Beneath a Steel Sky (Developed by Revolution, Published by Virgin Interactive Entertainment) - Part 2 A solution by Roy Sims, played on the IBM PC @~Continued from Issue 32 (4) Linc space This place is weird to say the least! The large eyeballs are security devices and you will have to learn how to disable them later. Take the ball (compressed data) and walk through the right exit (E). The next location has three available exits, (N,E and W) but the N exit is guarded by an eyeball. Open the carpet bag here and take the magnifying glass (decrypt) and the birthday surprise (decompress). Look at your inventory. It is a collection of programs and Linc utilities. Use the decrypt icon to decrypt the two documents. (You read them via a Linc terminal later). Use the decompress program on the compressed data to separate the two passwords (1 red, 1 green). Now go through the right exit into the password room. You will see the password symbols on the floor. You must use the passwords on the floor tiles to create and remove bridges to reach the NE corner exit. It's easy enough to work out. Go through the exit and pick up the bust (phoenix program) and the book (a third document which also needs decrypting). This is all you can do for now, so use the disconnect option to leave. Move from the interface and use your ID card on the nearby terminal. Read the three documents that you have decrypted. These reveal some interesting information about your parents, Lamb's unauthorised promotion to supervisor, and brief details about your Phoenix status. Now use the security option to temporarily increase your Linc status to the maximum allowed. You should now use your ID card on the door to leave the security building. You will re-join Joey outside. Now you can go down to the ground level, as your Linc status is now high enough for access to the other lift found on the Belle Vue level. (5) Ground level Go into the lift on Belle Vue and go down. Joey won't follow you in, and you will discover why when you leave the lift at ground level. Joey crashes into the ground, having forgotten that he no longer has his flying capabilities since he upgraded to the welder shell. You will take Joey's circuit board out of the remains automatically. You can talk to the security man who is guarding the cathedral entrance, but you can't get past him yet. Go right and talk to the boy Vinny who is playing a hand held video game. Go through all the options available, talking to him about his games, etc. Once done, talk to the Gardener. You should conclude that he doesn't know that much about gardening! Talk to the lady in the pink jogging suit (Mrs Piermont) and ask her about Overmann. If you've read all three decrypted doc files via a linc terminal you will reveal to her that Overmann is your father. Once you've finished talking to Mrs Piermont, go left until you come to the entrance to the St. James Club. Try entering then speak to the doorman. He will end up suggesting you ask Mrs Piermont to sponsor you as a member. Go back to her and ask her. She will agree and head inside her apartment. Press the button by the lift door and you should be able to get inside too (if you say who you are when she asks over the intercom). Inside her apartment talk to her for a while to learn a bit more about her husband, your father and what they have to do with Linc. When she goes to make the phone call to get you sponsored, insert the video tape from Lamb's apartment into the VCR. The dog will leave his dinner and walk over to the screen and start barking at the cats on the video. Examine the dog's bowl and take his dog biscuits then leave. Go to the rope, pulley and bricks by the elevator outside that you came down from Belle Vue in. Place the dog biscuits at the end of the plank and wait until Mrs Piermont takes her dog for another walk. When he spots the biscuits the dog will start to bark. Pull the rope to raise the bricks and lower the plank. The dog will then climb onto the plank to eat the biscuits. You will then let go of the rope and the bricks will catapult the dog into the pond nearby! Mrs Piermont will ask the guard to help her fetch the dog out, so use this opportunity to enter the cathedral. Inside you will see a group of what look like well dressed dummies wearing shades. Go through the N facing exit to end up in a small room downstairs with a couch and some lockers. Open each locker in turn to find bodies or heads, including a dead Anita! Go back upstairs. The other exit leads to a large shaft which suggests that something is going on deep underground nearby. Leave the cathedral and go back up to the Factory level. Talk to Lamb and ask him about Anita's death. He doesn't seem to know anything. Go back to the reactor entrance where you last saw her. Open the middle locker and wear the radiation suit. Go right into the reactor entrance. Use the nearby console to open the reactor door. Now step inside. It's very bright in here. Anita's Linc card is on the floor so take it and leave. Change back into your normal clothes. Now head for the security building. Use your ID card on the security door inside and access the interface once again but use Anita's card in the slot this time instead of your own. If you look at your inventory in Linc space, you will find you have a program called Blind. Go right and use this on the eyeball that guards the N exit. Be quick though and walk immediately through this exit as the blinding effect only lasts a second or two. The next location has a crusader (knight) guarding the right exit. Ignore it for now and go through the N exit. This new location has a well in the middle. In your inventory you also have a playback device. Use this on the well to view an important hologram message from Anita. She will ask you to contact a Hobart agent on the ground level. His name is Eduardo. You realise this is the gardener! Disconnect and return to the Ground Level and speak to Eduardo. He will reveal that he is indeed an agent and that Anita was going to fetch a virus that had been stored in Linc space and then somehow use it to destroy Linc once and for all. You decide to undertake the mission yourself. Return to outside the St. James' Club. You will notice that the door to the left (the court) is now open! Go inside and you will take part in a bizarre (and seemingly pointless) court room scene involving Hobbins, the security guard, Mrs Piermont and a bucket of water! In the end Hobbins will get two hours community service and you can leave. The court door will close behind you when you are back outside. Now it's time to enter the club. Go inside and look at the table where the manager and Gallagher are playing cards. You will see a glass. You must take this as it contains important finger prints that you need to open the door at the back of the club. However, you must first distract the manager to be able to take the glass. Depending on when you enter, there will either be a live band playing on the stage or not. If they are, return later as they mustn't be there if this next part is to work. Anyway, with the band gone go and use the Jukebox and get it to play the first song it lists. The manager hates this tune and will go down to stop it. When he does, dash up the steps and take the glass. You can talk to the man at the bar and the woman if you like. The woman might divulge some interesting info about the old subway system and the man behind the bar will mention the wine cellar behind the door. Anyway, leave once you have the glass. Before you go back up to Belle Vue, there is a locked door the other side of the pond that needs opening. Use your ID card to defeat the old fashioned lock and go inside. You will find yourself in an old sealed tube/subway entrance. Pick up the secateurs here then leave and go back up to Belle Vue. You have another appointment with the good Doctor! (6) The subway Visit Doctor Burke's surgery and give him the glass so that he can surgically alter your fingerprints to match those on the glass. Once this has been done, go back into St. James' Club and press the metal plate by the door at the back. The door will now open and you will walk inside. You are now in the wine cellar. You must find a way to open the grille on the wall to enter the old subway. However, first you must strengthen the wooden box so that you can stand on it. Use the metal bar on the larger crate, then place the wooden plank on top of the weaker box. Now stand on the box. Use the metal bar on the grille to create a hole. Now use the secateurs to cut open the grille. Climb through the grille. You are now in the old abandoned subway tunnels beneath the city. Go right and right again. When you reach the junction, go up the NE pointing diagonal passage. Walk along. You will see a hole in the wall ahead. Place the light bulb in the socket on the wall before you reach the hole. If you don't a monster will attack you as you walk past (the monster is afraid of light and so will stay in hiding when the bulb is in place). Go right again and you will come to a platform and a door to the right. Go to the right, but be ready for a quick manoeuvre. As soon as you enter the next location, the ceiling will start to crumble. You only get a second or two of control over the mouse cursor, so move it immediately down to the pipes in the bottom and you should highlight the exit. Select it immediately and you will run down this tunnel, just ahead of the crumbling ceiling. (7) Linc HQ You are now next to a metal door. A horrible pulsing vein is growing on the wall nearby. To get the right hand door to open you must attack and damage the vein. Look at the vein until you locate some swelling. Now, hit the plaster on the wall with the metal bar until the plaster falls off. Now hit the brick until a brick falls out. Take the brick. Now stick the metal bar into the vein and hit it with the brick until the vein starts to leak/bleed. Take the metal bar out. The door will open and a medical droid will glide out. Take this chance and walk through the door. You are now inside Linc HQ. Look through the grille on the wall nearby to witness a man who looks like those dummies you saw in the cathedral. He is tending some cylinders that have developing creatures inside them. A tank of funny liquid is close by. Stop looking through the grille and take the exit that leads down. You are inside a room with a circular vat with a aperture that opens and closes. Access the nearby terminal and reduce the temperature. This will close the aperture. Step onto it and pull the metal lever in the ceiling. This will loosen the grate above your head. Now go back up the stairs. Walk right into the next location. You can look through the grille here but there's no point. Go inside. You should find the medical droid hooked up to its own recharger. If you examine the droid you will find an interface slot. Plug in Joey's board and he will be back on line once again. Ask him to check out the tank room that you saw from the grille earlier. When he returns, ask him to tell you what he saw. Go through each item in turn. Ask him to turn on the tap on the tank of liquid to distract the android that guards the room. When Joey returns from this task, walk left through the other door to enter the tank room. The android will talk briefly then notice the spillage from the tank. It will walk over the loosened grille and fall through it to its doom in the vat below. Look around the room if you like, then take the top right exit. You will end up at the right end of the tank room. A door here can't be opened. Ignore it. A large oval doorway to the right is currently closed, but another door to the right is open. Go through it into a control room, which has its own Linc interface chair and slot. Firstly, use the terminal and instruct it to open the door to the secured area. When this has been done, walk back outside. Gallagher will turn up and a fight will ensue between him and Joey. Joey will kill him, but he will also be damaged beyond repair. Take the board out of him again. Now step through the open oval door. (8) Tanks for the memory You walk into a room with a large tank of frozen nitrogen, and a tank with living tissue cultures growing inside. Next to the tissue tank is a computer console. Use the Linc card with the virus on it (probably Anita's) on the console. This will make it crash and misbehave. Now, take the tongs from the wall next to the right hand door and take some tissue from the tank. Now place it in the freezing cold nitrogen tank to freeze it. Go right through into the next room. Here are three androids in various states. The middle android is the one we want to concentrate on, as it hasn't had its personality programmed in yet. Open the panel door and place Joey's board inside. It will slot in nicely. Now access the computer and download the personality (option 2) in to the android's memory. Now use option 3 to resurrect Joey. He is now a humanoid android. Have a chat with him if you like (you can even rename him Ken if you want to, but I'm not sure it makes any difference whether you do or not). The next location to the right has another door that has two panels on either side. Ask Joey to press one at the same time as you press the other. The door will now open, but Joey's hand will have melted to the panel and he has become stuck. Don't worry about this minor problem. Go right through the door into a weird looking tunnel. Follow the pipes to the right. At the next location go down the rungs. You are now facing a horrible looking orifice. The pipes and spout are feeding this disgusting thing. You want to contaminate it, so drop the tissue (which has been affected by the computer virus) and you will succeed in poisoning it. Now, an exit is off to the left but you can't reach it. Climb back up the rings and then tie the red cable to the pipe support. It will now dangle down. Go back down the rungs and then use the cable to swing over to the right and enter the final location! (9) A family re-union You walk into a room dominated by a chair in the middle. On this chair, wired up to Linc, is your father, Richard Overmann! He will explain how Linc has made him do things, and how he tried to stop it from bringing you to the city. Your father is weak, and Linc needs you to take his place! Your father will wrestle free from the chair and collapse, just as Joey makes an entrance (minus an arm). You have to be quick here, as only a few seconds time is allowed before some tentacles will grab you and crown you the new Linc! Speak to Joey and ask him to sit on the chair. Joey will be connected up just in time... The end sequence will then begin. If you want to know what happens at the very end you will have to get there and see it for yourself! THE END - o -