Heimdall 2 - Part 1 Solution by Andy Stenhouse First a few general tips. Although you can play the whole game with one character, I would not advise it because it is important to build up magic points so that both characters will be able to cast spells. That way you will never lose the game. It is also a good idea when you find a scroll to write the scroll in your grimoire and drop the scroll. That will stop your inventory from getting too cluttered. One last point before the solution. Some of the monsters reappear a few times. It is a good idea to fight them until they stop coming. Well, enough of this, on with the solution. You start the game in the Midgard Hall of Worlds as Heimdall. Get bow and arrows. Remember to put the bow in the throwing weapons slot and the arrows in the miscellaneous slot and the sword in the hand weapons slot. Ursha has a flask that you can fill at the basin. Food and water are important to keep your health up. Go through the gate on the far right to Midgard. Get the rune to the right of the two stone pillars. Shoot the left pillar and cross the bridge that appears. There's a rune scroll here and a guard. Don't fight the guard, there is another way across. On the right side of the island there's a cave. Jump down and enter the cave. This is a tricky bit, you have to time it just right to get past the skulls. Once through, get the flask, then get onto the boat. Get the food, money and the scroll. Enter right hut, get the rune and the axe and open the box at the far end. Get the circlet. Leave the hut. Walk up between the two huts. Get the arrows and the rune. Fight the monsters for points. The hut is a shop so if you need supplies, go in. Go back down and left to Rurik's hut. He will ask for your help. Go back to the boat and then to Eadric's village. Kill the monster and get the scroll. Enter the cave and go down the stairs. Get the gold and the dagger and flask. Enter the pub and get the flask. Everyone in the pub tells you something useful. Go up the stairs and go left to another set of stairs. There are more monsters to fight down here. Don't drink the wine you find here because it's poisonous. Enter Eadric's hut and give him the circlet. He will then give you a letter. Open the boxes for lots of money and get the rune and the scroll. Go back to Rurik and give him the letter. He will give you a pass to the King's Castle. At the castle get the loaf and give the pass to the guard. Get the dagger from the hall and go left to the King. Don't take the wine, it's drugged. Go back to the hall, then up and left. The maid will tell you how to get past the guard. Get the bottle and flask from the shelf. Go to the hall and down. Touch the picture and go through the new door, then into the bedroom. Get the book, then push the bottom right bedpost and get the ring. Get the gold from the room with the painting. Go right to the garden. Get the flask, the scroll and the sword. Go back to the guard and give him the ring. Go down the stairs. Get the flask and kill the monster. Get the letter from the prisoners and take it to the King. Go up the stairs to the room beyond. Fire one arrow or dagger into each hole. Be careful of the fire. A new path will appear. Go through to the next room and get the arrow. Walk in front of the statue and the Ro'geld will appear, get it and leave the castle. Go to the fisherman's hut. Bash some more monsters. Get the rune. Go in. Get the money, the rune, the flask and the dagger. Open the cupboard to free the fisherman, he will tell you about his daughter. Go to Loki's shrine. Touch the basin and you will be lifted up to get a scroll. Enter the teleport when it's blue as Heimdall or when it's red as Ursha. After more monster bashing, go up the stairs. Jump down into the next room. This is a tricky bit. You will have to time it just right to get the arrow. But it's worth doing because you can then press the button to the left of the statue to get a good sword and press it again for a book. In the next room, get the rune and the money. Walk up to the girl to free her and she will give you the Utgard 1 Talisman. So it's back to the Hall of Worlds. The next gate to the left will take you to Utgard. Get the scroll and the money and go up to the next screen. Listen to what the dying man tells you. Go back to the circle of fire and shoot an arrow into it. Return to the dying man and he will tell you more. Shoot another arrow into the fire. Go back to the man and get and wear the armour. You can now enter the castle. Get the flask. Go up to see the King. Get the letter and the rune form the table. Go back to the hall then left. Get the loaf from the table then go up the stairs. In the next room you'll find a ring. Get it and go right. You can jump down from here or go up to the ship. From the hall, go right to find yourself on your ship. Go to Giant Isle. Get the book and the flask. Go down and kill the monster. Fill the flask, then return to the previous room and use the flask on the lava pool. Go back to the cold room and you will now see that a bridge has appeared across the river. Cross it to the next room. Don't worry about the gap, it will form a bridge when you jump. Get the scroll and go up to the next room. The monsters in here don't stop coming until you throw the ring into the machine, so do that as soon as you can. Get the Utgard 2 Talisman then go back to your ship. Go to Giant H.Q., taking care to keep to the path and avoid the lava. Go up the stair and get the gold. In the next room, after some monster bashing, get the rune. You will find some papers on a desk. Try to take them and you will knock the candle over and burn them. Don't worry, it's meant to happen. Get the Herker'yn Talisman, then go back to the Hall of Worlds. Go through the next gate to the left. You will be knocked out. When you wake up, knock the loaf through the bars to the mouse. He will pull the lever to free you (clever mice they have here.) Jump into the water and go left. Get the rune. Go up to see the King. Give him the letter. He will give you another letter and open the stairs to the right. Go down and get the scroll and the Ro'geld of Utgard from the skeleton. Return to Danak and give him the letter. He will give you the Kelaryn Talisman. Return to the Hall of Worlds and go through the far left gate into the Kelar'yn Hall of Worlds... @~To be continued next issue - o -