MAROON (A PC Text Adventure Game on Syntax PD 520) Reviewed by Tom Lorimer The adventure begins in the Hospital room of the Spacecraft USS Ranger. You have just awakened from suspended animation to find yourself alone on the Spacecraft. You must move around the ship searching for clues as to what happened and how you may get out of this situation. On searching the ship, you find out that you are on a collision course with a Meteor and have only a limited amount of time to escape from the situation. To make matters worse, there is no facility to save and restore the game, so every time you think that you are winning ... Bang! The bloody Meteor hits you and you have to start right back at the beginning of the game. I don't normally map a game but when you cannot save your position and you are running against the clock, then mapping is definitely recommended. Especially if you are like me and get very frustrated when coming close to the end of a game and then suddenly being returned to the MS DOS Prompt because the time had run out. The game itself is quite straightforward, it has only a handful of objects to worry about and apart from one Alien and a rusted Robot, there is nothing else to worry about. Once that you have completed the game, I think that you could do it again in less than 10 minutes. I wouldn't be surprised if you got more excitement out of trying to finish the game in as few moves as possible, rather than playing it in the first place. So, to sum it up, it's a good game for a novice player of text games or if you are an expert then it will pass the time for you while waiting on the kettle to boil. - o -