons and about the same number of rock-things in the neutral area. Kill 'em all when you find them. It is now up to you to choose and find the continuation of the Way you have just completed (it will be written on a wall near the start). If you have the right keys and things, then you are very close to meeting the corbum. For instance (if I remember correctly), the ROS area off of the DDD is a bit like the Zooooom area you may have encountered. You must be quick to get things you may want (because you're being moved around the corridors so fast), then quickly exit to the next area of ROS. Then you have to get to the Corbum tower using pits and stairways (climb the stairs, drop an object down a pit, go down, see where it landed, if it landed where you wanted it to go up again and drop yourself down the pit..). 7 - Corbum! All the Ways lead to the Corbum tower - this is (of course) where the corbum lives. Most (if not all) of this area is unguarded by monsters and only a few pits are stopping you from reaching out and taking the Corbum. The pits are just one last puzzle, and can be solved quite easily, with a little examination and thought. Once you have the Corbum you must get out of the pit area again back to the safe ground. Nearby you find some power-doors (that look like lightening) and when you come close to them with the Corbum they will open. They lead to the final level of the dungeon - the FUL YA pit level. 8 - Last defence. This level is Chaos's last defence - to stop you from getting four pieces of Corbum to the pit. This level is guarded - WELL. Tons of demons (and I mean TONS) and a few ghosts and things are there to stop you. It is best to attempt this level with all the defences you can muster - as well as having a load of stat potions. What you must do is find a black keyhole and you're almost there (you may have to open a secret wall with a keyhole...). There is a weapon that 'helps with the killing of demons' - but I haven't got it to work so don't waste time trying too unless you have mega-troubles. Watch out for semi-invisible pits - you don't wanna fall down them. Best thing to do, if you can, is to avoid most of the demons. Kill the ones you must with the biggest of fireballs and find the black lock fast. Once you've got there put the right key in that hole (I THINK it's the master key - but I'm not certain - I used the lock four Corbum pieces away you know!) and enter the new area. Watch out - Chaos is here sometimes - just avoid him and get to the power-gate. Enter the power-gate and close it - you have found sanctuary at last! Heal your champions and walk around to the other side of the pillar - the FUL YA pit will be across a pit. Throw the Corbum over the pit and it will be no more. Make sure you don't throw anything else over there tho - not unless you want the biggest fireballs you have EVER seen in 'yer face! Exit via the power-gate into the blue mist and you can continue with the game from the Junction.... Well, that's the last of my DM guides for some time. It's been nice doing them and I hope you've enjoyed them and have helped you to some extent. Feel free to write if you want more help with any specific puzzle in CSB or DM - I'll even get you past a particular stage if you want. I may do a more thorough walkthough of the games in the future, but we'll both have to wait and see if I do. Thanks again, JJ, for your help earlier in the guide. Well, see you around. Sob. BMK BMK - o -