George's Hints and Tips Supplied by George Smith Captive ------- To get into the first starbase, after opening the door you will find a wall on rollers. Push the wall by clicking on the forward arrow with the right mouse button. The powerzapper device doesn't have any use except for zapping your own men! The fifth starbase has a hole in the roof of one of the corridors which doesn't have a ladder to help you get through it. Find the hole with the mapping device - it's two moves from a shop and next to a hole which has a ladder. Then use the anti-grav device to get there. It is cheaper to get armour repaired in a shop which sells it than in one that doesn't. If you are one Mission 2, Level 2 and can't find clipboard 15099 it looks like this: ------------------------------- * / * / *--------------/ * / * / * / /------------------------------ / / / * / / /*************** / / / * ------------------------------- The stars show the contrast lines. Legend of Faerghail ------------------- A crystal ball on the first level of the Dwarven Mines will draw a map for you. To find it, follow this map: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * s * c = crystal ball * c * * * * * * * * n * * * * * * s = entry stairs * * * * * * * * * * * * n = notice board * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Chaos Strikes Back ------------------ To find your way around the maze of corridors, you can mark your route - why not try dragon stakes to leave a trail? Or use the Zokathra spell to create an infinite number of glowing rocks to mark places of interest. You can return to the Junction of the Ways from any one of the four corridors which end in the altars. When you first emerged from the Junction, certain articles were waiting for you down corridors. The corridors and the corresponding objects were Dain - Yew Staff, Neta - Horn of Fear, Ros - 3 Poison Darts and Ku - Biter Sword. To re-enter the Junction, simply replace the correct object in the altar and the wall will open behind you. Two champions are hidden behind walls in the prison. Bash your way along the corridors to find them. If you don't find them within a certain time, they are sealed in forever. Destroy the water monsters in the Chaos Cistern by luring them onto a grating where they will drain away. Gold Rush --------- On the Cape Horn route, you need to have bought fruit from Fast's Grocery to avoid scurvy. Also try fishing using the string, metal scraps, paper clips, sticks and pork. With the wagon team, when you reach the river, unhitch them immediately and let the oxen drink their fill. When they have returned and been hitched, lock the wheels. On the Panama route, buy the mosquito net at Rand's hardware before embarking. Give your possessions to the natives, talk to the man with the book and jump on the vine to avoid the ants. Explore the jungle until you get the response "ouch", then look down and get the gold disk before crossing the river. To know what to do at the hotel, try using the letter on the gravestone. Future Wars ----------- To escape from the prison, get the key from under the carpet in the office and the gas capsule from the bottom of the glass case in the lab. Get the newspaper by using the coin twice in the newspaper machine at the station. Use the key to remove the grill from the air duct, then use the capsule with the vent, then use the newspaper. - o -