News Star Trail is the follow up to Blade of Destiny and the second in Sir-Tech's Realms of Arkania series. It has scrolling 3D movement, intelligent keyword dialogue, a detailed automap with zoom, move and edit capabilities, isometric 3D combat (including auto combat) and a diary to record in-game events. Doug Barnett, the designer of Return to Zork is working on an interactive CD game based on Clive Barker's Hellraiser book / film. It won't be available until Christmas 1995. Following the success of the two Gateway adventures, Companions of Xanth and, more recently, Death Gate, Legend have forged a link with Del Ray Books (who are part of Ballantine Books and Random House) to bring out yet more adventure games based on fantasy and SF books. Del Ray's authors include Terry Brooks, David Eddings, Anne McCaffrey, Alan Dean Foster, Katherine Kurtz, Jack Chalker and many more. Shadows of Cairn is a CD-ROM adventure featuring a thief called Quinn who is too honest for his own good - he's too honest to steal from anyone and his master has now set him up to take the blame for the planned murder of the Duke of Cairn. Quinn must stop the murder taking place. Shadows of Cairn looks like a sideways scrolling arcade adventure along the lines of Heroes of the Lance. The bonus is that the game has an excellent rock score as background music. The latest SSI RPG on the way is Menzoberranzan. As well as the usual features you'd expect from a game like this, you will have some extra abilities such as being able to levitate and fly during combat. The 256 high-res VGA graphics look colourful and very similar to those of Ravenloft. It will be available on floppy or CD-ROM and is based on R. A. Salvatore's Drow novels (The Legacy, Starless Night and Siege of Darkness). Heroes of Might and Magic is the next game from New World Computing but unlike the previous M&M games it won't be an RPG, more a strategy game. John van Caneghem has taken themes from his earlier program King's Bounty, but set them in the M&M world, even using maps from the series, and adding a dash of Civilization. It uses SVGA graphics and comes with many scenarios, some preset, others random. Add-on scenarios and possibly an editor will probably follow later. New World Computing are also working on another RPG - yes, Might and Magic VI is on its way! - o -