WEST ONE - on PD 518 (3D Construction Kit game for ST) Reviewed by Frederick Darlington West One is set some time in the future. You are Agent 005.5 and you have been given a mission by the government. The mission is to enter the complex known as West One and kill General Dralon. General Dralon is threatening to destroy the world and must be stopped. West One is a heavily guarded complex manned by fanatical staff and containing a number of automatic laser cannons which are programmed to destroy any intruders. A number of agents have already tried to find the General and failed. But they have left you a number of helpful messages scattered around the complex. The game is produced using the 3D Construction Kit. So when you boot up you are greeted with a slightly square jerky world. The game is well presented with a screen consisting of a control panel and a viewing area. Control is by the mouse with a selection of icons for movement and various other actions. Sound is a little sparse with little apart from the sound of lasers firing. I found the control panel a little tricky to use, as I kept on firing my laser when trying to select one of the icons. The game also suffered a little from lack of documentation and you are left to work things for yourself. For instance I spent some time trying to open the lift doors with the pass only to find the doors were already open. I had opened the door some time ago but I did not realise it. This was because nothing had changed and it was hard to tell the doors were open. But on the whole I liked the game, there was enough to keep you interested. And there was the temptation to explore just one more room. I have not completed the game so I cannot say how it ends. But there is enough interest in the game to keep you going until you have found the General and completed the game. - o -