Starwreck - Chris Jones/Castlesoft RRP œ5.00 Reviewed by James Judge This one's already been reviewed by Sue some time ago but after giving me her copy to review for RH I got past the so-called fatal bug Sue supposedly came across so here I am, doing a second opinion. Starwreck, The Voyage Of The U.S.S.Less is a STACed adventure from the keyboard of Chris Jones. You start off in the ship with all the usual characters (Birk, Snotty, Spook, Dr Moans, Ahora, Zulu and Jerkov) who were all introduced to us by the rather strange manual bundled in with the packaging. The manual consists mainly of a story about the crew members and is also used as the copy protection. Rather a novelty, copy protection on a STAC game, but it does turn out to be a pain and can easily be cracked, you just need a blank bit of paper. The protection check is carried out every time you start the adventure either through dying or loading from fresh and does become highly boring. It takes the form of type in word x in paragraph y on page z. There are only about seven variations which the computer throws up at you so it is easier to note down a new one when it appears and you'll have a small table for quick reference. Why the U.S.S.Less is on this planet is because Snotty needs some more delerium crystals for his 'por wee ingin'. The ship's piggy bank is rather empty so Birk has decided to 'borrow' some form the nearby Klinker spacestation. These Klinkers aren't the most friendly of aliens so instead of risking himself or a valuable member of the crew Birk decides to send you. Ho hum. After typing in your name (don't just press return or else you will be called ',' which is confusing when reading text) and going through the copy protection (snore) the data is loaded and the game begins on the bridge. There are about eight locations to explore here and they all have graphics and some are animated - a nice touch but it does slow the game down sometimes. This is the first of, from what I can gather, three parts. The first is the ship, the second is the spaceport and the third is the station. You can't get back into the ship so you've got to make sure you've got everything you need for the later parts of the game. This is harder than it sounds because one puzzle is extremely difficult due to an item not being listed in the room description or object list. You must have this item (a bottle to start with but to drop it you must type in whiskey) so you can get a couple of items to knock out a Klinker guard later on. Once you've escaped from the ship (watch out for the Venuvian Slime Bogey!) you'll be in the spaceport. Your oxygen won't last long so you'll have to be a bit nibble on the old feet. This is where Sue came across problems. You have to give a frog a grub so it gives you a hologram of a Klinker so you can enter the station. According to Sue no much what she fiddled and manipulated she could not find it. If she'd taken a small south detour beside the ship and examined the boulder she'd have found it. Fatal bug un-fatalised! @~What can I say?? ... Sue Upon entry of the station you start to feel the pangs of hunger and, once again, you've only got a certain amount of moves before you die of starvation. This is the bit I'm now having trouble on. I got past the Klinker guard who is guarding the kitchens (thanks Sue and Jim) but then I was told by everyone (even the 'official' solution which is wrong in more places than I can count) that in the kitchen there were some beans which I could eat and banish my hunger. I feel suddenly like Sue. No matter where I look, what I do or manipulate I can't find the œ$*^&*$ beans or any other form of sustenance so here I believe IS a fatal bug. Castlesoft haven't replied to my letters of pleading and threats (only joking about the pleading) so I'm consigning the whole package to the 'DO NOT TOUCH UNLESS MIND NUMBINGLY BORED' pile. My overall opinion of the game is one of utter disappointment. From what I've seen the game could have turned out to be quite good if only a few things had been added and taken away. According to Sue's review the game took two years to write which is quite surprising, unless the time was spent down the local pub. Apart from the good graphics and a nice touch here and there (the prompt for a second word of your input if the game doesn't understand it e.g. > get photon, if photon is understood the game asks 'get what' and gives you the chance to type in the right word. The rest of the game is an utter shambles. It tries to look like a professional presentation with a box, manual, graphics, animation and a bit of sound. These all look good on the surface but the game (usually the most important bit of an adventure) is what shows how second rate it is. The spelling is decidedly dodgy (even in the manual). There are capital letters, spaces and punctuation missing. There is no ramsave or 'oops' facilities which are extremely easy to program into STAC (just copy it from the manual). Objects dropped in rooms aren't listed when you type in LOOK at a later date so it's a case of making notes as to where you drop everything. Some objects aren't listed in the room description when first encountered and items of clothing don't appear in the inventory when worn. In some rooms you mustn't drop items at all because they just disappear (don't blame 'em actually). Further... erm... cockups are the ability to 'get bottle' but you must 'drop whiskey', having to push a bench to some lockers but not having to stand on it to reach the unreachable item and a score but no 'score' command. What makes me really chuckle (and angry in a way) is that in the credits it names two 'de-buggers' who I gather are basically playtesters. HA! HA! HA! Playtest, they don't know the meaning of it. It is not as if the bugs are hard to spot or only appear now and again, they're all over the place. Also whoever did the 'official' solution must have been pretty stoned while doing it with commands not even accepted by the damn game. I've played better, more enjoyable, less bugged games through PD or Shareware and asking œ5 for it, what do the people at Castlesoft think we are? Pillocks? I wonder how many they sold at œ20? Even if I wasn't stuck I would still consign the game to the 'BORED' pile because to be completely honest with you it is rubbish. Buy it at your peril, play it at your death. If anyone has got further than the kitchen and starvation could you contact me as Sue wants me to try and do a proper solution. Contact me via Syntax or at 33 Chidley Cross Road, East Peckham, Nr. Tonbridge, Kent, TN12 5BX. @~Castlesoft were at Levenmouth Business Centre, Riverside Road, @~Leven, Fife, KY8 45LT but I am not sure if they are still @~there ... Sue - o -