Darkness Calls - on PD 513 (3D Construction Kit Game for Amiga only) Reviewed by Steve Clay Darkness Calls is a game produced with the 3D Construction Kit and is the first I have played on the Amiga. I remember in the days of the Spectrum, when the Freescape system was introduced, all the fuss, nay hype, from the glossy magazines. Even then, although some of the games were well made, I always found the shaded graphics a slight detraction. The Amiga should have allowed the quality of games to improve but, apart from colour, there is little improvement and certainly the game seems no faster than those on an 8-bit machine. The story behind Darkness Calls tells of a Research Station on the largest moon of Saturn, Titan, where the nuclear reactor has gone wonky and you, being the pilot of the nearest patrol ship, are given the task of finding the spare uranium rod and inserting it into the chamber. Oh and while you're at it you might like to take time out to find out what has happened to several workmen who have gone AWOL in recent months! So not only do you have to play silly sods with uranium rods but you also have to be Inspector Morse. The disk will automatically load in a workbench front end, from where you can click on one of three icons. You can either load the game, view the instructions or the third is a read me file from some clever person who has improved the game and whose name I have unforgivably forgotten. I loaded the instructions first - always a good first move with PD games I find. What you get is the storyline I told above followed by a copy of the game screen and clear instructions regarding all the various icons, arrows and things you'll see while playing. The next page of information covers the art of using terminals and picking up objects. Among the instructions is a 'Title Screen' showing what can only be described as a space marine and very impressive it is too. The one drawback to the instructions is that although you are told to advance the pages with the left mouse button there seems to be a built in timer that loads the next page in anyway and unless you can read swiftly you find yourself reloading the instructions a couple of times. The game begins on your patrol ship which has landed on Titan. You are accompanied on the quest by an atmospheric soundtrack that sounds like someone breathing through a visor backed by good old fashioned spooky space music. My early forays revolved around crashing into walls and trying in vain to escape the confines of my ship. There is an arms cabinet in an ante room on the ship and it is well worth a visit before leaving. Leaving the ship is easy once you realise that the small flashing hole is the way out. Once outside I found, quite by chance, a cheat mode that gives you full oxygen and full weapon power. This cheat mode really proves useful during early attempts as it allows you to explore without constantly trying to find oxygen refills and battery packs for your suit. The cheat mode is supplied at the foot of the review in traditional sdrawkcab writing. Having made my way into the research station I wandered along a long passage heading north that seemed to last forever. I passed a four-way junction but my adventure habits always make me try north first and I continued along the passage. I was about to nod off when WHIP! WHIP! - a security laser was taking potshots at me. I quickly responded and blew it out of the ceiling. However my joy was short-lived as three steps further on I was under attack again. I decided to head back to the junction and see what else was available. I made my way into a hangar and discovered a security pass and down in a lift took me onto the hangar floor where you can, by not being careful, destroy the craft that is stored here. There is also the puzzle of how to get a blowtorch that is high up out of reach. The game continues and tends to drag you in for just one more go as any good game should but I think the system may be the thing that will stop most people as the slowness does become a bind after a while and you start noticing it more than the game. There are a couple of 'bugs' mainly involving printing blocks over objects in the wrong places and one entertaining little glitch that allowed me to walk backwards through the side of my ship onto the surface of Titan. If you have encountered 3DCK games before then you'll know all about the system and so given that you can live with that the actual game plays very well. Others may like to enter with care! CHEAT MODE: NOOM EHT TOOHS - o -