A Night at the Top - author Trygve Jenson (Text adventure for Amiga on PD 509) Reviewed by David Froude This is a text only adventure set in the current time period about gun toting terrorists who are out to kill the hero, namely you, the player of the game. This adventure is a refreshing throwback to the old Spectrum and C64 style adventures. The adventure is written and compiled by Trygve Jenson from Oslo in Norway. The goal of the adventure is to avoid the trap the terrorists have laid out for you by escaping from them. The adventure commences in your office where you are working overtime. You start empty handed apart from a peculiar shaped key. The terrorists' activities are invoked by your actions. When spotted you are killed and have to restart the game so it is wise to save the game as you go along. The first problem will have you hanging from your fingertips to escape the terrorists! The adventure will accept the usual text inputs like get, drop, push etc but I did notice that "Examine" must be the full word and not the abbreviated "Exam". I for Inventory doesn't work but the full word or shortened "invent" does. "Get all" is included and there is some comment if you attempt to pick up an object like a desk! Save and load are also available as one would expect, and boy! do you need them. On the whole the text provided is quite descriptive, a few words are incorrectly spelt but this does not detract from the game and the meaning is clearly understood. The game works okay on an Amiga 2000 with Workbench 1.3 and on an Amiga 4000/030 with Workbench 3.0. However, with the 4000, the first text on the screen, which is more than a screen long, rolls up through the screen and the first few lines are lost. Using the utility disk "Kick 1.3" on the 4000 the full text can be read okay so the lost lines may be something to do with the 4000's operating system. There may be a similar problem on the A6000 and A1200. Instructions are provided for hard disk installation. I didn't actually try this as my hard disk is getting somewhat cluttered. There is a lengthy text file also on the disk which rambles on about many things, written when the author was having a rest from de-bugging the adventure, giving his point of view. You are invited to respond. - o -