Beneath a Steel Sky (Developed by Revolution, Published by Virgin Interactive Entertainment) - Part 1 A solution by Roy Sims, played on the IBM PC (1) Escape Once the security guard has finished talking to the man in overalls (Hobbins), take the rung (metal bar) and use it on the fire exit to the right. You will find yourself at a dead end, opposite a security building. A set animation will take place where you fool the guard into thinking that you've dropped all the way down to the ground level and are therefore dead. Once the guard has gone, go back through the open fire exit and back inside the building. Go down the stairs and turn right into a new location. A transporter robot stands dormant in here. Examine the robot and try to get it started. It won't work. Leave the junk in here alone for now and go through the archway to the right to enter the workshop. Now talk to the man (Hobbins) and learn as much as you can. You should discover why the robot isn't working. Return to the room and now examine the junk. Use the Joey board in your inventory on one of the pieces of junk to reactivate your robot pal. Joey won't be too pleased with his new form. In between comments about his shell, keep asking him to repair the robot until he finally agrees. Now that the robot is working again, it's time to go. Before you do, you'll need to take a few items from Hobbins' workshop, so you must distract him. Asking Joey doesn't get much of a result, so try standing on the lift instead. This will set off the alarm and Hobbins will come out. As soon as you can, go back through the archway into his workshop and open the cupboard. Take the spanner (and the sandwich if you must) before Hobbins comes back then leave the room. Now wait until the lift goes down next then jump down the hole (use the right mouse button on the hole). You will find yourself in the furnace room. Joey will soon fly down to join you. Have a look at the door and slot in here and try and open it, then ask Joey to try the same. He will succeed but Officer Reich will march in and point his gun at you. The camera above will shoot Reich in half, allowing you to escape. Before you do, examine the body and take the ID Card and the Glasses. (2) The Factory level You are now in a new area (which is referred to as the Factory level from now on). Move right and then enter the building nearby in the next location (just past the lift). Inside you will see a robot welder and a woman named Anita. Talk to Anita and discover as much as you can before her supervisor (Lamb) turns up and transfers her to the testing area. When Lamb demands to know who you are, say you're security and are looking for a fugitive. Lamb will then leave. Move into the next location to the right. You will see Foreman Potts. A window looks into the storeroom, which is guarded by sensors that prevent anyone other than robots from entering the storeroom. You need an item from inside, so you must find out how to turn off the sensors. You'll need to give Joey a new shell first, but you can't do this until the power is off. Take the spanner and use it on the cogs. This will cause the power generator to break down. After briefly talking to Potts, retrieve the spanner and go back to the previous location. Use the spanner on the inactive robot welder then ask Joey if he wants a new shell. You give him the welder shell. Now, go back to outside the storeroom and ask Joey to have a look inside. When he comes out, ask him what he saw and he will tell you about the fuse box. Ask him to go in and turn off the fuse box (which is connected to the sensors). He will go back in and use his welder on the box. Now you can go inside. Lift up the grate on the floor and take the putty that was underneath. Ignore the two items on the shelf. There's no way to get them out and you don't need them anyway. Show the putty to Joey to discover that it's really plastic explosive. When you leave the storeroom, Potts will search you. He will take the sandwich and the glasses. Don't worry - you won't miss them. More importantly, he doesn't see or take the putty. Now, leave this building and go back outside to the lift. Try using the ID Card on the slot by the lift. Nothing will happen because the power is off. Talk to Lamb and ask him about his factory and what it produces (pipes). You need to get the power back on so that the lifts start working again. Keep walking left and the very last location you enter has the entrance to the power plant. Go inside. An old man sitting on a chair is fast asleep. There's no need to talk to him at all if you don't want to, although you might learn a little if you do. You need to open the control panel to the left, but you can't until you've got rid of the old man. To do this, use the spanner on both buttons to the right by the door, then stand by the one furthest away from the door and ask Joey to help you by pressing one of the buttons. Joey will move to the one nearest the door, and as he presses the button you must also press the button you are standing by. Steam will billow from an overhead pipe. This will cause the old man to wake up and go in search of Hobbins to repair the problem. Now, go over to the console to the left. In the top right hand corner is a switch which you must turn off. Now remove the light bulb and put the putty there instead. Now turn the switch back on and this will blow the panel open. Pull both large switches then leave and return to the lift. Before you use the lift, look at the red cable to the right. Ask Joey to cut it for you. When he does, the cable will drop out of sight. Now, use the ID card in the lift slot and step into the lift. Joey will follow. You are now going down to Belle Vue. (3) Belle Vue Take the red cable which is lying on the floor near to the lift. Now proceed left and then walk through the exit in the next location which will take you to outside some apartments. A man is sitting on a bench here. (Joey won't follow you in here - he will stay outside). Talk to the man if you like. His name is Gallagher. He seems to be a bit weird to say the least! Anyway, use Reich's ID Card in the left hand apartment door slot and go inside. Search the room. You won't find much, except for a motorbike magazine hidden under the pillow on the bed. Take this and leave. You can't enter the other apartment (yet) as it belongs to Lamb. If you look through the window, he might be inside relaxing in his favourite chair. If you do meet up with Lamb, talk to him and he will start dropping hints about needing a holiday. Go back to Joey, then head right until you come across Travelco and Anchor insurance. Go inside Travelco and try and get a ticket out of the man inside. You will have to end up swapping the motorbike magazine for an economy holiday tour ticket. Now, go and find Lamb (he might be up on the factory level, wandering through Belle Vue or inside his apartment). Give him the ticket and he will be so grateful that he will offer to give you a tour of his factory! (Wow!). You must talk to him about the tour when you are both in the factory. When you do, the tour will begin. However, it won't last long and you will soon be left to your own devices next to Foreman Potts. However, you can now go right past Potts. You will end up outside a nuclear reactor. Anita and a man wearing a radioactive suit will also be here. Talk to Anita and get information out of here regarding Linc, D-Linc status etc. You should end up with her downloading an electronic jammer onto Reich's ID card. Don't worry about going inside the reactor yet. Instead, you're going to follow Anita's advice and get a Schriebman port surgically implanted (a hole in the head!) which will allow you to directly interface with the Linc computer. Go back down to the Belle Vue level, and pay a visit to Burke's Bio-surgery. Try talking to the hologram. When you fail, ask Joey to use his charm on it. He will persuade the hologram to open the door. Go inside to meet Doctor Burke. Talk to him about getting a port fitted. There are a number of options available to you. Go through them all until only one (very painful) option is left. You will then be able to get a port fitted. Once this has been done, thank him and ask him if he can help to get you to Ground level. He will mention talking to his friend in Anchor Insurance about a special policy. (You might get the same info from Lamb. He will also mention a special policy from Anchor Insurance if you thank him for the tour). Once you have the port, go to Anchor Insurance with Joey. Speak to him about various rogue robot policies, then ask him about a special policy. He will ask you who sent you, so say it was the Doctor (don't say it was Lamb!). He will then go and make a phone call. At this point, ask Joey to use his welder on the statue to free the anchor. Joey will succeed in cutting off the anchor before William Anchor comes back. Take the anchor. When William returns, ask him if he was able to speak to his contact and he will say that he wasn't. Get Joey to interface with his computer for details on Overmann. He won't find anything. Leave Anchor insurance. You now have all that you need to interface with Linc. All you need to do now is get inside the security building! Back on the factory level, use your ID card on a Linc terminal and D-Linc Lamb and freeze his assets via the security options. You should see Lamb try the lift and fail. Ask him what the problem is and you will eventually end up volunteering to feed his cat cous-cous. Pop back down and enter Lamb's apartment. Use the food machine to feed the cat, then take the video tape and leave (Pussies galore). Go back to the fire exit in the recycling plant you started the game in on the factory level. Joey will stay outside again. Now, stand on the short platform and combine the cable and the anchor together to make a grappling hook. Now use it on the sign on the security building across from you. You will swing over and crash in through a building window. Once inside, ignore the lockers and head right through the door. Use your ID card on the slot next to the interface chair, then sit down and use the interface. You will now enter Linc Space... @~To be continued next issue - o -