Castle of Hornadette - part of SynTax disk 283 Author: Stephen Konig Solution by Bev Truter on PC You start in an Open Field, where you see a sheet of instructions. Get sheet, read sheet (this explains your mission.) Listen to bird, NE to Stream Bed, where you can wash the bird droppings off your head, but the piranha eat you. S (Entrance to Castle), exam doors (locked), Open Sesame, enter Castle. In the Foyer read the inscription on the wall (it reads "William the cat d 11 13"), N to Living Room, exam the mantle, get award (this moves the Mona Lisa to reveal a safe), open safe by entering 11 13 when asked, get torch paper and dagger. Read paper (it's an equation), S-S to Study. If you look through the window, you'll see the soldiers riding towards the castle... so hurry! Get matches and book, open book, read page. (This turns your paper into a solved equation, which falls to the floor). Solve equation (answer is 218), Get book, when asked which number answer 218, this moves the bookcase to reveal a secret passage to the NE. SAVE. NE, open box, light match, light torch. You are now in a Dungeon Hall. NE-E, get noose, W-NE-D to Kitchen. Get canister, bottle and Bible (eat crackers when you get hungry. Bottle useless but good for dropping in the maze). E-E, get key, W-N, get bucket, N, get steak. Door slams shut behind you, so unlock door with key. S-S-S to the Library, exam poster (amusing but useless), S, feed Tiger, get gun and ink, N-N-E-S (Printing Press), exam machine, fill ink, switch machine on, get paper, exam paper (it's a Security Authorization). N-E-N to Pool, shoot dog, fill bucket, S, get Armour, wear Armour, S to Laboratory. Read Bible (the evil spirits flee), get gas mask, wear mask. N-E-S to Entrance to Maze. Drop some of the items you've used if you can't carry any more. By now you've probably discovered that your torch blows out, and you have no more matches. So restore that Saved game in the study, and do everything in the dark, only lighting your torch at the Entrance to Maze or even further on. A soldier's body randomly appears and disappears in the Maze - ignore it as nothing can be done to it or found on it. Entrance to Maze - S-W (gas in here, so you'll die without the mask), W to Monster, kill Monster (might take more than one attempt), get bag of Whenk food. S-S-E, throw water to kill Dragon, SW-W to Whenk, give food, W-SW. Get mace, W-N to Hermit, hang hermit - he disappears, leaving behind a Silver Crown, get Crown, W-SW-S-S-W to Sorcerer. Give Crown to Sorcerer, he tosses you a bag containing a potion to get rid of Demons, get potion. N-N to Demons, use potion to make Demons disappear. NE-E-W-S to Security Door with slot, insert paper and you find yourself at Exit to Maze. W-W-W, kill Cyclops with mace (you won't be able to kill it unless you've disposed of everything else in the Maze section), W to Grande Room, up to the Formula Room, get Formula, and that's the end of your Quest!! End - o -