Gabriel Knight: Sins Of The Fathers - Sierra RRP œ44.99 (Graphic adventure for PC floppy and CD-ROM) Review By Phil Darke Gabriel Knight is an excellent game but I did have a couple of problems with it and I feel I would be failing in my duty as a reviewer if I did not point them out. The first problem is really only a minor one and Sierra's technical help line were able to give me the answer straight away but it can be frustrating if you don't know about it. At one of the locations in the game (Jackson Square) I found that I could only move vertically and was unable to move horizontally to the next screen. The reason for this was that I had installed a different mouse driver. When I reverted to my original driver (Microsoft Version 8.20) the problem was solved. The second problem is more serious and I believe Sierra are giving misleading information. My computer is a 386DX 16 Mhz machine and when I bought the game I read the instructions on the box and it stated quite clearly "MINIMUM HARDWARE REQUIREMENT 386". I installed the game on my machine and it ran albeit rather slowly. However when I reached about two thirds of the way through the game I came to a part of the game where Gabriel has to avoid some guards. However because the game runs so slowly on my computer I was unable to get past this point in the game. Fortunately a friend who owns a 486 loaded the game on his machine and I was easily able to get past this point and save the game on his machine. Later on in the game, Gabriel is required to carry out a certain action in a limited time and the same problem arose. My friend helped me out again. The point of this is that if certain hardware requirements are specified then it is surely not sufficient that the game should run but that it is possible to carry out all actions required to complete the game. So if like me you own an older machine then beware. Gabriel Knight is an adventure from Sierra and is very atmospheric. Gabriel, the hero is an author and book shop owner in New Orleans and is researching a book on Voodoo. His assistant Grace helps him with research and generally looks after him. Gabriel visits various locations in New Orleans gathering information. He can talk to other characters or question them. When the question icon is chosen a menu with a list of topics is presented on the screen and when he receives an important answer a bell sounds and another topic will be added to the menu. Another useful feature is the tape recorder which records all conversations so that you can review them later. Some of the puzzles in the game are quite difficult and I thought that several of them were not completely logical. Although I did find that in most cases the information had been given earlier in the game, but it wasn't always easy to sort out what was relevant and what was just background. The music and sound effects are very good and really do add to the atmosphere of the game. I played the floppy disk version of this game but there is also a CD ROM version, which I have seen a demo of and the digitised speech and music make the game even better. All in all I thoroughly enjoyed playing the game and I strongly recommend it except that I like my heroes to survive, but that's just me. - o -